Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/mrindfleisch
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32 Public Reviews Given
33 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Human Fire  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (5.0)
Love it! Reading this kindled my fire
Review of The Big Picture  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thank you for sharing your story. Some people never find understanding of why this, why that or why me. When one comes to terms with God's purpose or chooses to be patient while God takes something bad and brings something good of it, it is then life brings on a whole new perspective.
Review of Violation  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Oh my! This breaks my heart. God can take that pain away. You can use this experience to help others who struggle with the same nightmare. Yes, evil is all around us and we need to know how to use our spiritual weapons. Ephesians 6 tells us how to dress ourselves everyday. I pray that your pain will not cause you to give up on life. You experienced evil at it's best. To give up means evil won. You are the daughter of a King. He loves you and wants you to love him as well. Read my story....Why Does Bad Things Happen to Good People. The fiction story of The Shack can help with emotional/spiritual healing as well.

I write prayers as well. I have them posted on my site. I Wonder.
Review of Promises  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (3.0)
WOW...I feel the disappointment, pain, confusion, and anger. You described your emotions very well. I wish I could help you understand why people do what they do, but unfortunately, some people's soul is dark and lost that they can't understand truth, love, compassion, or the real way of life. Its sad when people don't care or damage another person. Love is certainly absent, along with love, kindness, generosity, conviction, and other concerns for others. But remember this, satan steal, kills, and destroys. He uses others to do his work for him which means he already has this person right where he wants him.
Review of The Purple Aggie  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (4.5)
Im not good with poems. Tell me if this is right.

A lady decides to visit her childhood memories. They include her brothers and the mischievous things they did. She takes her time and savors moments of her brothers who have pasted on. She is prepairing and ready to be with them forevermore.

Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow....that was captivating. My name is not Robin but I do the same thing. My heart is big and I'm known for my compassion so I too find the happiness within the loneliness. Lonliness has to bbe the most darkest emotion that exists. Lonliness has the power to take a persons life. I like the way your story plays out. Please tag me when you post chapter 2.
Review of Philosophical  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (3.5)
I have to say, to be 15 you have a pretty good view of how the world can hypnotize you into living a life of misery. (Judgers, may the moon be your wake up call). I haven't figured out what you were thinking or referring to. How did you come to your conclusions at such a young age? What is it that you believe? What power do believe is in control?
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (4.0)
NIce! I worked part-time a large part of my younger days. 5 years ago I went full time due to my husband's plant closing. I was not me that first year. I felt like I had stepped into someone else's life. I still struggle with not having the time to do the things I love to do. I had the time to do what had to be done, needed to be done, and what I wanted to do. When my husband got home from work it was all about him. Needless to say, my marriage has suffered some from not taking the time to spend with each other. Everyone says, Well, you used to like to do this or this ~ Then I say, if this is all the time I have, then I want to do what I want to do instead of what everyone else wants me to do.

But, sir, please check with me later
When all of the paperwork’s completed,
Because there won’t be any tasks greater
Than the documents keeping me seated

When that person’s soul will just worsen

I get these words completely! It never ends. You have to make yourseld break away which isn't always easy.
Review of Fear  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dang, what did you think you had to prove? That sounds like fear was tricking you into putting your life on the line. This was deep and moving but confusing. I know the feeling of fear very well. I was shy most of my life. I wrote about how I conquered my fear. I'm not sure what your fear was...or what you were trying to prove to yourself, but when I stepped out of my comfort zone and did something I've never done before and thought I would never do, is what brought me out of my shell. Now, what you describe is basically the feelings I experienced. The sweating, coaching myself, heart pounding, sick feeling, dry mouth. Could this be a metaphor of the feeling of facing fear?
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (4.5)
Goosebumps! Up...down...up again. I have never gone with out celebrating Christmas, but I have learned to celebrate Jesus even more so. I never really understood the gift giving thing, or tree in the house. As an adult, it is wonderful watching children laugh and squeal with excitement. I can't remember ever being that excited about anything now that I think about it. My bio pretty much describes how I feel about poverty. Your mother was experiencing unconditional love most likely from someone she didn't even know. God is our provider!
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (3.5)
Oh, how I can relate. I lost my mom when I was 14 to cancer. I became a rebellious teenager and was kind of numb and didn't care. I don't have those sweet gentle memories as you do. My parents married at 16 and had me at 18. Needless to say, I grew up with them. There was yelling, crying, throwing, breaking, and all kinds of name calling. Don't get me wrong, I have some sweet memories, but I seem to remember the ones that scared me more than the ones you are dwelling on. Hang in there!
Review of The Dark  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)

I don't listen to much hard core music because it seems to be negative thoughts that go along with the loud music. Did you write this? It made my heart feel heavy while I was reading it. There was so much sadness and it seemed as though what or who ever is lingering would rather be romanced by the darkness versus a soul. I am a newbie so I am learning. Please don't take my words as criticism. They are more of describing what I got out of the song.
Review of To Be the Moon  
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (3.0)
I don't read much poetry but....

Plus I would give romance a tug
beseeching those in love to hug.

I love the thought of the universe pulling two people together versus the lusting energy of people who are drawn to a quick fix. Your way does sound so much more romantic.
Review by I Wonder
Rated: E | (4.0)
Once upon a time I would have never thought that I would be writing anything other than a check.
Everyday, seemed like the same ole same ole. One day I stepped out of my comfort zone. Because of that, my life has never been the same. Until finally, I decided to live my life for others instead of just myself. I was then, I began to live with a passion instead of just existing.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/mrindfleisch