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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Other · #1077464
collected poems
Strawberry pie
And lemon varsity
Will fill little Macy
Full with hunger and pride

Dark, deep shadows fill the mind
No one dares to venture to deep
For fear that they will become
Lost in the memory
That they least want to find
The one so far from the
Ordinary that they are
Scared of it’s territory
I look to venture to
This place in my mind
That holds both
Good and evil
That cherishes the small things done
More than the large
That looks for peace
But loves commotion
That never sleeps
But is always settle
I look to find this place
And I hope you don’t mind

In a dream we sit
Peacefully by waters edge
You say I will never forget you
I say that we will always have each other
In this dream we are our souls image
You dressed in white and your
Brunette hair long with layers
And blonde highlights
Me dressed in black my blonde hair
Short with red highlights and tasseled clips
You are an angel with white feathery wings
I am a fairy that represents both
Good and bad
We ponder silently on things that have passed
We choose not to forget any of the good
Nor let any of the bad slip away
We remember the things that were said
The actions that meant more than words
We fall under our dream realms spell
Letting the memories flow vividly
Throughout our minds
We laugh and
We let in all that there is to take
And then in the form of tears
We let it out again
We find comfort in the past
Forget that there is a present
And shun the future
We are two half’s of the whole
We fill each other’s minds with
Gold and coal
We help each other through the bad
And bring good to all others
You are not afraid to show what is inside
I am
You are not afraid to be different
I am
You are not afraid to take risk
I am
I hold happiness to heart
You don’t
I let love float to the back
You don’t
I cherish all that is dark
You don’t
I wish you were more like me
You wish I were more like you
But in truth are differences make are bonds
Tighter than all others
We are the good and the bad within
Each other we will grow up
And see the friendship throughout the years
As we think we leave waters edge and walk down
A trodden path
You say I will never forget the time you tried
To kill me
I say neither will I?
We start t run not knowing where we are going or
What we are running from
It feel to us as if
There are trolls
With shotguns
And dangerous poisons
At are feet and that eventually we
Will find the safety that is not far
We turn down separate paths a mist
The confusion
You yell good-bye
And I yell please don’t leave me
You say we will always be closer
Than you think
I say how is that possible
But there is no return
Answer and the trolls surround me
I am suffocating in their toxic gases
Then suddenly you are there beside me
You help me to see the good and fight off the
Demends of our realm and the world outside
Of it
I do not know how I will ever thank you
More for all that you have helped me to experience
And conquer the fears that I have had before
I wake from my dream and realize that
For all the trouble I have caused you
I know if I were you I would given upon our friendship
But you have held on to it and for that I am forever thankful
Of you and all the blessings you have brought me throughout
My life and I will never ever forget you
In a sort of way I love you
I miss you and all
The good and bad things that go with you

Angel of light
Angel of dark
Come save me now
From my fate that is at hand
I beg you please
Don’t let me die this way
Call the light
Call the dark
Intertwine you strength
Manifest you beliefs in I
I will take neither side
Nor will cease to forget
How you have both helped me live
Angle of light
Angle of dark
Please hold out your hands to me
And pull me back to the surface
I shall take with me legend of
You success and losses and
How you have both come to terms
To together rule the earth

Pixie dust
And fairy tale
Bring light upon the seen eyes
Of an innocent child
The love of breath and
Hope of success bring
Light to seen eyes of
An expecting child
Death and misery
Are yonder to non-believers
A child sees what others may not
An n adult is the shape
That was drawn by society
You chose now
What you will be
How you will act
You are no longer
You no longer hold
Complete peace
Of mind nor do you believe but

Rituals of light
Our incantations of love
Fill the heart with paradise
What happens but when leave
What happens when paradise
Turns to hell
And we are left in sorrow
Shall we weep
Shall we rejoice
We weep for what is lost
And rejoice for what we
Words are a pity
A beautiful poem
Waiting to unfold
Life yet not lived
And a memory of hurt
Smile and behold the bases
Of our emotion
The soul of the dead
Let us carry on the love
Let us remember the heartbreak

