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28 Public Reviews Given
45 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Rockabee  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Basilides - Timothy O'Fallon! - I'm glad to have read another of your fine works. I infrequently check on this site as I've been in Virginia for a while and writing and reviewing were put on hold for the most part, but Rockabee had such a strangely whimsical, tense and beckoning tone to it that despite my need to attend another important errand, I couldn't leave without finishing this story. And what a story.

I recall looking into the meaning of your profile name, and now that your story here has provided a more direct illustration of emphasis (or so I think) of at least part of actual historical figure of Basilides, I'm curious to what extent your personal history or beliefs influence both this work and Elkwater's King (which I have yet to finish, but expect to!).

Technically, I found the progression and characterization of both the characters and the environments in "Rockabee" perfectly balanced and richly detailed; you've always seemed to know in your WDC pieces how to balance pace with description, always pushing the story forward with every sentence. My only .5 deduction on the rating is because I was confused as to the old man in the beginning and his role in the story. I apologize if I am missing a subtle or otherwise noticeable role he played, other than throwing me for a nice surprise in that he served as a bridge between one frame of reference to a completely new frame of reference (Cong to Rockbee). I'm curious: what was your inspiration behind his character?

Thanks for the great read once again, and I hope to read more, time permitting. I'm beginning to polish some works for publishing. Speaking of which, are you publishing any of your WDC works?

Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Very well-written and the creativity is nice. You've adopted an over-done scenario and added your own un-monster like twist. The dialogue in flash fiction must be used to further the story and provide context, and the conversation here allows us as readers to learn about these two in two ways: Godzilla's work, his personality, and their relationship. I never had to ask myself if it was a credible story, because you use the martini detail early to prepare us for the humor likely to pervade the rest of the story.

The piece makes reading flash fiction as rewarding as it should be. Nice one.
Review of The Drift  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Mr. Wilcox,

It's been awhile since I've read one of your pieces, and this little flash fiction story was an ejoyable quick read.

I thoroughly enjoyed all but the last two paragraphs, mostly because they confused me. I wasn't quite sure if the life you'd attributed via the character to the snow was intentionally vague and predator-like; perhaps if I was more certain as to what it was (a monster? Encroaching snow pack? Hallucination?) then I would have enjoyed (er, appreciated?) the ending better. Nevertheless, your writing style is grand as always, and being the novice writer I am, I'm most likely missing out on something about the ending of this story - style, event and all. Was it a contest piece?

While a short piece, it's definetely worth mentioning that the first two "acts" were wonderfully written. All and all, yet another nice one from a master. ;)
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm not a poetry expert by any means, but I've taken a few related classes and read my share, and in my opinion, poetman, your piece here maintains a wonderful tempo, tone and has a rhyme scheme to blend them together. I particularly enjoyed reading the pairings of each stanza, where the second half drives home the message of the stanza by itself, and progressively the message of the poem overall. I was intrigued at times by some of the language, particularly the line "that time has sought to hide," and in general it paints a rather gloomy picture if one adheres to a strict postmodernist stream of thought. That said, this poem's greatest strength is, for me anyway, the reinforcement of man's ability to actually choose to operate in life despite our weaknesses, which are many, and for an obtainable good, which is not easy.

Great work! Its influences?
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A.C., I nicely paced story you got here, and I particularly enjoyed the two buddies' dialogue. Very real, and pushed the story ever forward. I also like your subtle descriptions, such as the gander's honk at dusk, and your attention to the tone of the narrative voice. My only advice, be what it may, is to perhaps liven up the introductions to each character, including the minor servants, rather than describing their actions or appearances alone - perhaps add some anecdotal/past shared experiences-type stories, such as "Arthur was known for his dedicated cleanliness," etc. (bad example, but you get the idea I hope.)

