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64 Public Reviews Given
70 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.5)
Elaine, This poem is beautifully written. Every word is precious and I can feel your emotions and genuine love for the children. You didn't need a lot of words to express your feelings but what you said is powerful. I loved every word that was written. It touch this mother's heart. Great Write. See you around. lidi
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Judy, I am blessed to read your story. It reminded me of myself when I was young. Your trust and faith in the Lord encouraged me. I too was with my mother when she had but hours to live. Your testamony for the Lord brings Him glory. Happy are those who but their trust in Him. From one blessed sister to another, thank you for sharing a part of your life. Keep writing on! Congratulations for being an honorary author in the Authors Appreciation Day.

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Review of IN HIS CARE  
Review by lidi
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Countrymom, Your poem is a reminder of the many times I had to pray for my children. There is much power in a mother's prayer and I for one have seen those prayers answer by our wonderful Lord.

Each stanza flows well with words from your heart. Your faith is strong througout the verses. I am glad to have read your poem . blessing to you and Congratualtions for your recognition as a honorary author in the Author's Appreciation Day. lidi

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Review of IN HIS CARE  
Review by lidi
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Countrymom, Your poem is a reminder of the many times I had to pray for my children. There is much power in a mother's prayer and I for one have seen those prayers answer by our wonderful Lord.

Each stanza flows well with words from your heart. Your faith is strong througout the verses. I am glad to have read your poem . blessing to you and Congratualtions for your recognition as a honorary author in the Author's Appreciation Day. lidi
Review of Carry Me  
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi twinkledee, I find comfort in your poem. Whatever state I find myself in, I know that the Lord is there to help and guide me. I really liked the way God is speaking to you in the first part of each stanza and then He lets you know that He will be there in the last part of each stanza. The words to this poem should be read often. Keep Writing On! Congratulations in being an honorary author in the Author's Appreciation day. lidi

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Review by lidi
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Carol, Here I am just coming out of my cave for the winter. Is it really Spring! I haven't been on much but hope to wake up from my Rip Van Winkle state and begin to blossom as a writer again. You know I am one of your biggest fans and It took a shot of Carol Marsella to get my writing juices flowing again. You could of fooled me with your shyness! Anywho, I have to do alot more polishing of my skill to shine like the top of the chrysler building. Can you tell I just watch the movie Annie? Is there still a chrysler building? What does any of this have to do with me reviewing The Accidental Coach? I am inspired by your inspiration and that is no Accident! Thank you for all you do to enlighted all of us. hugs, lidi
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Obleo, This is a very lovely poem. Every line speaks of a healthy soul tie between mother and daughter. My favorite line is.....And to me the most amazing part, is how tenderly, each one holds the others heart.... beautifully written and stirs the emotions in my heart for my three daughters. This is a very inspirational piece and flows well.

Write On! lidi

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Review by lidi
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a great question and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answer. I would love just one more moment with my Dad again. I too have fond memories of my father. I believe that we do view God through our earthly fathers. I like when you said at the end "if only I'd remember to call out his name. Thank you for this reminder, God is but a whisper away. Great write. lidi

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Review of TRUST IS A MUST  
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.5)
Carlotta, Your words have expressed the depths of your heart and I am also one who has been through painful memories. I find comfort in what you have written and have search the depths of my soul and experienced healing.

I really liked: To trust others, first you have to like and trust in yourself, that is for sure. Then, you can be the person you want to be, loving, trusting, and emotionally pure.

I am continuing my journey to wholeness. I appreciate you sharing this with us along yours. lidi
Review by lidi
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Carol, When I want a good laugh I just come to your port and read. Can you let me in on the secret? How did the coffee pot get in the frig? You had me guessing when you ran up the stairs to get Steve. I pictured the kitchen was ransack and turned upside down. It was so funny when everything was in its place except for the coffee pot. Great write. I am still laughing. lidi
Review by lidi
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Well said. Isn't freedom of speech great. Thanks for the free opportunites. lidi
Review by lidi
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Ahh poor Rufee, I enjoyed reading your story, though it sadden me how Rufee was bullied. He made the best of it during the time he was on the mountain. I am glad he found the map.

