Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1085453-Dancing-With-Alicce
by Rikjam
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1085453
Boy meets girl in the late 50's.
Dancing with Alice
by Richard Miller

“So, are you going or not? If you don’t go, then Eddie’s not going and if Eddie’s not going then it’ll be a total bore, I’m not going by myself…so, you gonna go?”

Warren stared at the pimple that had appeared without warning overnight on his nose, as he weighed his answer. Stu, his best friend in the world was freaking out about the dance tomorrow night at the junior high.

“I dunno, I got this big freaking pimple now, besides, dances are for fags.” He was trying to imitate Marlon Brando this time. They took turns imitating movie stars when they got to talk on the phone. “I can’t go to the dance Stella…STELLA…….”

“Oh man that’s the worst Brando. C’mon, Lois Orsetti is going to be there, you know Lois…” Warren knew that Stu was probably motioning his hands like breasts in front of his chest that Warren couldn’t see but knew he was doing. All the boys at PS 221 had the hots for Lois Orsetti. She had already turned fourteen, and it showed. “Va va voom Lois… Warren, c’mon, for me man, I gotta dance with her Jesus don’t screw this up.”

“My mom says you shouldn’t say Jesus Stu, besides I think I got a Bar Mitzvah lesson, you know the Rabbi will freak if I miss one more.” Warren was trying to keep from bursting out in laughter now as he busted Stu’s hump. He turned the phone away from his mouth so that the sounds of his restrained laughter wouldn’t be heard.

“Ok, now I’m gonna kill you. The dance is tomorrow freak breath, your lesson is Monday.” Stu was shouting now.

Warren burst out in hysterics; his thirteen year old voice a high-pitched squeal of delight as he fell back onto his bed. “Ok I’m going, I’ll just have to get a nose change or something. This pimple is humongous. I look like I have two noses.”

Both boys now squealed with laughter. Warrens' mother called from the kitchen and announced dinner. The boys said goodbye and they would see each other in the morning. Stu would call Eddie, and all would be right with the world. Warren went to the table, still giggling.

Later, still reflecting on the phone call, Warren popped the pimple, put calamine lotion on it, and after watching the Flintstones, went to bed.

The next morning, Warren stopped by Stu’s building and then the two walked to Eddie Boganski’s on the way to school. Eddie was throwing a Spalding against the stoop waiting for the two friends to approach.

“So, tonight is Lois Orsetti night,” said Eddie, miming breasts with his hands. “You thinks she’ll dance with you shrimp?” he said nudging Stu with his elbow.

“Yeah, like Lois Orsetti is going to even look at him.” Warren replied

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it all figured out.” Said Stu in his best Bella Lagosi impersonation.

“Hey good one.” Warren laughed.

The three friends walked down Carol Street to Empire Boulevard and then left to the school talking and laughing like schoolboys do, when a car pulled up to the curb and stopped. A man leaned across the front seat passenger, a girl, who smiled at Warren. Warren smiled back as the man rolled the window down and shouted, “Say boys, where is PS 221?”

Two blocks that way mister” Said Warren as he pointed in the direction they were walking, he kept his eyes on the girl. The man shouted a thank you, and after looking behind him, made a three sixty turn in the street.

“Hey did you see the girl in the car? Warren nudged Eddie who was searching in his lunch bag for a candy bar.

“Huh, no, what girl?”

“Uhh, Never mind.”

The boys approached the school a few minutes later and Warren watched as the man from the car guided a wheelchair into the building.

Warren went to his locker, then to his first period class, English Composition with Miss. Gundenthal. As he sat and got out his book, Mrs. Gleason the assistant principal entered with the pretty girl from the car in the wheelchair and announced that a new student, Alice Long would be joining the class, and to please welcome her. Everyone shyly said “Hi” some girls waved as Alice was led to a desk next to the classes’ best girl student, Nancy Hanks. Warren watched as she rolled across the room. Alice Long was beautiful, more beautiful than Sophia Loren and Gina Lolabrigida put together he thought. Her hair was like auburn silk and she smiled shyly at Warren as she rolled by. He felt as if she was moving in slow motion as she glanced at him. Their eyes met for a moment. Warren was in love.

For the next forty minutes Warren tried not to glance back at her, but did once as he ‘accidentally’ dropped his pen and turned to bend down and retrieve it. When he looked up, his eyes met hers again, and a smile crept across her lips.

Warren’s mind was cluttered with thoughts of what to do. He felt paralyzed. What would James Dean do? He was shy around girls but this girl was an exception. If he didn’t speak to her, he might loose his chance to an eighth grader.