All and all, it was a read that, though slow at first, picked up more and more as I read, and kept me in it to the end of the piece. Keep it up, and happy writing.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nickey, I give this a 4.0 for two main reasons:

First, as monotonous as it is, you somehow kept me into it, and I think that's mostly b/c I was curious about why this was written in such a manner, and to what end would it play out as such? While the ending was very sudden and somewhat inconclusive (albeit a "happy ending"), the adventures Sir Dugan embarks on made me think was is a children's adventure story intent on instilling values or moral lessons, and for that I felt it was a wonderful story.

Secondly, at least from my viewpoint, the lack of line breaks, indents or even actual dialogue made for a rather stilted narrative, and I think should you decide to infuse the story with some of these - if not the structural elements then at least some dialogue (as opposed to 'he said, she said, then they...'-type material) this story would be superb indeed! :)

So, in sum, work on the editing a bit, add some dialogue, and a fine piece indeed! Even as it is now, however, I liked it very much.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This limerick contest is a doozy!

A very fun, challenging and skill-building exercise that just so happens to double as a great way for members to commemorate and celebrate the successful continuation of a wonderful web site. Thanks for all you "people behind the monitor" do for us - t means a lot! :)
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

To start off, your style and artistic voice work well here, and it made for an easy and enjoyable piece to read. Now, for the remainder of this review, I've decided to brake it down into chapter, and within each chapter's review I'll include my general opinion on whatever stands out the most; any noted grammatical errors (see**); and questions pertaining to the structure of the story.

- (1) -


Thus far, I have been surprised more than a few times, and more in the last paragraph than all the previous combined. Your descriptions and attention to certain details stand out, at least to me, and add a distinct flavor to the tone of the story - something I imagine will carry on throughout the course of the plot. Your association of typically female objects and procedures with these presumably (I could be wrong) homosexual characters certainly grabs my attention, which, above all else, is an introduction must. Do I want to read on? Certainly.


“*Your* no beauty this morning either,” was Bobby’s meager comeback, “I’ve got to take a pee. Get out of bed! You’ll be late for work.”


I'm asking myself: is this more than post-apocalyptic literature (a genre, by the way, which I'm interested in but have little experience reading)? Or perhaps a socio-political commentary of sorts, even if only an undertone? As a reader, I even wonder: am I reading too much between the lines?

- (2) -

G.O.: Definetely a post-apocalyptic narrative here, and I was especially intrigued by the very forthright ideas on the future of humanity - particularly the CAA, the Theoevoltionists, the further emphasis on de-genderization, and other things. Highly provactive subject matter (not to mention eighth-graders discussing it in an assumably "public" school system), and so far quite good for the story.


"The island of Great Britain was almost decimated by a fast acting encephalitis, when billions of genetically enhanced misquotes infected with a genetically enhanced *stain* of the virus were released by the Islamic Jihad Coalition. "

"His family *was* members of a particularly evangelical faction of the Theoevolutionist."

"“*That* correct Rica,” said Bobby, which wasn’t a surprise since Rica was his star student."

"“O.K. then, access the System of Councils on your *slates”* Bobby began his lecture when everyone appeared ready."

"“Each council is *antonymous*, but over all policy and laws are made and enforced by the Executive Council and the ten thousand and one elected representatives from around the world."

"“*Tonight I* want you to research some of the original council ministers, especially our *schools* name sake, Mr. Harriet.”"

Q'S: I wonder: will there be a change or climax that may/may not challenge this sense of status quo, apparent at least in the children's received view of the world?

- (3) -

G.O.: It's taken me about this long to finally feel a mental trip of sorts over the de-genderization that not only do the characters employ, but obviously the writer, as well. As admittedly uncomfortable as it makes me feel, the originality (again, from my limited reading experience) of your development and use of such - for lack of a better word - "uniform" terms continues to pique my interest. Additionally, the paragraph in which the doctor/narrative voice describes the impregnation procedure is a chilling thought, and hard on my mind, not to mention the ethical implications of the whole idea. However, I also still have a sense of change or inner conflict on the horizon, so to speak.