What is it you hearken us for
We have done wrong
Severed all with justice
Saved our money for taxes
And yet you expect us to give our lives
To those who little deserve them you
Must be crazy
I owe none my life for it
Was given to me by the
The Lord and Lady
Of our lands
Go now bring news to no more
Face you fates
That might you deserve
Pray justice to you own lord
And speak no evil of ours
Go now and face you fates
Whatever they might be

If the justice set us free
Then what well enslave us again
Will it be justice
Will it be you
Will it be me
Will it not come pass
In our lifetime
But in our kin’s
Generations and how may we
Be certain are accomplishments
Are not causing their troubles
Will the dead cease to die
Will living cease to live
In our days
Or our kin’s
How can we be certain
Of our futures
How we can we see our
Death and how will we succeed in
Our lives

Dig my grave a little deeper
Wash my shoes before I die
Say I love you before I sleep
Say you care before I wake
Wish me well in my next life
Hold my memory close to you
Move on with body, mind, and soul
Wish me no evil
I forgive you for all you wrong doings
Cry no more fear no less
I wish you only the best
If I am to pass or
If you are to leave
Know I love you
Know I care about you
Know I am sorry
Know I hold your memory
Close at hand and heart
Know I will move on
With body, mind and soul
Know I will cry
Know I fear no less
Know I will dig your grave a little deeper
Know I will wash your shoes before you die
For you I wish a better ending
Than the one I fear will be my own
Move on create your legacy
Laugh, cry, and remember me
Dig my grave a little deeper
Wash my shoes before I die

If you knew your sister was going to
Marry a murder
Would you stop her
If you knew your buddy was
Killing her soul would you stop her
If you knew that man was going to
Kill you would stop him
Could you
How would you
How long before you knew
And when would it actually stop
Wouldn’t just be easier
To let her figure herself
To let them get over it and move on
To let him kill you and die
Maybe it would be
Maybe it would be harder
Who can say
Unless they’ve tried
Who can say what is easier
No one but you
Can say I will stop them
I will let them
No one can say but you
What easier for you

If life was a fairy tale
We’d all have
Rich spouses
Magical grandparents
Cute little dwarfs
At our sides
And happy endings
But, Life is no fairy tale
Bad things happen
Ugly people win
Death isn’t always happy
No one said lived happily forever
And maybe that ‘s why
We rely on those little
Children’s fairy tales
Of happy ending and
Rich spouses
To help survive each day's troubles

First to see
First to live
What I have bore I do
Not accept
A miss counterpart
A horrid hallucination
A vague dream
A plaintive monster
My desolated love tail
The last to see
The last to die

A rich man
And his wealthy son
Walk hand in hand
Tomorrow the boy decides
Is his day of reckoning
Tonight the man convinces himself
I will finish my career
Put down the stalks
Leave the change
And love him as he needs
He can not see me for who
I am
He will cringe and cry
There is no help for me
But, in truth it is thy
Father that need help
Hearkens an angel who stands near
The boy will die
And the man will go on
But not in agony
But in faith,
That his money
Was not ye to be put down
That he has been rid of his
Only distraction

Bloody bath
Crimson cloth
Here my love one dies
By my hand
By my rage
I end his life
Save his memory
His anger would of
Consumed him I plead to the
But they snicker
I am told I must be
They send me away
I sit here now
In walls as white as heaven’s
Locked in my dugeon
Of doom
Silently I cry
Tears of woo
I am not sorry for my action
I am happy he is gone
If only they could of seen
The power his arm heaved
If only they would have known
Our arangment was not of love
But of power
I have not a single tear
To shed for him
But more than millions
For those who will
Follow in foot steps
Who will experience the
Run from the anger
And smile no more
At their once gorgeous
And beautiful bodies
And more a shed to
Those who will not
Overcome the pain
Not kill the hate
But live terror and
Lose all hope

Startled child
Lay your tender head
Down here on my lap
Don’t loose that heart of gold
Don’t give in the
Petty fears and doubts
Of this world or
The next

The life of the child
Has been taken
The elder laughs
The businessman
Doesn’t care
The holy man at
The altar
Could care less
The boy at the
Basketball court
Shrugs it off
But who would
Take notice
Of this snuffed out
This tiny little
Buddle of nothing
Who could Smile
Who could Cry

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