Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1087502-Strange-Epiphany
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Other · #1087502
An English assignment turned fun.
Dear Buddha,

It’s been a long time since we last talked. I feel like I’ve been neglecting you. So, I decided I’d drop you a few lines to update you on my life and catch up on yours. After all, a lot has changed in four months.

Two days ago, I walked into a room of my house and I felt like I had never been there before. A strange woman stared back at me from round, sparkling blue eyes ringed in a thick layer of black eyeliner.

Her hair was long, the kink and wave of her curls vaguely reminded me of someone I once knew. The color was wrong, however. Where I expected to see the light brown color that belonged to the specter I speak of, there was dark burgundy with a hint of black. It was slightly faded, but before I could identify the natural color, she crammed a green beanie down on her head.

Her face was pale, a light tinge of pink in her cheeks the only sign of life in her deathly calm features. Her lips were rounded, small, slightly parted to reveal straight teeth. Her nose was thin, upturned as if she were a moment away from throwing her head back in macabre laughter.

Her clothing was probably the least interesting thing about her. She wore a black shirt, ripped blue jeans, and a pair of black and white converse sneakers. Over her shirt, a blue jean jacket was rolled up to reveal her forearms.

Her left hand was fisted, resting gently on her hip. The other had a death grip on a book. Her wrists were sheathed in all manners of bracelets. The range went from a wrist warmer to a handcuff bracelet.

If I were given to labeling people, I would label her as a punk/goth. She seemed to radiate an aura of nonchalant coolness. Perhaps she was even angry. It was hard to tell by her flat expression.

All of this surprised me. I should have been able to read her like the book in her hand. Belatedly, I realized I was looking in the full-length mirror on my parents’ closet door. It was strange that I didn’t even recognize myself.

Really, that’s the most interesting occurrence in my life right now. What’s been shaking in your neck of the woods? How have the pious been treating you?

Much Tender Lovin’ Care,

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