GRAM.: No offense, murf, but hereafter I won't be citing grammatical errors; thus far it seems publishable material, and a thorough editing would no doubt screen these out. :)

Q'S: Nothing new aside from the G.O. portion.

- (4) -

G.O.: Like the first chapter, a sort of glimpse into the life of the main characters together. I say glimpse now because the last time they shared a similar scene (ch. 1) it was before the education of both reader and the fictional children. The story has taken on a greater voice, and thus a greater sense of urgency, albeit subtle for the moment.

Q'S: Do the individual names, such as Sam, Bobby or even the Goodwin guy, used in the story have any specific cause or meaning? Also, the prevalence of "he" seems somewhat contradictory to the de-genderized common language used so far, but I'm okay with it simply because it fits into any imperfect society; after all, can such a society as you've described, contained language and all, remain consistent?

- (5) -

G.O.: I'm curious about Dr. Roberto's behavior here. Guess I'll have to find out! :) Also, once again, it is weird (to say the least) reading about typically female-associated experiences as de-genderized experiences in the story.

Q'S: See **: typo, or...? "To Bobby it seemed as if they were joyfully playing together inside *her*."

- (6) -

G.O.: Interesting stab at humor in the end, and the fashion premium on pregnancy was also fascinating; more clarification would have been nice, but the casual mention of it added to the social (rather than personalized) flavor of the plot. Admittedly, my interest level has gone down with this chapter, most likely from the lack of significant new developments, nor the expansion of pre-established relationships.

Q'S: I wonder if Marta might come into play later on?

- (7) -

G.O.: Here, Dr. Roberto's character does not come across nearly as real as in earlier chapters, and this occured to me instantly upon reading: "...explained Dr. Roberto, whose eyes were also full of tears." This line simply did not communicate to me his exact emotion (sad? depressed?). This is partly because right before this the discussion merely zips right into the issue at hand, which may be fine in and of itself, but it didn't feel like there as much attention given to the characters as there was the events alone.

Q'S: Was the zippy, quick breaking of news intentional? Are they (doctors) the type to simply unload bad news in the way they did? Norm or not?

- (8) -

G.O.: Present-tense phrases such as "they have" and "he will do" and the like throughout this section, and increasingly in the past couple, as well, are distracting to the reader, and while editing, again, may correct these, I now wonder if the present tense is intentional?

The recent news is a shocker, and I wonder about the entirety of its ramifications on all characters. If anything, it at least clarifies Dr. Francis' behavior earlier, and makes some sense. Needless to say, the story has gained momentum and heightened my interest more than the past few chapters. Dr. Francis and the PC have become more central to my interest, in addition to the obvious obstacles facing the protagonists.

Q'S: Intentional present tense? Why the secrey around the pregnancy? The direct voice as seen in earlier chapters has for the most part been absent ever since; will it emerge again in a possible resolution to the pregnancy conflict, or will it be more character-driven?

- (9) -

G.O.: A lot happens here, and none of it detracts from the story whatsoever. Definetely the most thrilling chapter yet read, and while not as provactive as the first two chapters, it easily piques my brain. This story is quickly gaining ground as a sci-fi thriller, but I'm careful in my selection of "sci-fi" given the genre; it feels there may be more to it come the conclusion. Aside from some typos and a some stale dialogue midway through (during Pat's chats), you use wit and pacing very nicely.

Q'S: As in any great thriller, this question must now be asked: who, if anyone, can now be trusted?

- (10) -

G.O.: The following line, to me anyway, seems to be, by this point in the story, the most important segment thus far: "Mother Rebecca – Becky – was right thought Bobby. Bobby always loved Sam but no more that he did today. Lucky wasn’t the word, blessed was more like it".

First, this section favors the word "blessed" over the more secular lucky, which though religion isn't absent in this world, it shows a preference that is otherwise absent in the characters' prior behavior; second, it elevates the theme of love in the story; and thirdly, this love is between two "male"-named characters who are actually women living in a de-genderized society, which is not only weird, but more significantly, it reveals something about the statement this story is making on human nature or perhaps simply nature itself.

