Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1027392-My-Hearts-Love
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Family · #1027392
Written for my true love.
My Hearts Love

There is no easy way

to right words to say

exactly what you mean to me

or how I feel about you

So please bear with me,

and hang on til the end

it may get a little confusing

because it is a little confusing for me

I love you without reason

or rhythm

I've been told to get over you

and to move on

and forget

but I cannt there is no way to stop loveing you.

Its not that easy

It hurts to much inside

the pain is what scares me

The pain of loving you alone scares me

I love you soo much it haunts me

I love you soo much that it give me hope and faith and joy

You make me cry and smile and laugh

at the same time.

The love you give me

even if it is in my head

Sets me on fire

sending me tossing and turning

in my sleep

when I am all alone in the loney

night I look for you to hold you close

to keep me safe.

It makes me need you

to get your strengh and passion

to drive harder

to make me a better person and a better mother.

You give me the strengh and drive

to reach for the stars

to go for my goals that I

forgot all about

and make me go for my dreams that I set aside.

No matter what may come

my love for you will never end.

There is no ending to this true pure love.

You could be a killer

crazyer then myself.

But it wont change the love I

hold for you in my heart.

There is not a single thing

I want to change about you,

because if I asked you to change something

you would not be who I feel in love with.

In my heart you are perfect

just the way you are.

I never loved anyone

the way I love you.

Its pure

with no strings attached

no condions

the only thing that changes

is how much I love you

it grows stronger and stronger

as each day goes on.

I can not, not have you in my life.

I cannt live a happy life without

my best friend in it.

That is my secret

my deepest darkest secret

I am beeply in love with my best friend.

I am deeply without reason

or dought in love with my best friend.

You make me feel special


confadent and cared for

feelings my children cannt even make me feel.

You have made me want to be a better person

and a better mother.

You have become my stars and moon.

I will never stop loving you

This is real, this is true

This is something that only happends in dreams

or fair tales or movies

It will never go away

you are my better half,

my soul mate

and it will never end.

It's undying


It just goes on and on

becomes stronger and stronger

So if the time is ever right

If it can ever happend again

When I can feel your lips on mine,

sleep next to you

at night

feeling safe

keeping the monsters away

To have your strongs arms around me

to watch you sleep peacefuly

to wonder what you dream about.

To make your dreams come true.

To make you feel the way I feel about you

To make you as happy as you make me

To make you feel special and loved

I cannt wait til the day I can hold you close

to feel your lips on mine

to feel your manly hand on in mine.

I will wait forever

I will always wait.

I wont go any where

Forever and Always

I will be here for you

I will never leave

My love for you will never die.

I will always be here for my best friend.

My soul mate


What am I to you?

Maybe some day you will be able to tell me

Because I am all confused

Because I love you.

Wrote for and about Ghost. My one true love.

© Copyright 2005 MKDH (melliemama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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