Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1068824-Death-By-Atumn-excerpt
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1068824
This is a small excerpt of a story I wrote. I hope that people like it.
-This is a brief exerpt from the story. It is Chapter 4 and is an imortant scene-

------Chapter Four------
That night a considerable amount of kids gathered in Shadyside's old and abandoned junkyard for a school night party. It was a rather secluded place, so this allowed them to get as crazy as they wanted, whenever they wanted to do so.
Leaves of orange, yellow, and red joined together in an Autumn fury. They wipped around and slammed color on many red cheeked faces. It did not seem to bother the kids because they were all highly intoxicated.
Scott and Steve sat together on the hood of an old rusted Trans-Am.

"This is war man," said Steve pouring himself a shot of whiskey with vengeful eyes. "How could he do that to her? Especially for Tyrej, she's so nasty!?

"Dude chill out," laughed Scott twisting the cap off of his Southern Comfort. He watched as it flew off of the bottle and onto the ground. It did not matter becase he didn't plan to replace the cap anyway.

Steve studied Jason and downed another shot, then another, and another. "What a prick! Look at him a-runnin' 'round like he did nothin'. I'm gonna get that pig!'

Steve attempted to leave, but Scott easily pulled him down on the car. "You're wasted. No fights man. That's the last thing Bethanie wants to see right now. You just lay down and I'll be back man."

"Alright man." Steve said giving Scott a drunken salute. "Hey man."


"Sorry I forgot Enrique...or whatever."

Scott laughed. "It's cool man, totally cool."

Meanwhile, Tyrej and Jamal quietly made their way to the junkyard. They did not talk too much, and they failed to resolve the fight they had earlier in the day.
Jamal adjusted his blue and gray Ecko hat and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry Tyrej. I shouldn't have blown up on you the way I did. You're right, I'm jealous, and I shouldn't be. I know you'd never go behind my back."

Tyrej smirked. He had no idea. "No, I'm sorry." She took his hand. "Let's have fun tonight, you and me."

Back at the junkyard there were still many kids partying. It was certainly a huge turnout.
It was raining leaves and Bethnaie sat alone on a large rock. She did not feel like drinking tonight. Actually, she didn't feel like anything tonight. Why couldn't she just be happy? She watched as Jason talked with Ricky, laughing and carrying on. They were having fun, he was having fun.

"That's it!" Bethanie declared. She approached Jason with fire in her eyes.

Jason turned to Bethanie and snickered. "What?"

"What do you mean 'what'?" Bethanie exclaimed.

"Look," Jason began, "Ricky and I are about to meet a few uh- people, so goodbye."

He then attempted to leave but Bethanie stepped in his way. "May I come?" She questioned sternly.

"No I don't think so." Jason laughed. "Just stay here with your girlfriends."

"'Cause you're meeting a few girls huh?" She screamed.

"What if I am?" Jason challenged. "They's probably give me more in one night than you have in a month! You know what you are Bethanie? You're a pretty little ornament that just makes me look good!"

Bethanie was stunned and began to cry.

"Hey man why don't you just leave?" Steve shouted erupting from the crowd.

"What you little shit?" Jason asked appalled.

"She doesn't deserve that, and you don't deserve her. So why don't you just leave?" Steve yelled.

"Now you aint gonna talk to me like that without a fight!"

"Bring it on jockstrap!"

Jason advanced toward Steve in fury. He violently swung at him but was grabbed by somebody.

"Jason just go man!" It was Scott.

The surrounding crowd grew silent. Jason was hesitant to say anything to Scott. He was just too strong. Jason would surely lose that fight.

"Fine, but this aint over!"

"One more thing," Bethanie said. "We're over! I never want to see your face again!"

Jason kicked a nearby car and ran off alone.

"You better run!" Steve shouted.

Tyrej and Jamal were sitting close by a small campfire that one of the party attendants built.

Jamal kissed Tyrej. "I hope we never fight again."

Tyrej almost began to feel guilt for what she had done but pushed it out of her mind. "Me too," she said, "me too."

"So I was thinking..." he began.

Tyrej let his words go through one ear and out the other. She was not a talker, especially when it came to Jamal's lovey-dovey moments. No, Tyrej was more for the wild things in life. And Jamal simply wasn't wild.
Suddenly Tyrej saw someone motioning for her by an old Trans-Am about twenty feet away. "Me?," she whispered softly pointing to herself as Jamal just continued to talk. It was Scott, and he nodded 'yes'.

"Jamal. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but there's something that I have to take care of." Tyrej said.

Jamal sighed. "Okay, hurry up."

Tyrej made her way over to Scott. What could he possibly want? Maybe he changed his mind about her offer. He was a man, and surely she gave him an offer he could not refuse. It had been a long time dream of hers to get in bed with Scott.

"Can I help you?" Tyrej asked sarcastically.

"The question is," Scott said, "can I help you?"

Tyrejlaughed dismissively. "What is that supossed to mean?"

"We have to talk, in private. Someone could hear us or see us." He scanned the scenery.

She smiled" Oh, I see. Let's go."

He leaned closer to her. This made her body shake. "I know what you did."

"What did I do?"

Scott could sense a nervousness in her voice. "Don't play dumb Tyrej. Steve saw you and Jason in the lab. Just come with me."

Tyrej reluctantly followed Scott to a secluded and semi-wooded area not far from the rest of the party.

"So Steve saw Jason and I?" Tyrej said in despair. "Why is this your business and why was that moron snooping around int he first place?"

Scott chuckled. "Why were you messing with your best friend's boyfriend in the lab? There are enough spills in there thank you very much."

"Not funny. What does this got to do with you?"

"How could you do this to Bethanie? Jamal too? They love you Tyrej! Bethanie is like a sister to me. How could you hurt her like that? Give me one good reason."

Tyrej was in shock. "I don't know, I guess I was mad at Jamal. He deserved it. You saw what he said to me at lunch!"

Scott shook his head. "You can't just sleep with somebody every time you get mad at Jamal. If I cheated on Rivers everytime I got mad at her, I'd be Ron Jeremy!"

"So what do you want from me huh?" Tyrej shrieked.

"Are you gonna tell him?"

Tyrej's eyes bulged. "Hell no. That would be suicide!"

"If you don't tell, I will. I aint gonna let you get away with this. Bethanie is a good person, and you well..."

Tyrej gave him a seductive look. "Please don't tell. I'll do whatver you want."

"Okay, then you can tell them. It isn't my fault that you're a slut!"

Tyrej was heated. "I wont let you!"

"How is that?" Scott laughed.

Tyrej thought for a moment. "How could you tell if you did the same thing?" Tyrej spoke spitefully.


She circled him. "All I have to do is tell your precious little girlfriend about the wild night that we're having. I'll lie, and people will believe me."

Scott felt himself engulfed in rage. "You wouldn't dare. If you even try I'll-

"You'll what? Deny it? Of course you would. But I'm a slut remember? So who would you believe?" Tyrej said stern and confident in her new control.

"You have no proof!"

In one single motion, Tyrej swiftly yanked Scott's golden cross necklace from his neck. She giggled. " I'll just say that we got a little rough and I ripped it off. Being anatomically correct that means you're on top."

Scott glared at her in fury. "You better watch your back bitch, 'cause you'll get what's comin' to you."

© Copyright 2006 Heidi Stockdale (tsalagiyonv at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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