Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/karlmarx700
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33 Public Reviews Given
43 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (5.0)
Turkey is the best, especially on a rye sandwich with some mustard and cheese. Thanksgiving turkey is all right too. 5 stars for reminding me of thanksgiving turkey, I am forever thankful to whoever invented that delicious dish, probably the first person to discover turkey, whoever that was.
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (5.0)
I find any of them acceptable. they all have their advantages. First gives the most immersion, second gives quite a bit of immersion and also reminds me of old "Choose your own ending" books I used to read, which are a similar format, and third allows for the most detail, such as changing points of view between characters and works great for complicated plots or action scenes. I think I write second person the most out of these, but I've wrote a few in third as well. I'm not sure I even see very many interactives in first person but I'm sure they exist.
Review of Random poll  
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'd say butterscotch. Cinnamon has an identity crisis, like it doesn't know if it's supposed to be spicy or not. Like I'll eat hot Tamales candy, which is just Cinnamon flavored Mike and Ikes, or an atomic Fireball, and it's both spicy and sweet, but doesn't really know which one it's supposed to be. The packaging says it's spicy, but then it's mostly sweet. But then you rarely see Cinnamon as an ingredient in spicy food, so there's that. Except Cincinnati Chili, which also has an identity crisis in that it doesn't know if it's supposed to be a soup or a pasta dish. Make up your dang mind, Chili!

Butterscotch doesn't do that. Butterscotch knows exactly what it is, and how to be used. Butterscotch knows it won't be much more than candy or pudding, and that's all it wants to be. Butterscotch has found itself and is at the top of Maslow's Pyramid of Self actualization. And that's why Butterscotch will always be better.

5/5 poll, really made me think and inspired.
Review of Science Mom  
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Well, I like what's here so far. Not all of it is my kind of thing, but there are a lot of interesting and unique directions to go in this. I like having the character descriptions in the intro rather than in the first chapter, it makes things easier to look up when adding to the story, since it always shows up at the top when you add to it. All in all, I like this interactive so far, it has a lot of opportunities for creativity and in capable of doing a lot of different things and going a lot of different places.

I also must say, I love how choice chapters are handled. I like to get to the point and jump into a story, so although I'm okay with having tons of "Something else" chapters in there, I like that they're spread out instead of going through a long song and dance at the beginning where it takes forever to get to the point and get the story moving. Only thing is, too many "Something else" chapters can get a little confusing when looking at the story outline if you're looking for a specific plot. I might suggest re-naming some of those "Something else" chapters later once plots start to solidify around them, that way it's easier to see what plots are going in what direction, and toward what type of fun science/transformation/whatever stuff it's going toward.
Review of Phobias  
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good selections here. I will specify that I am afraid of bees and wasps. I used to be afraid of needles but now that seems trivial since those are merely tools used by humans. Needles are bad enough on their own, usually dirty looking, specifically designed to pierce skin and get into the soft flesh below. Bess and wasps on the other hand, are the worst part of needles, but given wings, a semi-sentient mind, and enough speed and maneuverability that they are difficult to avoid. Man, do I hate bees and wasps, always buzzing in my ear, freaking me out, stinging me totally unprovoked on part of my body I can't see, like the back of my neck or flying up my shirt and furiously trying to stab its way out through my stomach. Those things really freak me out.
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (4.5)
I voted Sunni Bear

This is a nice poll, but I thought it would be about movie Characters and mostly human ones? Like, I was thinking I'd go click Esmeralda from Hunchback, she is a gypsy cutie with a lot of personality and everything. But if you're doing only on-humans and from cartoons where is Gadget from Rescue rangers? She is slightly better than everyone except for Sunni Bear, but then again I can see why you'd leave her out since she would most likely dominate the poll if she was on it. Maid Marion from Robin Hood movie is top tier too.

Anyway, interesting poll, made me think since I went into it expecting humans. Good to make me think.
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
These are all very irritating saying. Another one I can't stand is "It was God's Will". Every time something bad happens, somebody has the need to say that. No, that doesn't make it easier, that just makes me annoyed with you, and to a lesser extent, God.

But, yeah, I voted "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Not true at all. Not really motivational. Just irritating, like you're trying to justify making me very uncomfortable by saying I'll be stronger in the end even though I most likely won't.

Only one I haven't heard on a semi0regular basis is "This too shall pass". Maybe it's a regional thing? I never hear that one, but I can see how it would be annoying.

Great poll, and great job coming up with irritating sayings!
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (4.5)
Interesting poll, and now I feel compelled to rate it. I tend to review only things that really spark my interest or get me thinking, like if I don't have anything interesting to say I don't say anything at all. I could probably think of more to say if I kept the review window open for, like, an hour and thought it over, though, which is precisely what I did with this review, as an experiment. Now I wonder if I'm overthinking this whole review process?

Either way, a very thought-provoking poll, thanks for posting it!
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
What I actually don't like is when poetry takes too long to get where it's going. I also don't like it when people don't know when to stop, like this should've been a few lines shorter but they dragged their feet with a whole extra stanza. I voted "Good idea badly chosen words" because poetry is pretty much all bout your choice of words.

Also I'm in the "Most poetry should rhyme" camp. I think Dr. Seuss is one of the best poets of all time because he was good at rhyming. He was very creative with made-up words and poetic license, and the art was nice too.
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (5.0)
Does YouTube really count as social media? I thought it was just a place to post your videos? Is the social part the comments section, because I don't even read YouTube's comments section, so much junk there. also, I have no clue what YouNow is, is that like YouTube? I'm getting so out of touch these days.

Anyway, good poll.
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (1.0)
Why isn't Barack Obama on here? He's been nothing but a disappointment his whole term and has accomplished very little in his 8 years in office. I could see a case for adding Warren Harding, Andrew Jackson, and even Theodore Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt was terrible for foreign relations, especially in South America) being added to this list too. I think you don't actually know much about history and have read very little on it, so this isn't a very good poll.

And how the crap is Harry Truman one of the worst? Sure he dropped the bombs on Japan, but remember that just days before he made that decision he received a threat that the Japanese would fight to the last man, woman, and child. Also, Harry Truman was the one who did the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe and Japan after the war. He's one of the main reasons Japan and France aren't still smoldering craters. He made friends with every nation who wasn't a communist, probably one of USA's best presidents.

Anyway, of the 5 you listed, Nixon is probably the worst, so I voted him.
Review of Worst Way To Die  
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Out of the ones you listed, disintegration is worst because you didn't say how long the disintegration lasts. You could be falling apart one inch at a time for hours and hours, as your skin falls off and you're body can't hold its organs and you slowly fall to pieces. Whew, that's gruesome stuff.

The worst way I read to possibly die isn't on this list, though. I read in a Star Wars book when I was a kid that said what happens when you're eaten by the sarlacc pit. It attaches these umbilicus-like things to you while you're in a digestion sac and it feeds off of you like a parasite, while also keeping you alive by providing just enough nutrients to keep you alive. Victims are trapped and kept in these sacs for thousands of years, apparently, since they're just that good at keeping their hosts alive.

Imagine being trapped, rotting away inside a giant biological prison that keeps you alive far past your normal life span so it can slowly feed on you. Now that's horror. That's the worst way you can die.
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Fun quiz. Is this form a videogame or a tabletop RPG by any chance? Just curious.
Review by karlmarx700
Rated: E | (2.5)
Not sure if I was doing it right, but I wasn't sure how to answer.

Anyway, I'd stick with box A. There's no advantage to switching because you have an even chance of getting it right.
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