My thoughts: When someone is speaking if you seperate the paragraphs it reads and flows nicely such as:

"Oh, Rufee, I missed you so much, "said Mrs. Rumkin.........

"I can't,' Rufee said much to his and his mothers surprise.......

Your words and expression is very nice and I encourage you to keep writing. lidi
Review of A Mother's Lesson  
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.5)
Mari, I enjoyed reading your poem which has opened my eyes and taught me a lesson too. I have four sons, two are married and two at home. Each one with their own giftings and abilities. I am still learning along the way. I think the grandkids will benefit even more from that. The words had so much meaning and flowed from your heart. This mother will take to heart what you have learned. Thanks for the lesson. lidi

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Review by lidi
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Carol, I don't know if you remember me but you reviewed one of my poems. Your Limericks are just great. I like a good laugh too. I congratulate you for becoming a Rising Star. I must put you on my favorite list. Your were very helpful to me in the review and so encouraging. I have much to learn about writing and alot of it is way over my head. A little at a time I guess. Hope to see you around town. lidi

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Review by lidi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I was pleasantly please to read your wonderful imaginery story. Your expressives and imagagery just flowed and brought so much depth to your writing. Every scene came to life. I felt I was there as Daniel ran through the woods to his mysterious trip to Faeria. You have such great imagination. I felt I was a kid again just reading it. Great writing. lidi
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, I want to welcome you to Rising Stars. I enjoyed your memories of years gone by. The snow, wind, Christmas eve, morning, shoveling were very vivid as I read your story. I felt that cozy feeling when you talked about sitting by the fire and drinking your mom's hot chocolate, yummy. You must of saw your breath every morning during the winter when you woke up. We used to make igloos with our mom's pots. That was a lot of fun. We would get some clean fallen snow and put sugar and coloring in it. I wouldn't even think about eating it now, back then we never gave it a thought. You were a real trooper shoveling all that snow. It is a very nice read. lidi
Review of My One  
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.0)
The words flow nicely as you are speaking to your love. I particularly like how each second line compliments the first line and expresses your feelings for your one. Very nice. The only thing that I have to say is that I wanted to read more. It is a great expression of your love. Write On! lidi
for entry "My thought process
Review by lidi
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Your Title caught my eye. What wife wouldn't want unselfish love. To me that translates into unconditional love. You are on to something here. A dying to ones self can only bring more life abundantly. Im going to ride along the journey with you to see what transpires and give my 2 cents along the way. Oh what fun! Expect to find some gold nuggets. The Lord is so good in giving us wonderful truths that will change our hearts. Your personal quest just draws me into your writing. I am on the sidelines cheering you on. It may be hard along the way but the prize will be priceless. Your thoughts flowed and Its hard for me to find any flaws cause I am so excited about what is about to happen. Write on cause I want to read more. lidi
Review of sunny days  
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed the journey with you. Oh the memories of days gone by. I am glad these were happier ones for you. Isn't it amazing how a feeling, a smell, or music can takes us back so quickly. Even for just a brief moment you had your reprieve. Your words flowed nicely and I could see myself there also. I liked the way you expressed it as your drug of choice. A safe addiction I would say. Those sun gods must of been on vacation. It would have been nice to get swept away prolonging your stay. Now don't forget your promise to yourself. Take the time off and go to the beach. You will be making more happy memories for yourself. Its been a very enjoyable read. lidi

just a small note.... a teenager
Review of Balm  
Review by lidi
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Your words of forgiveness has touched my heart. We share some of the same journey and are the recipients of His great love and forgiveness. You have spoken truth to help and encourage those who need to walk through forgiveness. It is well written and I am so glad to meet you through your pen. God bless you as you continue to live in the present and enjoy His redemptive power. In His Love, lidi
Review by lidi
Rated: E | (4.5)
The feelings and realization of a love that never died has brought to mind a memory in myself. The emotions that have resurrected causes one to ask the questions that have been asked. My hope is that there will be an answer to them. It flows so well. The ending is my favorite part. Very creative. lidi
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