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Rated: E · Article · Comedy · #1005123
Here are 10 great things to say at the Formal Party Table.
Ten “Great Things” to Say at the FORMAL Party Table

(1) “Your dress is exquisite. Yesterday, I bought one just like it at Wal-Mart”.

(2) “I love your hair. Your eight-year-old brother is quite a talented young man”.

(3) “Did you hear about gas prices soaring, again? If this keeps up, we will end up cycling to work”.

(4) “I hope you don’t mind that I forgot to mention my football buddies are attending. They’re at practice right now, and should be coming any minute now”.

(5) “Look at me! I don’t have elbows on the table”

(6) “I am open-minded about everything except people like you”

(7) “I am a compulsive liar. This party is great”.

(8) “I may be two hours late, but I am fashionably on time!”

(9) “Does anybody want to know something really, really, really gross?”

(10) “Pass all the drinks here please!”

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