Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1086765-Morning-Can-Wait
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1086765
Lovers awake, to continue thier passion from the night before.
I awoke with that feeling: The stickiness between my legs reminding me of the reason I slept so soundly. As my other senses returned, I felt his warm, bare ass against mine. That fine, round, brown ass. The ass that peeked when he wore his sagging jeans, begging for me to dig my claws into it. Reaching backwards, I traced his sillouhette with my fingertips, pausing at his waist where gravity and his toned abs led my fingers toward his prize. My prize. But not yet. His breath was still slow and steady. Mine, however, was increasing its pace.

Rolling over to face him, I realized how wet I still was. Either he exploded a bomb inside of me last night, or I was still really horny. I was sure it was both. Stroking myself, my swollen clit confirmed the latter. My hand returned to its path along my man's body, swirling like cream atop rich, dark cocoa. I buried my nose in his neck and inhaled his scent. He wore the musk of our sex like Burberry Cologne. My tongue poked out for a taste of him. Salty from last evening's sweat, his skin was like candy to me. He began to stir. My hand began to travel down that promising path, this time taking no pause.

Though he was barely awake, my man's member was getting firm before I cradled it in my hand. I circled it with my thumb and middle finger, gently pulling the skin taught as it grew by the second. The tip of my index finger stroked the head, sliding through a drop of his dew. His hips replied with slow rocking toward my now firm grip. The aching from between my own legs, the mass of manhood in my hand...It was almost more than I could bear! I had to see this beautiful cock that I knew so well.

The chill was still present in the morning air, so I pulled the sheet over my head and slid beneath, salivating at the thought of the treat I would find there. In the darkness, my cheek brushed his thigh, then the neatly trimmed growth framing my prize. I relished the slightly rough texture on my face, rubbed my nose in it, and grinned. He always took care to make it inviting.

My hunger was rising; I wanted to eat him like an animal devouring its fresh kill. I grabbed his cock with both hands and plunged my mouth onto it. Saliva leaked from the corners of my mouth. He was awake now. The covers flew back & I was greeted by his lustful eyes while my mouth was full of him. He gathered my long, brown hair into a ponytail and wrapped it around his fist. My tongue swirled his dick in long, slow motions and he tugged gently, signaling his pleasure. I travelled up and down his shaft, letting my teeth glide ever so lightly against the skin, while coating it with saliva. As I bobbed up and down the juices in my mouth were matched by the juices now dripping from my pussy. My tongue circled the base of his dick, then flicked his balls lightly. His tightening grip on my hair told me to proceed. I slowly sucked his left testicle into my mouth like it was a melting ice cube, releasing it ever so slowly, keeping the loose skin between my lips. His grasp tightened more still, egging me on. I opened wide and took both balls in, tonguing between the two. This time he yanked feircely on my hair, the simultaneous pain and exhiliration sending me over the edge.

Fueled by a rush of pure adrenaline, I pounced, swiftly, landing on my lovers erection in a single motion. Right leg bent, froglike, for leverage, left foot on the floor for support, I began bouncing on his cock with savage force, the matress straining in rhythm. I closed my eyes and allowed my body to keep time with the rhythm of the waves of pleasure coursing through me. My walls throbbed with each thrust. In a trance, I almost ignored his palms pushing me, signaling that he would explode at any moment.

Taking my cue, I fell motionless, his rock hard dick still swallowed by my cleanly shaven pussy. I pulled my left foot up to a squattiing position on the bed. Squeezing tightly, I rose ever so slowly up his shaft to the tip, allowing it to nearly fall free, before descending once again. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and watched intently as his ebony manhood was repeatedly devoured by my fair, velvet soft lips, slowly and skillfully.

The sensations within me were growing in intensity with each stroke. My hands slid from my knees to my thighs, to the wetness between us. My clit, swollen and pink begged to be touched. My middle finger drew circles around it, soaking my hand with my juices as I continued to grid and bob. I slid my hands across my skin leaving a trail of my essence to my breasts. Now my nipples, like tiny strawberries, were coated in my cream. My man pulled me fiercely toward him and lapped at my nipples, relishing my flavor, biting and pulling with his teeth till a squeal escaped my lips. I pushed his head back and poked the first two fingers of my wet hand into his mouth for him to get a better taste. As he licked them, I leaned in with my mouth to share. Our tongues swirled around my fingers, both savoring my tangy flavor, our arousal nearly uncontrollable.

Suddenly I was turned around to all-fours, my lover behind me. His first three fingers slid inside, priming me for the next treat. I groaned, so near climax I could barely stand it. With his feet on the floor beside the bed, he pushed into me from behind and began pounding with unbridled force. Each slam of his cock forcing a cry of ecstacy from me. As I felt my insides begin to ignite, I surrendered. A wave overcame me, taking my breath and robbing me of all strength. In response, his body stiffened and shuddered as he exploded, filling me with his liquid heat.

We collapsed in a tangled heap, like yin and yang, with quickened breath and racing pulses. As our chests rose and fell in unison, I glanced into his eyes, a sly smile scrawled across my face. "Good morning," I whispered. He kissed me softly before settling back, eyes closed, grinning with satisfaction. Together we drifted off into a deep, sound slumber. The day would have to wait a bit longer.
© Copyright 2006 Bemused1 (bemused1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1086765-Morning-Can-Wait