Q'S: Are the above three points close to what you hand in mind, or stretches again on my part?

- (11) -

G.O.: Natural beauty you create here is not only a nice change in scenery, but it's a beautiful scene, with the vistas and all, and creates a sense of peace; well-founded or not remains to be seen at the onset, but the beginning definetely establishes a change of tone in the story.

Also, though introduced in the last ch., the new characters' use of the taboo term "Daddy" here has an interesting effect (at least on this reader) because here it is associated with female-associated names on female-bodied characters.

Q'S: Continuing from the G.O., the "Daddy" term begs the question at the onset: how will this effect Sam and Bobby, and the plot as a whole?


A superb ending, in my humble opinion, as you leave nothing susbstantially unanswered! I'm curious why the children at the compound have never seen babies before, but the refuge rounds the story out and nicely fulfills the lingering holes I was wondering about at the chapter's start.

Overall, I liked this piece quite a bit, and aside from the many grammatical errors, it is as complete a short story as any I've ever read. I think what stood out the most to me, however, was that in the end, despite your excellent formation of this future world, it was hard for me to ignore this sense among the characters, highlighted by the climactic birthing sequence, that the life they are living is a struggle, demands hard work, and is perhaps even unfulfilled. Is Mother Rebecca on the right track, to bring back the male gender? I'd like to think so. Nonetheless, this is a story less about sexuality than it is about the demands of love and peace, and that is worthwhile narrative indeed.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Kerik, an interesting story. It seems to me an intentionally short story, but I definetely enjoyed the fullness you give it within such a short period of time. I hadn't read about gnolls in a while, and to have their presence in your story was a good refresher on their kind; your description of the action was nice, swift and not overwhelmed with lengthy paragraphs that detract from the action.

What I enjoyed the most about your story, however, was the dialogue and "inner-logue" the paladin experiences during conversations with the priest and Danielle - they gave the character more credibility and enchantment than anything else.

Interestingly, I found out from browsing your port a bit that some of the names are, at least inspirationally, in part drawn from reality.

Strong characters, somewhat confusing grammatical errors, but all and all a fine short piece. Nice!
Review of Rapture  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Intriguing free verse poem, bellasta. I enjoyed the imagery and pacing the most. However, it appears somewhat vague. This may be intentional, but whether it is or not, it was confusing to me, and therefore distracting from my enjoyment of the poem.

The poem makes me curious as to what the object of such desire might be, and my first thoughts were reminiscent of a sort of Pandora's Box symbology.

As for those elements which I felt were somewhat vague, more specifically I felt that they were sufficiently descriptive yet they lacked the historical or supportive references from which I could frame or draw their significance; as a result, they merely sounded important, but without any reference point, it hurt the poem's ability to tell a story.

Speaking of telling, the poetic voice (and accompanying tone) were excellemt, by the way, in a sort of seductive tugging, teasing way.

In the end, I gather that this is a poem that flirts with the question of moral struggle or grounding. I don't know what your intentions were, but I don't think it would be a stretch to see this poem even as a sort of critique.

Nice one.

- WT
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Bob, an incredible and tightly written poem, and one of the best I've read in a while!

The pace, the pauses, your format, the language...all beautifully engaged to portray multiple battles taking place over a single battle, and the consequences were, and felt, just as multiple and complex.

Therein lies the great irony of the play (I thought), in that despite all the action and excitement--the anticipation and certainty--all's for naught, and the tragedy is driven in.

Your control of the form is astounding. Please keep it up!

For those who propose that there is always room for critique, my only one is that it did not seem to have a solid resolution (which to me worked to its advantage), and while I personally enjoy uplifting messages (be it obvious or subtle), your poem may be perceived, I feel, as "positive" in the regard that, if not resolution, at the very least it demands evaluation of the self.

Great subject, superior craft, keep it going!

