Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1086920-Callgirl
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Entertainment · #1086920
A story of a lonely women who turns to her computer for her only fix of self esteem.
She flicked her raven red locks behind her ear as she stared at a fruitless screen. What had she become? She had once been on top of the corporate ladder, twenty odd people answered to her every whim and now, she sat upon a hard swivel chair and thought to herself 'what if?'
She tapped her long yellowed nails along the desk and waited for another pop up.
'So sweetheart, whats your name?'
Ah, here we go, someone I now answer to.
'Natarsha. Whats your name gorgeous?'
'Jackson. I wanna lick you from top to toe.'
'What a wonderful job' she thought to herself as she felt her IQ draining away. She can't even remember how she got into this job, all she knew is she started after she gave birth to her two year old son. She needed some money while sitting at home looking after a newborn, something she didn't have to leave the house for, get dressed for, just sit down and type to the desperate drones on the other side of the wire. Now, two years later she is still sitting in the same spot desperately trying to think why she ever became a callgirl.
'Where did you go baby? You didn't leave me did you Natarsha?'
She sighs as she tries to think up something new to say to him. After two years you draw a blank. At first it's was kind of kinky and fun but after a while it drained her, ate away at her. She didn't know if she believed in love anymore, she'd constantly get married guys messaging her wanting to whisk her away to somewhere wonderful. Yeah right.
'Of course not baby. I wouldnt leave you Jack. What do you do for fun?'
In her line of work it's not about getting someones rocks off it's about keeping them messaging so you get paid.
'I like to swing, fucking someone you don't know and having permission for it is the ultimate. You like to swing babe?'
Wow, thats a first! Not. Every guy she spoke to liked to swing. She had never been into it considering she hadn't got laid since she fell pregnant.
'Yeah, I love to swing. I wonder if I have met you before?'
Her ex-husband liked to swing but she didn't know about it until he tried to pick up her cousin he had never met! She reckonised him from the photos she sent from the wedding. The thing that suprised her the most was that he didn't even deny it, he acted like it was normal to cheat on her! She had never been so furious, not to mention hurt.
'No, I would of recognised you from the photo you sent. I would of remembered that ass.'
She snickered to herself. Truth was she had at least fifty photos of random women off amateur porn sites she downloaded onto her desktop, she would just pick one everytime a male would ask for her picture. She was in her early-thirties, 110 kilos and her hair was hardly ever brushed. She liked living under the alias of a sexy woman, it drove the men wild which built up her self-esteem. She wasnt always like this. On her wedding day she had soft wavy locks that met the curve of her slender back, she was about 70 kilos back then and loved it. It wasnt until she went through a horrific pregnancy, gave into her cravings of hot chips day and night and got a job where she had to sit on her ass all day. She wasn't living, just surviving.
'Gotta go Tasha, wifes home. Nice meeting you sexy girl.'
Yeah yeah, go back to your life of lies. Kiss your wife like shes the only one. It truely made her sick.
'Hey Caprice, still up?;)'
Ah, now she could have some fun. She knew exactly who this client was because he was the only one she told her name was Caprice. She loved thinking up new and exciting names, Her name was Doris for God's sake!
'Hey big boy, always up for you.'
Reel him in them let him down...
'Iv'e missed you Cap. You are the only thing that gets me up in the morning. You and your tantilising tits...'
Nice. Well it was once true.
'Oh how sweet. Why is life so bad? You are married aren't you?'
She already knew for a fact he was.
'Yeah but this marriage is nearly as bad as my first one! She just isn't as fat as my first wife. Nothing like you, you are perfect. Love to take you somewhere for a night!'
Her blood started to boil.
'Funny, you have had me before Dominick Reed. You left when I was pregnant with our child, the one you never see! I should tell your wife Patricia you are wanking over a skanky call girl who is just trying to do her job. You are a loser. You will never be happy because you never settle! I would never go back to you and your tiny dick! By the way, if you haven't realised by now, my name is Doris Reed, your ex-wife!'
She had been waiting for years to reveal her true identity to him, she knew it was him from the picture he sent her one year ago. She found out all the details of his life, waited for him to trust her then BAM! Hit him where it hurt. Not only did she send it to him, she sent it to his wife and family, they only deserve to know that there beloved Dominick is a two-timing lowlife.
'Oh! Surprise surprise, he had logged off!'
She grinned proudly as she finally felt satisfied.
'That was so worth getting fired over!' She thought smuggly to herself. Say goodbye to being a callgirl and hello to new found self esteem.

© Copyright 2006 Syenna Reign (syennareign at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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