Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1074757-Japanese-Doll
Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #1074757
I swear the doll gave me this poem after I had cleaned her up & made her beautiful again!
I have a lifelike, Japanese doll.
She’s three feet tall,
My Japanese doll,
And she stares out the window all day.

So she won’t fall,
She leans on the wall,
And stares out that window all day.

When I roll her a ball,
She just stands there, that’s all,
And stares out the window all day.

She can’t hear me call,
Or ignores me – the gall!
And just stares out that window all day.

But one day, she got up and went down the hall,
My 3-foot tall
Japanese doll;
She left for the mall
With a “bye-bye, all y’all”,
And sauntered away, all blasé.

Well, I ran to the window
With feet made of clay,
And I watched as that doll just went on her way
My mouth was agape
But I had nothing to say
My mind was just trippin’,
My thoughts all astray
And I wondered if head-shrinks
Would pronounce me OK,
‘cuz now it’s me who stares out the window all day,
And I think I’m here at this window to stay!
© Copyright 2006 waterdragon (waterdragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1074757-Japanese-Doll