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by Elvis
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1066541
Once there was a second grader named Billy Williams. Billy is your typical second grader, ya know. One morning he woke up for school. He first got dressed, then went to eat breakfast. He had a bowl of Cap'n Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Trix, Lucky Charms, and Frosted Flakes. After such a big breakfast, he washed it all down with his morning Pepsi. Then he went upstairs to brush his teeth. Afterall, with that breakfast, all that sugar is enough to disintegrate and erode your teeth into nothing, so he brushed his teeth.
Then, Billy got ready for school. First, he put on his coat. Then he put his back-pack on, whiched weighed approximately 7200 lbs. Yeah, you know second graders, they hafta take EVERYTHING to school for recess. He's never sure what everyone's gonna be doing then, whether it's baseball, football, baseball-cards, or football-cards. Or if it's GI-Joe day. Like I said, he's yer typical second grader.
Anyway, he was walkin' to school. On his way there, he saw a Groundhog. Yeah, you probably know what he's gonna do next. Like most second graders would, he picked up a rock and threw it at the Groundhog. Luckily, he missed. Then Billy picked up another rock and threw it. Once again, the groundhog survived. Billy tried to pick up another rock, but the weight of his back-pack prevented him from moving, and he was pulled back, or something, and hit his head against it.
Soon, Billy woke up. When he woke up, he noticed eight groundhogs around him. Except, they were 8-feet tall. And they spoke to each other. In English.
"What should we do with him?" asked one of da freaky-ish groundhogs.
"We should take him to our master," replied another. "GET UP, B*TCH! YER COMIN' WIT US, YA HEAR?" They grabbed Billy and ran off with him. Eventually, they were at what seemed like a castle. They entered it.
Inside was a groundhog with a long robe and a crown. "I am King Groundhog, of Groundhog Land!" He announced. "What is yer name, son?"
"Billy Williams," replied Billy Williams.
"Do you not know what today is?" roared King Groundhog.
"February 2, Groundhog's Day," said Billy.
"WRONG! February 2, People's Day! Don't you know what we do on People's Day?" roared King Groundhog, of Groundhog Land.
Then, all of a sudden, everything became blury to Billy. Soon, Billy woke up. Yeah, that whole thing was Billy's dream. Then, Billy went downstairs to start his day with his Frosted Flakes, Cap'n Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Lucky Charms, Trix, and Pepsi.

© Copyright 2006 Elvis (elvisapresley7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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