- WT
Review of Simply Rain  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Maryann, I love your word choice, and the pace and rhythm wonderfully capture the tone of the poem. As I read it, the short, succinct lines and your use of pauses made me think both of the pitter-patter of a foreboding storm's heavy drops and the soft swaying (in my mind) of tropic palms just prior to the thunderous rumbling to soon follow.

Your imagery and sound complement the overall feel of the piece, and my only critique of sorts is that I felt the final line, while great in and of itself, felt too sudden for me. When I think of a rainbow, I think of a gradual (or more gradual than I felt I experienced in the poem's final two stanzas) birth of a rainbow, forming behind a passing or fading storm.

Lastly, I felt the question in the last stanza was more rhetorical than directional, and for that reason almost unnecessary. Now, I do understand your focus, that of "simply rain", an idea I think is great, but I didn't necessarily feel the form of a question was the most beneficial to my poetic experience.

Nonetheless, a short and simple - but beautifully made - poem. Nice work!
Review of Just A Cat  
Rated: E | (4.0)
GeminiStar, nice poem.

There are three aspects that first came to my mind when I first read it, and they are:

1. It is playful
2. The imagery is simple, and it works great.
3. The rhyme scheme (if any) and structure of the poem made for a difficult pace, thus distracting me reading experience.

I think my RnR for this piece will work best if I comment on these three areas, followed by a general suggestion, and then you can let me know your thoughts. I'm no poem expert, but I've read quite a few and know what does/doesn't work...at least for me. :)

1. It is playful

*Cats in my opinion can be nuisances, or cute, or just the worst domestic creatures imaginable (i.e. dumb, hated, allergic, etc.) I don't mind them, but it seems in this poem you're saying they are indeed pesky at times, but they're also just so adorable one can't help but overlook their weird, often even mischievous behavior. And, I thought the poem wonderfully captured that element, with your use of simplicity, mystery and subtle humor toward the end.

Also, in relation to point #3 below, if you intended to experiment or break the mold of classic poetic forms, I think you did a nice job, and thus the nature of the poem symbolically captures the nature of the cat in question, as well: sneaky, mysterious, different, but nonetheless, just a cat (and just a poem about a cat!) :)

2. The imagery is simple and it works great.

*Your descriptions of the cat detail its actions and behavior; ex.'s:
- "mysterious green eyes gazing up"
- "regal poise"
*Also, your opening stanzas communicate the uncertainy well, and make it real yet not foreboding or sinister; we know something is awry, but the title itself lightens the suspense.

3. The rhyme scheme/structure is difficult.

*Simply put, I had a hard time reading it the first time through simply b/c it felt iambic pentameter-ish, or uneven/jobbled. The speed at which I read the lines was constantly being checked, so I had to re-read the stanza. The lines themselves are not that bad, but if you rearranged the lines themselves, than perhaps it would flow better. For example, the last line:

"Those great big green eyes glared up at me, as if to say,<line>
"Don't look at me like that,<line>
after all,<line>
I am just a cat."

It breaks up your poem's structure (which, I noticed is actually rather unique, almost as if it were in the shape of a vase), but, on that parenthesed note, a deviation in the bottom could add to either the playfulness of the poem (for it being different), or even, if you wanted to, create a sort of tail-effect, depending on how many lines you use in the last stanza.

Whew, I hope that all helps! Great job, and a playful, cat-like poem! For being your first poem I'd say it's a keeper. :)

- WT
Rated: E | (5.0)
I don't know what took me so long to reward you people, but your good intentions, hard work and dedication to supporting WDC members and the WDC community spirit is truly admirable.

RAOK is phenomenal and just an awesome way to provide either passionate or otherwise beginner writers an excellent opportunity to make the most of the site.

Superb...and thanks again for giving me my own Upgrade this past summer!

Jim Elliot once said: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot take to gain what he cannot lose." I think he'd be proud of what you're doing here. Again, thank you, and I hope the best for this Group for years to come!

- WT
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