Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/zoolyjuice
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43 Public Reviews Given
43 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hahahahahahahaha, AWESOME!

At first I didn't know what it was about, but then once I started to get it, I loved it. I generally miss the plot all the time, so that's nothing new, but once I got this one I became more fond of it the further I got down. Anyhow, my favorite part is that you actually called people out, which is grand, I'm not sure if you know those other two or not, but even if you do, I liked the fact that you didn't shy away. Straight to the point.

I've seen some of those other names, and although I'm sure there writing is great, I bet they're less needy than a lot of people.

Also, if I were to give this a title, here's what I was thinking...

- Read this now (not now, but right now)
- If you don't review this I'm going to steal your magic coins
- Kicking a$$ and taking down names
or perhaps
- Charlotte's Web of Lies *has nothing to do with anything but sounds gritty*

But I also like the title just fine the way it is...
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked this, it is so true, and I bet the regular lads probably hated all the attention they were getting.

I used to roll around with a gentlemen that had an English accent, it seemed like he was shooting fish in a barrell, it didn't even matter what he was saying, women just loved him because of his accent.

The same scenario applies the other way too, in many parts of the world, women and men seem to be more receptive to foreign languages. I think the attraction comes from being different. Certain sounds that we're not used to just seem that much more appealing.

Note to single men and women: Get an accent...it will help for sure.

For men: Looking like (A Knights Tale) Heath Ledger, (Gladiator) Russell Crowe, (Wolverine) Hugh Jackman can't hurt either.
For women: Southern belle accent, or look and sound Brazillian, France French, or Japanese would also do wonders.

Anyhow, good read, have a great day!
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (5.0)
Best thing I've read in a long time. I haven't spent much time on this site lately, but when I saw this title, I figuerd it might be some Facebook bashing, and I am all for that. I truly could not agree more with everything that is in this piece.

A lot of this is foreign to me because I've never used Facebook, but I know a lot of people that do, and it seems to me that exactly what you're talking about, is the same problem I have had with it since its inception. It's also the main reason why I never joined in the first place, nor will I ever join.

I find that this 'thing' is just basically a way to reduce human interaction.

Bravo, this made my day, thanks for the good read...

In honor of your writing, the next time someone asks me 'Are you on Facebook?' (which happens regularly), I'm not even going to respond, I'm just going to turn around and run in the opposite direction...I hate Facebook that much.

Have a nice day!
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Good morning Nicole,

This is all good. I liked it a lot because it jumped all over the place. Boys, gay marriage, Star Wars, Halloween etc. It had a bit of everything. I also liked it because sometimes I have trouble finding things on this website that don't bore me, but it seems like whenever I see one of your pieces, they do anything but that...

Anyhow, once again, good stuff.

Stay dry and enjoy your Halloween.

Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (4.0)
I found this story a bit sad, but it is also grabs your attention...

And then I got to the end, it's such a cliffhanger.

I'm just wondering what the truth was?

I'm not sure if it was the intention to leave us hanging like that, but if so, very well done.

Either way, I still really wanted to know if what the father had siad was true or not.

Good story.

Have a nice day.

Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm giving this a perfect rating because it's short and sweet...and about golf.

It makes me want to cry though, I was trying not to think about the end of the season, but now it's becoming all too harsh a reality.

Perhaps one or two more October/November iron-man rounds in the cold, losing balls under foliage that you didn't have to worry about in the dog days of summer, but that's all that's left now.

Spring could not come soon enough.

Enjoy the off season.
Review of The Kiss  
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is awesome. I won't go into great detail simply because I'm not good at it, but I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was never fortunate enough to have a roller rink to go (they need to bring these back), but if I had, I think I would have loved it.

Anyhow, this was short, sweet, right to the point, and all around great stuff.

Have a nice day!
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really liked this piece. I think that a lot of people probably don't know how this affliction affects people. I have heard of it before, but I can't say that I've ever met anyone with it, and this piece paints a picture of what it is like to have it.

Anyhow, I think it was really well-written, and very easy to understand.

Have a nice day!
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Nicole,

I really liked this. Although I typically don't read or review this sort of thing, the title got me, and I'm glad I did read it. I found it was very sad, but at the same time it was so very honest that you can't help but respect it and appreciate it.

Anyhow, I'm not sure what its worth, but I always believe that there's someone out there for everyone. No matter how different we may feel, or that we don't belong, I am certain that there's a perfect match for everyone out there somewhere.

Anyhow, really good stuff...

Have a nice day.
Review of My First Deer  
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey Mccallp319,

I really liked this story, I've never been a fan of hunting because I'm afraid of guns and fast animals, but I really liked your story. I am an avid fisherman, and your story resonated with me because it seems like the exact same feeling I got when I caught my first monster bass.

Anyhow, there was only one correction that I could spot with these wonky eyes, I've outlined it below:

In the second paragraph it read: "I would by using my own personal rifle"

But I think you meant: "I would be using my own personal rifle"

Good stuff.

Have a nice day!
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I really liked this, and I highly agree with everything that you said.

The toughest part about having to break up with someone you love, is the time it takes to get over it.

I have found in the past, that if two people are truly not meant to be together, that will eventually become evident the more time you spend away from one another. I have also found that if the hurt doesn't go away, then that is a good indication that perhaps they were someone really special.

