Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1010212-Situations3
by water
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Action/Adventure · #1010212
The fear and consiquences of what is happening.
Black covers the sky. A gang of stars look down at the earth, until the sun sends them home. The moon is scared, because it is only showing half of it self. A sidewalk is under the feet of a man. His black dressshoes support his feet. Cotten around his feet, inside his shoes, keep his feet dry. The suit that he has on keeps his body warm from all the cold air. He is standing on the sidewalk beside metal, rubber and iron. The metal, rubber and iron can get a body from one place to another. A hand reaches over and lifts a handel on the door. It opens up and a seat is preasent. Then, he lifts his foot and places it on the thing that catches dirt. The rest of the body ducks and bends to place the rest of it self in. The car is started by one hand and a single foot. Rubber rolls round and round, moving the metal from one place to another. The metal is guided to a small building and stopps in the middle of the doorway. He gets out of the car! Suddenly two shadows are coming up behind him. The shadows pass him and go into the building that sale products. Then, he slowly follows behind them. When he gets inside the door, something catches his eye. A small peice of wood that can hurt someone, is present. The bat can't be lost from the gripp of his fingers. On the other hand, it is carried to a counter. The peice of oak is placed on the counter for purchase. Something green has been pulled out of his pocket, to pay the human at the counter. Then, the human at the counter gives the man a few peices of bronze. He places the bronze in his pocket. He turns and walks through the door swiftly. On the outside, the car has not left the seen. Some cars get up and walk off. But, not under their own power. The community would have divided the peices, if it would have been taken. But, it was not. Therefore, he tries to get in the metal thing that brought him their. All of a sudden! Out of nowhere, one of the shadows hits him across the head with something that the car is made out of. The door is wide open. His suit is glued to the ground and blood run a sprint off the curb. The thing that holds his money has been taken by the other shadow. A building next to the store contains many windows and has lot's of stories. One on top of the other. People are in these stories and windows. This is nonthing new to them, it is just like a TV show. It is what they are use to seeing out of the square thing that gives one a view of the enviroment. The two shadows race away in the dark, like a light through a peice of tissue. The stick that he brought to protect him, is on the ground, just like him.
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