Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/kikeru
Review Requests: OFF
24 Public Reviews Given
24 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I tend to focus on the purpose and the impact of a piece . I`ll comment on anything that catches my eye . If the review I give is unsatisfactory please email me and I`ll refund your gift points and review the item again for free . I will read anything if it is interesting . My reviews vary in length but the majority are a bit long .
I'm good at...
Description and atmosphere are my fortes and if I`m not immersesd in your art I will try to communicate that to you to the best of my abilities .
Favorite Genres
Horror , mystery , adventure , sci-fi , fantasy and thriller because I absolutely adore suspense .
Least Favorite Genres
I don`t dislike any particular genre .
Favorite Item Types
Short to long stories and poems .
Least Favorite Item Types
I don`t dislike haikus but I don`t trust myself in giving a quality review concerning an haiku because I`m not familiar with their intricacies .
I will not review...
Novels and books .
Public Reviews
Review by Rit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The language is simplistic and it is very easy to follow the piece . Through extremely simple words you have portrayed great emotion , intimacy and love for your significant other , something that some writers have trouble accomplishing . I can not find any fault with it other than grandiose words create vivid and captivating scenes while simple words make the flow of pieces easier . I think that when writing one must find a balance between vivid descriptions without being ridiculous and simple words without being dull . Very good job . I`m trying to get back into writing so I apologize for the verbal diarrhea .
Review by Rit
Rated: E | (3.0)
I like the simplicity of the piece and how calming it is . What was the inspiration for it ? Is it about how even though one goes through tough times things will continue on and there is no point in obsessing over things ? I think it is good but I would like some more grandiose words . Well done , it jut needs more colorful words .
Review of Thinking on paper  
Review by Rit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Thank you for writing this . I think this captures one of the prime fears that every writer has of not being good enough to other people but most importantly themselves . We always try to outdo ourselves and others to usurp the ruler upon the pinnacle of literary perfection but we must resign ourselves to the fact that as beautiful as a piece of art may be we can not reach perfection .
Thank you when writing it is most important for it to be good enough for you because it is your art . Great job , the only complaint I have is I would like some breaks and to be sure to go back and correct little mistakes . This is magnificient .
Review by Rit
Rated: E | (4.0)
The vocabulary is simplistic and because of that it gets its message across clearly however because of the lack of grandiose vocabulary it lessens the impact of the poem . It takes courage to write about something that personally affects you and I commend and thank you for this poem . The poem is powerful but it just lacked that extra mile .
Review by Rit
Rated: E | (4.0)
It was a joy to read . The vocabulary is simplistic and the poem as a whole is easy to understand . The story in the poem is interesting , charming and a bit sad . I like the friendship between the two characters because you can see that they care for each other deeply , at first I thought that Joshua was going to be jealous of Cameron and try to hurt him then realize his mistake , I am glad it did not take that route . It is a pleasant and intriguing poem with small twists that make it refreshing . Very good .
Review by Rit
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
This was interesting and humorous . Is the story rated eighteen plus in order to mislead readers into thinking it is something else , although that `` something else `` is pretty obvious ? Why does the main character not try to talk to her husband and find something they both enjoy ? The story is written well , employs simplistic language and dry humor well and overall it is a nice story .
Review by Rit
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
You did very well on portraying the terrible destruction and the utter terror of such an unspeakably tragic event in American history . People don`t want to see more but we must always remeber the tragedies that people are capable of creating with enough malice in their heart . You probably will get backlash but please keep writing about the hard things because there are evils that we all must face . Well done .
Review of My Path  
Review by Rit
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think this poem does a good job of portraying the relationship that one feels they have with God in general . The language is simplistic , it is easy to follow and understand and the meaning is quite clear . Well done . The only complaint I have is that I wish for more description on the elation that one feels when following God . This probably is not a good question to ask but what do you think of the weaponisation of religion , what it does to the religious community as a whole and how it affects other groups outlook on the religious community .
Review by Rit
Rated: E | (4.0)
It is a serene , calming and overall a pleasant piece . It reminds one of peaceful days and moments when the world fades away and leaves you alone with your thoughts . It reminds me of days when I am completely alone or it is raining because those are the moments when I am most at peace . I admire the simplistic language , the description that engages the senses and I adore the heartfelt words at the end . I cannot find any complaints . Well done
Review of None.  
Review by Rit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Would you mind elaborating on what caused such melancholy ? Do you experience this often or was this just a moment of fleeting despair you were experiencing ? Are you going to be alright ? I`m sorry if this seems like I`m prying it`s just extremely morose . It is a beautiful and haunting piece . I can feel the bitter cold and emptiness in it . You definitely conveyed the sorrow you were feeling in this piece spectacularly .
Review of The Luring  
Review by Rit
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I have found no flaws in this beautiful piece . I love the description of the pace of the heartbeat .
The witch`s song sounds haunting and ephemeral . As the witch`s song gets louder does that mean that death is coming closer ? In '' A siren call , a nervous laugh '' is the siren`s call suppose to symbolize how death can be tempting at times and is the nervous laugh how even though death is sometimes thought of as blissful static that there is still an underlying fear that , that is all there will be forevermore ? In '' The ashes mark the final day , I wandered past the shadow of death " was the character cremated ? What were you trying to convey with this lovely piece ? Were any of my interpretations correct or have I missed the message completely ?
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/kikeru