While lost in his thoughts, the buzzer sounded signaling the end of the period. He gathered his books, and got up to leave and to think about what to do, when he heard “Hi” and turned around. Nancy was pushing Alice’s chair as three other girls were chatting incessantly. Alice smiled at Warren as she was led out the door.

Warren froze, “Uhh hi” he said at her back.

In the cafeteria Warren told Eddie and Stu about the new girl from the car, Alice. He went on about how she was a knockout, a real dish the prettiest girl in PS221 for sure.

“But she’s crippled man” said Stu.

“I don’t care…I don’t, it doesn’t matter.”

“Yeah but does she have Orsetti’s?” said Eddie, miming with his hands again.

“ Uhh I dunno, but she’s like… beautiful.”

“Hey, ask her to the dance fartbreath, it’ll be great.” Stu laughed with his mouth full of cafeteria pizza.

“Very funny Eddie. You’re a riot,” then, “you think I should? I dunno, I never asked a girl out before.”

“You’re going to ask a crippled girl to a dance? Said Eddie.

“Why not, it’s just a social event. I don’t dance anyway.”

Warren spotted Alice across the room near the windows surrounded by the girls from homeroom. He wished she were alone, thinking he wouldn’t want witnesses just in case she said no. He was shaking, but moved forward to their table. He was about to ask a crippled girl to a dance. What could he have been thinking? Alice looked up while talking to a girl on her right and saw him approach. The conversation seemed to quiet as the others noticed him.

“Hi again” said Alice with a toothy smile. Warren was glad she spoke first.

“ Uhh hi…I..uhh…I’m Warren. Uhh ..can I talk to you a sec?” breathe..just breathe.. his brain was shouting.

Alice smiled and pushed back her chair. She rolled around the table to the windows as all the girls chatted and giggled to each other, intently watching. Warren walked over to her looking at her lovely face, and noticed her freckles for the first time. Her eyes were green and her smile was like that of an angel. One small problem however…he still couldn’t breathe. He was frozen with terror. This was a mistake, he was sure of it.

“I know, Nancy told me your name. I saw you from my dad’s car. I’m Alice.”

“Uhh…oh…so I see you’re in this wheelchair. How’s that going.” Oooy..what did I just say?

Alice laughed, “You’re funny…but you’re the only one who’s asked. Actually, it’s all right. My leg braces are being adjusted today. I have polio, but it’s ok. I’ll probably have my braces back later.”
She smiled again “It’s ok, you look like you’re gonna faint. Are you?”

Realizing he had been holding his breath, Warren exhaled. His heart was pounding, his mouth dry. Her eyes and her smile were breathtaking. He realized that he couldn’t see anything else. No one, no wheelchair, nothing, just Alice. Then they both laughed.

“No, no I’m fine.”

“You’re the first boy I’ve talked to since I moved here. Other boys seem to be afraid of me. You’re not are you?”

“Uhh, no, no I’m not. Well…so you got braces then?”

“Uh huh.”

“Well that’s good I guess. So how old are you?”

“You’re not supposed to ask a girl her age silly.” she said in a half giggle.

“Uhh oh yeah right…I’m thirteen and a half, I’m having my bar mitzvah soon.”

“That’s cool. I had mine in April.”

“Oh, so you’re older than me.”

She laughed louder this time “Well maybe just a little.”

“So, how do you like it here so far?”

“It’s nice, it’s bigger than my school in New Jersey.”

“Oh, New Jersey that’s nice.” (That’s nice? oooy.)

“It was ok, this place is nice too”

“Yeah, well it’s Brooklyn. Those are my friends over there.”

“They sure laugh a lot.”

“Uhh, yeah well, they’re jerks.” (Ask her you idiot..)

“They seem nice.”

“Look, some kids are getting together for some kind of social thing here later tonight at seven thirty, I guess you couldn’t come right?” (some kind of social thing?)

“Yes, Helen invited me, it’s a dance. It’s ok you can say dance. Are you going to be here?”

Say yes dumb head…say yes “Uhh I was thinking I might …so maybe I’ll see you later” (Smooth Marlon, real smooth.)

“Ok, so I’ll see you later, bye”



“Alligator…see you later alliga…never mind.” (Alligator..alligator..You are such an idiot.)

