Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/thelioness08
Review Requests: OFF
13 Public Reviews Given
13 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I take a lot of things into consideration when I review. I look for descriptive ability, working dialogue, the intrigue of the story, and the writing style of the author. If there's something I don't like, I'll say so, but also give reasoning and advice on how to make it better. Constructive criticism is the best kind, so that's how I think when I'm reviewing someone's work.
I'm good at...
I'm good at conveying emotion through my writing, character build up, and creating a working dialogue. I can be extremely good at description when I'm inspired, but I usually think my description leaves something to be desired.
Favorite Genres
Realism, suspense, thriller, mystery, historical fiction or nonfiction.
Least Favorite Genres
Science fiction.
Favorite Item Types
Short stories or chapters from novels
Least Favorite Item Types
I'm not a big fan of poetry.
I will not review...
I'll review anything. Even if it's not a type of story that I like, I love good story telling.
Public Reviews
Review of The Light  
Review by Lea Glossian
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your first sentence is great! It really draws the reader in and flows in to a really good first paragraph.
The intro is really good. It offers a lot of analogies and interesting ways to think about life and reality that people normally wouldn't. It also has an air of mystery that kept me wondering what the story was going to be about. It was interesting to wonder if the story was going to be realistic, sci-fi, or something different.
I was going to say that the story was a little too vague until I read the last sentence. I love that you made it a riddle of sorts. Throughout the story I was thinking that the narrator maybe dealt with deep depression or another mental illness, and used drugs, alcohol or another vice that was represented by "the light." It's great that you wrote it from an older man's perspective - someone who has lived a long life and experienced many things and has lessons to teach through what he's been through.
The message of the story was meaningful, without being forced. I really liked it. Great job!
Review of Closure  
Review by Lea Glossian
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I thought this was going to be a scary story, and for a moment it got scary! The ending was so funny. I laughed out loud and got some funny looks from my boyfriend and my brother. I was hooked from the beginning. You're very good at building up to the main event, your dialogue is impressive and so are your descriptive abilities.
Review by Lea Glossian
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The type of story isn't my cup of tea, but the story itself is catching. The writing style and descriptive ability leave nothing to be desired. The dialogue has great flow, and kept me intrigued. The end cliff hanger makes me want to read the rest of the story!
Review of The Fun House  
Review by Lea Glossian
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
You have great descriptive abilities and your dialogue was intriguing and kept me hooked. I think you could have been a little more in depth with your characters' relationships, but it didn't take away from the story. Overall it was interesting, suspenseful, and eerie.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/thelioness08