Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1042832-Sounds-in-the-Night
Rated: ASR · Non-fiction · Comedy · #1042832
The character in the story wonders what the noise in the night is...
Sounds in the Night

         My heart jumped, and my body felt the twinge of terror, as I heard a noise from the kitchen. At first I thought an intruder was breaking in. I did not know what I was going to do. I asked myself where my cell phone was, in case I needed to make an emergency call. I remembered that earlier I set it by my computer desk in my bedroom.

         I stood in one spot, stiffened for more than two minutes, while I tried not to assume the worst. Perhaps it was not my first thought-someone breaking in to steal from me, or rape me, or kill me. Instead, maybe it was a mouse, or the wind. There could be a thousand explanations for the noise.

         I clenched my fists, and gritted my teeth as I forced myself to strategize.

         I did not have much time. I had to make a move, and quickly. I was either going to first dash to my bedroom, and quick grab my phone, or or I would somehow figure out what that rustling noise was, and where it was coming from. I hoped that neither move would be the cause of my near instant death.

         I made my decision. I courageously tiptoed about four steps from the bathroom door to the kitchen doorway. I did not see anyone, but I still heard the noise. For a second, I thought I knew for sure it was a mouse. I walked further into the kitchen to set the trap.

         However, as I walked closer to the corner where the trap was hidden, I noticed the microwave light was on. I was mistaken. The rustling noise I thought I heard was really a popping noise. I had no intruder trying to steal my valuables, or a mouse scratching it's way through the kitchen wall. It was not the wind, either.

         I realized that the noise was coming from the microwave. I breathed a deep breath of comfortable relief, as I heard the "ding" of the microwave bell, signifying my bag of popcorn was done, and the noise I had heard for over two and a half minutes was suddenly gone. Also, gone was my fear of that sound in the night.
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