Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/lost_treasure
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11 Public Reviews Given
18 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by lexos02
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I've been sitting on a review for this interactive for a good few days because the things it does well, it does amazingly well. And the things it failed at, it failed at miserably.

That said, as a collection of stories, this is an interactive with frankly an impressive amount of story content spanning a wide range of video games and the stories are actually somewhat varied considering the base premise is a well-trodden topic. Before reading this, I had never even heard about or wanted to play the Danganronnpa or Sakura Wars games. And now, I have completed the former and will be getting the latter.

On the other hand, the biggest failure of this interactive is it's community-driven nature. There are so many different authors who have "added" to this that it's diluted the quality considerably. The number of endless choice chapters and additions with poor quality/grammar/formatting is so great that you have to go wading through them to get to the good stuff.

Overall, I'd say that the pros and cons of this interactive are nearly even at time of writing with a slight advantage to the pros. With some trimming, this would be an easy 5 stars and I'd be happy to come back and rewrite my review to match.
Review by lexos02
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading through this interactive story. The concept is very interesting, especially the hero story line. I also like how this interactive provided four different story lines to follow with the possibility of the characters, settings and basically anything between these four story lines to interconnect and crossover. I would definitely love to see this interactive gain several more chapters.

As much as I want to see the success of this interactive story, I did find several things that could be improved upon. One major thing I did not enjoy were the grammatically incorrect sentences. What really made it stick out was that there were certain portions where grammar was not an issue and it would begin to pull me in to the story like I was actually the person going through the things in the story. Although this immersion was roughly shattered by a sentence that I have to read several times to make sense of. What really bothers me about this is that it is consistent in the fact that a chunk of a chapter is written properly followed by a another chunk written with grammar errors. I'm willing to help proof-read some chapters if needed. I'd also greatly appreciate the opportunity to work on a story as absorbing as this.

Hopefully, all the suggestions I had given would be taken in account and the needed adjustments be made. Hoping for future chapters of this story and looking forward to reading them all.

Write on,
Review by lexos02
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Being a fan of stories with transformations like those in this story and Super Smash Bros, this was perfect for me. I also really enjoyed reading this interactive and all its different branches. The overall quality of the chapters were excellent which is very rare to find in an interactive. I would love to come back in a month or so and re-read this entire thing all over. Hope you continue writing this interactive and its many branching stories. I would also like to contribute to the story sometime in the future. I know that this interactive is still pretty bare in content and maybe you plan on doing these plots later but I would also like to suggest doing a few branches where an actual fight or practice or something with action would take place with somebody being unable to use their original abilities (ex. Link using Zelda's magic) also I would like to see a gender swap. The only reason I give this story 4 stars is because there were 400+ chapters and a large part of those chapters were choice chapters. Overall, so far so good. Write on!
Review by lexos02
Rated: E | (1.0)
Obviously you only played FF 9 and 10 based on the choices otherwise you would have included other things like Tonberrys or Cactuars among others. Even with just the 2 games included there was still a major omission of some creatures such as the Ronso etc. Plus the summons should be seperated with a choice for each summon such as Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Bahamut, etc. And then why did you include Black Mages as a choice here? Anybody from any race can be a black mage they just choose not to be. Matter of fact, in the earlier games until FF6 everybody could learn just about every skill. So yeah, play more games first or at the very least read up a bit then you can go and update this.
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