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Rated: ASR · Preface · Young Adult · #1093504
In a Post-Apocalyptic world, strength in numbers is all you have.
“So, it is agreed.” Jake said, standing from his chair. The others followed suit.
“One problem:” Mark said nervously.
“We have no real equipment. We have a few guns, and that’s it. And this shack can’t provide us with shelter!”
He gestured to the old, peeling paint in the musty kitchen. They had been on the run for days, and this seemed the most suitable place for a quick break.
“We can fix that.” Luke replied, reassuringly.
“I have friends who can hook us up with supplies. I can get anything we need, as long as we have some spare cash.”
They all looked into their wallets, grimacing at the knowledge that they had hardly any money.
“Ok, we have money for ammo, and we can go on raids. It’s the only way to really get our foot in the door” Jake said, placing his hands on the table.
He looked out the window, as if hoping an opportunity for money would come by. The streets outside were worn down, with large blotches of torn pavement from fights that had taken place. Gunshots could be heard faintly, from miles off. They were used to the sounds of war. Ever since Law was forgotten, the world went into chaos. Now only the strongest survived, and the only hope of anyone was to join a group willing to take him or her in.
Ben opened his duffel bag, pouring the contents onto the table: 3 Uzi’s, 2 automatic shotguns, and 4 pistols, and a medium sized box of ammunitions.
“So,” He said, “This is all we have, along with a few hundred bucks. If we are hoping to make it in this world, than this is what we have to do it with.”
“Ok,” Jake replied “So first we should~” Crash!!!

The Building shook. The lone window shattered, and faces flashed by. Jake grabbed the guns and ammo and flipped the table on its side, as the group got with him behind it. They grabbed a weapon, loading them up.
Shots rang as the attackers outside the window fired in. Jake was the first to retaliate, leaning around the side of the table with an Uzi. The second he found a target he fired, getting a cry of pain from one of the gunmen in response.
Ben was next, going with Luke towards the window, sitting one on each side, getting ready with their shotguns. Shouts could be heard outside, and three men rushed the window with AK-47’s. Ben and Luke opened fire, taking two of them down with headshots, the third falling with a shot to the shoulder. Ben leaned out the window, firing two rounds at the fallen gunman, finishing him. They waited for several minutes, then, sure they had killed them all, rose from their cover.
“Bring in the bodies and their guns.” Jake said, wiping his forehead with his sleeve.
The four bodies were spread on the living room floor, and Jake, Ben, Luke and the others went through the pockets, grabbing wallets, guns and ID’s.
“This is a great start. We just made 600 bucks, 4 AK-47’s, and a car.” Jake said, smiling. An old Corvette sat out in the driveway, rusted but useable. Its seats were worn, and the radio and half the dashboard were missing. The trunk roof was gone, as well.
“Ok,” He said, as they all gathered once more around the old kitchen table, “As I was saying, first we need to get everyone’s names, and assign rolls.” He searched some drawers, finally finding a pen and paper. From what he saw they had 7 people. He spent the next few minutes taking names down.

Name: Roll:
Jake Gunman
Luke Support
Ben Support
Mark Gunman
Leah Gunman
Mary Gunman
Christine Medic

“There” He said, happy to finally have some form of organization.
“Everyone good with their jobs?” He asked, looking them all in the eyes individually.
They nodded. He laid the paper in the center of the table for reference.
He proceeded to hand out guns. Mark, Leah, Mary and He would take AK-47’s, Ben and Luke would use shotguns, and Christine would take two pistols. Luke pulled out his WiSolPhone, dialing the number for a friend who could get the some more equipment. Those phones could constantly be charger, and didn’t need a radio tower or satellite to get a signal. Jake and the others tidied up a bit, boarding up the broken window and throwing out bullet casings.
“We are all set.” Luke said, closing his WSP. “I just made a deal for some ammo, better guns, and some more members for our cause. We are gonna make it!” He said excitedly.
“Ok, but just so we are clear, we aren’t staying here.” Jake replied, zipping his bag. “As soon as we get the shipment, we are gone.” The others protested loudly.
“This place is perfect!” Leah said.
“What’s wrong with here?” Added Mark.
“This is too open. If anything, we will make our own home. This place is a dump.” Jake replied, gesticulating wildly. The others gave their groans of agreement and aggravation.

“Ready, guys?” Jake asked, pulling his bag over his shoulder.
They all stood in the entrance to the old home, and although most didn’t want to leave, they agreed it was best.
They had a case of extra equipment, and they had more gunmen.
Jake opened the door, the gray, polluted sky looming overhead. They walked down the rickety steps, and began their trek.

© Copyright 2006 Handcramp (tywyhamhead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1093504-Clan