Warren went back to the table. He was sure that everyone could hear his heart pounding. It sounded like a drum roll in his ears. He sat back in his chair while Eddie and Stu peppered him with questions. “Did you ask her…what did she say…is she going…she’s no Sophia Loren…” Warren couldn’t hear any of them.

“Yeah, yeah she’s coming…oh man it was awful. I can’t believe I was such a….never mind, she’s going anyway. I can’t believe I asked her.”

Time crawled to seven thirty. It seemed like extra hours were thrown in just to torture him. Warren arrived wearing his bar mitzvah suit and tie. His mother warned him not to get it stained. A paper sign across the door said “Welcome to the Kit Kat Klub”, a reference to a new show on Broadway. The tables were cleared from the cafeteria except for a row across the back wall that held pretzels and red punch. Chairs were lined up along the walls. Boys congregated on the window side, girls seemed to collect near the doorway. Stu and Eddie came in together. Stu wore a tan sport coat over black pants while Eddie wore a checkered coat over brown pants. Mr. Dean the gym teacher played forty-five rpm records from a table in the corner. Stu spotted Lois Orsetti helping him select records. “Here I go men, wish me luck.” said Stu in his best Bogart as he turned and walked first to the punch bowl, and then over to Lois.

Warren sat, and watched the door.

At eight thirty, Warren realized that he had made the biggest blunder of his life. She wasn’t going to come; she was probably mortified and was just covering up. How could you ask a crippled girl to a dance, you idiot?

By eight forty five he sat staring at Stu and Lois dancing to Ray Charles “I can’t stop Loving you” Stu gave him a big grin and a thumbs up when he turned to face Warren. A movement at the door way caught his eye. He turned to see Alice’s father helping her off with her coat, as Alice stood, in a pink checkered dress, her hair was pushed back with a red head-band. Her eyes were searching the scene and settled on Warren sitting alone by the window. She smiled and gave a small wave, but was quickly surrounded by the other girls as she stepped robotically into the cafeteria. Warren smiled, his heart swelled and he felt choked by her loveliness. Her father waved good-by and retreated to the exit. Warren stayed back as the throng of girls led Alice to a seat across the room. They were all so glad to see that Alice could walk, slowly, but walk just the same. Now, the hard part, he had to cross the room. He remembered that Stu got punch first, so he walked to the back tables, scooped up two glasses of punch and walked to Alice.

“Hi. Would you like some?” he said extending a cup to her.

“Oh, yes thank you. We got delayed a little. There are screws and clamps and things,” she said as she lifted the hem of her skirt to expose the metal braces that went up to her knees. “It took a while for my dad to get them set for me. Thank you for waiting.”

“Oh, sure well I was here anyway…I mean…I was glad to wait. You look nice. You’re taller than I thought.”

Alice’s laughter was like tinkling crystals “You’re so funny.”

Just then, Andy Williams voice singing Moon River came over the speakers. Boys and girls migrated at once to the dance floor, everyone liked the slow ones. Stu was in heaven. Lois danced most of the slow ones with him. Warren looked at his shoes for a few moments. When he glanced up to Alice, she was smiling at him. “It’s ok, you can ask someone to dance. I don’t mind.”

“Oh..no..I don’t dance actually…”

“Well you should, it’s fun.”

“I don’t want to dance with anyone else, I mean with anyone…”

“I like this song. Don’t you?”

“Yeah, it’s ok”

“So ask me silly.”

“Oh…uh..so do you wanna… uhhh..can you…?”

“Sure if you don’t mind dancing with Robby the Robot.” She giggled.

What happened next was burned into Warren’s memory for the rest of his life. He stood he reached for her hand. Alice rose unsteadily until both legs were closer together. He stepped to her, and she to him. Her smile never waned. He drew her closer, as close as he dared, and they began to dance.

Her steps were more side-to-side than front to back, so he matched her. The fragrance of her hair filled his brain, his heart felt like it might explode. She felt so perfect in his arms. He looked at her face and the rest of the room disappeared.

Andy Williams sang to them alone.

They were lost in each other’s eyes as applause brought them back to the Kit Kat Klub. They were
Surrounded by everyone. It seems that the music had stopped a full minute earlier and oblivious to the end of the song, they kept on dancing.

Warren and Alice danced on for the next fifty years.

Warren died last year and today is his unveiling.

I am on my way to the cemetery as I have these thoughts. Lois and Stu and their children will be there.
Rabbi Boganski will officiate.

It was recalled that each year on their anniversary Warren and Alice danced to one song and one song only.

The song was Moon River.

© Copyright 2006 Rikjam (rikjam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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