Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1101513-Mirror-of-Fate
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Death · #1101513
Something written for a character I use to play on a RPG game
Within a mirror...
I heard your cry
Saw the tears roll down your cheek
Saw the blood quinch the earth

I looked, I dreamed...
Oh, and what a dream
Your clothes were tattered and torn,
The meadow at your feet
The night above our heads
And screams in the distance of unfortold things

Within a pool, a mirror, a dream...
Who's dream was it?
Was it Yours? Was it Mine?
Or...was it ours?

Perhaps it is some prophecy
Some destiny of our two lives to be interwined...
But in our crossing are you to die?

Here you stand before me in decay
As darkness liquid flows from your every pore
It sadden me, it frightens me...and yet
Yet in all this death, it intrigues me

For I have yet to see you visage
Though I do not doubt that it shall be
No less a sight than your decaying physie
Neverthemore I wonder, and step closer in my ponder

With one step, than another and once more in this fashion Until I have found the thing that I sought,
But this is not what I wish, not what I meant to see
There standing, there staring with eyes clouded in distraught and despair...

I was the lonly figure in the shadow,
I was the one whom faced such a pain filled death
And though I could not draw my eyes
From the reflection cast in the mirror of blood at my feet

I for the strangest reason smile,
Though twas not pretty..I smile ever still
I was dead, dying..decaying like the corpse of a rotten piece of fruit centuries past its prime
Bruised and battered soul was I
I looked like I had travel the planes of Hell
and found my way here..

Perhaps I was trapped, had been trapped..
Yes, was trapped in a plane were there was everything
But nothing for me, nothing I could have for myself
Everything was so intangible..yet could still torture me so

Amazing, but no more..for soon..
Ah...soon will have paid my debt
Paid for the Sins...
(Though I never thought there to be such a way)
For the lives and soul I have consumed

I hold no remorseful for my action in life, and unlife
None, for remorseful would not save a damned soul
But I will nonetheless be made to repent..

Chuckled I, "And so I have...look now as I see the pains of my actions, and the actions taken against me by those who I've wrong worse than any mortal Sin,"

Staring still into the pool
Into my future...I could see, as I've always seen
The final encounter of my trail,
The final path I must take..and then my soul be perged.

Sighing wistfully, "Soon...soon I will be destoryed and at last...absolution, death"

Shaking my head;
I turned swiftly upon hearing
The haunted cries of my judgers come nearing
Grinning still I turned to meet them
Though with a last look back
At the pool
At the Mirror that held my fate

I smiled.
© Copyright 2006 Aura Culion (marsangel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1101513-Mirror-of-Fate