Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/jofer
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11 Public Reviews Given
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Public Reviews
Review of Finding the Light  
Review by joseblue
Rated: E | (3.0)
We are the candle in the wind, the light, the light house, beacon of hope to find within any storm. We can make the difference, we CAN help others. Even just sharing a minute to say hi and smile to someone who might be lonely, can help brighten their day, and then they become a lit candle once again. Never underestimate any small thing you do thats good for another, I've leaned it could have an enormous, positive impact on that individual!

Yes helping others helps the one who's doing the helping. We all effect each other, whether it be positively or negatively. It does matter. We can even effect Mother Earth with the choice of our own actions. Imagine if every household planted a tree in their front or back yard. Our air would be cleansed by the trees more and there would be lesser asthma forming. We need them to live!

Great arti le, it really makes you think! There are other better ways to live and focus on than just violence and hate. Wouldn't it be awesome if all of our news channels put more positive things that happened than mostly negative ones? Who doesn't love seeing a new baby panda having been born at the zoo, or a dog that saved his master and was found again? People love seeing these things too, it gets boring when the news channels loop the same exact material they already covered every day each day on the terrorists, shootings, etc. Show us more awesome things about animals, a child who saved a cat out of a tree, a soldier reunited (there's lots of this) with his children by surprise again. What's good or positive can be neat to see too, it's not lame.
Review of The Four  
Review by joseblue
Rated: E | (4.0)
The, fantastic 4? Jk. Wiuldnt it be best if there were, 7 via the 7 sins instead of only the 4 kings? What if people done the wxact opposite of each, would they still ride upon their black horses causing us to do the 4, more like 7? Just a few thoughts I had.

What you wrote made me think. Nice piece of writing here, thank you.
Review of Love myself  
Review by joseblue
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Ignore the things about self that you don't need to see. Don't look at negatives, look at positives. An unbloomed flower, is in the bud. A planted seed of a tree still needs to grow. It hasn't even appeared to be able to be seen yet! Lol Best of all, the catapillar still needs to hatch from its cocoon to be seen as the butterfly! So, here's how we can see, beyond, only the, body shell we inhabit then. All of the negative things we choose to, see instead of the good things we could see about us, instead. You are a great writer and thinker! See yourself a little more now? Focus on something good about self! Your inner child, is also yourself. It's happy, beautiful, good, etc. We don't have to see what's negative about self, think about what makes you good, then you'll see it, instead, and this will also help empower yourself more as well.

Great poem! Its pretty deep! It helps me see the need to focus on what's good and is positive about myself more! Thanks for helping me too see and realize what's more important than what I've been doing to myself also.
Review of That girl  
Review by joseblue
Rated: E | (4.0)
Great poem talking about how someone was being abused, but then picked herself up again and realized how great she really is. The world may one day burn, but just like we've seen and have learned from various sources, such as in a movie, nature programs on t.v., science classes, etc., the seeds beneath the surface if Mother Earth, will once again grow after a fire. Other life will continue on too. Certain aquatic life continued to live after the meteor struck the dinosaurs, perhaps the famous loch ness monster was a plesiosaur? If the meteor caused the worlds surface to burn, it makes logical sense that aquatic life still may have flourished what occurred.

Got a bit carried away, sorry! Anyway, what I'm trying to say here, is every individual who exists is like a planted seed, or even perhaps a star. We have the ability to grow, grow out of our abuse grow and learn from it that we are more worthy than how another may have mistreated us. We need to awaken, awaken our inner star light, this is who we all truly are. The lit candle in the wind, that never burns out even if the wind is trying to blow us out. We can withstand it, we are a forever flame of what truly is, that's good, precious and as beautiful as any star twinkling in the night sky. We are all worthy, even if the other may be smaller, dimmer or another color we are all wonderful and are special!

Your poem is awesome! Thanks for sharing it here! No one deserves to be abused! We must be our own phoenix, find our pieces and put one self back together. Some can choose to help those who are struggling and others choose to not do anything but watch. And others, may give a kind word who care, letting the ones hurt and abused know, that you're not alone and there are those who do love and care about you in what you're going through. I am one of them. I have been there also, but to find yourself again and to love and forgive those who have hurt you, and perhaps also realize, they too were once abused the way they might have abused you, is the ultimate way to complete not only yourself, but to help the ones who have been hurt too. Hate never will resolve anything, nor will revenge. Healing, finding the true you, your true self and loving yourself, is the key to becoming the great one you really are once again.
Review of "His camouflage."  
Review by joseblue
Rated: E | (3.0)
That's pretty neat what you wrote here. Why is another always bigger or better than another? If we took away what we had, accepted that we are of another gender, height, nationality, etc. we would see then that we are the same. We all do matter. Abraham Lincoln said that all men are created equal. We should think about that statement. We all are the same in certain ways, we all have likes and dislikes. We might even find out we love the same things, taste in the same author of a book, the same king or queen, love of nature and so forth. We all are important and do matter! I love the Hallmark movie, "Five People You Meet on the Way to Heaven", along those lines, it describes how we may have been so important to each person we might have crosses our life's path with when we were alive before we passed on. What a brilliant movie! That's a perfect example of this! You matter too, we all do! Without a king, queen or one who is in charge of others people would be in chaos! Without the police, people would hurt each other even more! Without a doctor, who would help bandage our broken leg and help us move, after we broke it? Without a ruler of a country, the other countries soldiers would move in and take over, forcing people to live their own laws, rules, and religion, etc. Even a puppy, baby or kitten is smaller than an adult human or animal, we should love and nurture them, not step on them and disregard them as a lesser species. They help make so many of us feel at peace, feel love and happiness, they aren't any less better than we are, they do great good for us. We should love and treasure them, they love us back!

It's sad that many of us hide. After people reach a certain age, we put a mask on to hide from others who we truly are. Bullying is a large contributor. Why not wear the same mask everyone else is wearing so you don't stand out and get picked on for being different? Maybe, you could start a new trend that way, or be the one who encourageencourages them to just remove their mask in the first place to know and see, what's truly there in the first place. What's really sad is when a persons never allowed to speak, and others shun them to. Even a mute person can speakspeak. I have been treated as such throughout many years. People always kept silencing me, told me to shut up. Now, I yell at them telling them to shove it and speak anyway. That's what's even more sad, is having to yell just to speak now, but at least I can speak all I want, in writing, without being over talked, told to shut up or interrupted.
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