Just in my opinion...

Anyhow, good stuff, really liked it.
Review of The Angel Lounge  
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Angel Lounge,

I am still fairly new to this site, and I have yet to figure out all of the wonderful things that can be done on here, but I am really enjoying my time writing here. I especially love the wonderful feedback that other members provide you with.

I'm not sure how one gets recognized or chosen as a 'spotlighted' writer, but I just wanted to express my sincerest gratitude that my scribblings were even noticed in the first place. If this selection was the result of one member choosing me, then I'd like to buy that one member a shark. A non-predatory shark. However, if this was the result of numerous people's recommendations, then I would like to invite everyone to a bumper cars adventure next summer once the weather is more agreeable.

Again, thank-you so very much, I am utterly shocked and astonished that anyone has taken an interest in what I am writing about.

(Online super cyber hugs and kisses)

Thanks again,

Zooly Juice
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (3.0)
I believe in ghosts because I've had one in my house for a few years now, it doesn't do anything scary like this ghost, but its still a ghost regardless. I think your story needs more meat though, I'm wondering why the ghost was there in the first place, how come it never came after granny, and what was the ghosts name?

Either way, its a ghost story, which is cool, but everyone wants to know more about the ghost.
Review of Forgive & Forget  
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Great story! It doesn't get much more vivid than that, it was enough to make a pacifist join the military...

All throughout the story, I had suspected that the researcher was some alien life-form, impervious to the gorgeous female figure, or worse, impervious to that same female figure sitting in front of him and discussing (in great detail) herself getting ravaged...but it all worked out in the end, he was only a male human after all, as evidenced by the fact that he could not hold onto his 'facade' in the face of the sexual adveristy.

Great stuff, it's too bad these rating systems are only done numerically, because if I had my way, I would have rated this 9.5 raging erections out of a possible ten raging erections.
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a good story, but I think you should still tell him, it's always better to tell someone how you actually feel rather than keeping it bottled up and potentially regretting not telling him. Even if he has to move away. Who knows, a few years or months down the road, what if boy returns...he's single and so are you, and he always wanted to see where it would go.

Then he comes back into town and you two live happily ever after...all because he remembered you told him exactly how you felt, and he may have felt the same way.

Either way, just my silly opinion but good story nonetheless...
Review of YOLO. Why?  
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (5.0)
Everything you said was true, and I think there are thousands, if not millions, of people that now share those sentiments.

When I hear someone say 'YOLO' for the reasons that you've outlined above, I'd like to slap the taste out of their mouth for saying it.

Well said, straight to the point, and highly agreeable.
Review of In a Daze  
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (3.5)
I'm not sure where to start on this, I loved the story, but it was almost like eating your favorite flavor of Drumstick and then someone snatches it from your hands just as you're about to get to the last bite that has all the chocolate at the bottom. ***I just realized that this is incomplete on purpose, so please disregard anything I said or will say***

Is The Thing a saber-toother tiger or some type of alien? What's was Ann's problem, and how did she become the leader of the underworld? Where exactly did Jim and Carlos stab the guards to get away with it so easily? Was this all a dream? I bet one of the other people in the group is evil right? I also think that Sandy will come back to play a BIG role by stories end?

Anyhow, I'm rambling again, great story!
Review of The Threesome  
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I very much enjoyed this threesome story. Vivid, explicit, detailed, sensual, and it read exactly how I pictured it happening in my wildest dreams every time I go to sleep. The only thing I would change is the name of the second girl and the guy. Not that my opinion matters in the least, but I would have liked for the man to have a stronger name like Thor, Xavier, or Jenkins. I think Skye is a beautiful name but in my mind it didn't match with Izzy. I apologize in advance if these are based on real people because I don't want to sound like I don't like their names, but I would have loved it if the name of the second girl was something like Isabella, Bethany, or even Gertrude.

My favorite part is how it took Dave little to no convincing to set up this threesome. He literally just said one sentence and that was that. In my mind, David must be some type of all-knowing female guru, he must be cut out of stone like a Greek God or something...

Either way, I'm rambling again, great story!
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: E | (4.0)
This story was excellent! The only thing I wanted to know, is what type of meat Bobby was using for his sandwich? Was it pastrami, or thin-sliced roast beef, why was there no cheese on his sandwich, and whether or not his bread selection was whole wheat, white, or multi-grain.

Either way, I'm starving now, and I want to go eat a massive sanwich.

Good stuff, I also loved the fact that he moved up 10 grades. That's unheard of nowadays...

He's truly an inspiration.
Review by Zooly Juice
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I've never read anything even remotely adult, but since I am bored and reading anything and everything today, I decided to give this a go. Great story, it sounds like one of those books you see that has fabio on the cover tearing the clothes off of a damsel in distress.

My only critique, but again I have little to no knowledge about these types of stories, is that I would have cranked up the filthy meter. The best parts were the descriptive portions about the sex, and if I were thinking of writing a sex tale (which I am strongly considering doing now from a male point of view) I will have to make it just completely filthy. Cover your eyes dirty-rotten-sex. Put the kids to bed early type of adultery.

Anyhow, great story.
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