Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1113592-The-Cats-Meow
Rated: E · Monologue · Animal · #1113592
The barn cat's encounter with baby Jesus.
My life hasn’t always been as easy as it is now. I wasn’t always the fat house cat you see today. I used to actually work for my food. You see, back when I was younger, and a lot skinnier, I was a barn cat. My pet was… Oh, what would you call him? He rented rooms to people. Ah yes, an innkeeper, that’s it. Anyway, I don’t like complaining, he was a nice enough pet, for a human, but my meals weren’t exactly the cat’s meow, if you understand my meaning. I suppose that’s because he figured I ate all the mice I caught… Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love mice, or at least I did, back when I was fast enough to catch them. I’m afraid these old bones aren’t what they used to be. But anyway, back to the story. It was a busy night, and cold if I remember correctly. The inn, the one my pet owned, was full. He had to turn many people away. But there was this one couple, a young man and woman, who came in looking for a place to stay. I knew straight away that she was pregnant. Cats just know these things. My pet couldn’t send them out to look for another place to stay, so instead he decided to send them to the barn. At first I was outraged. “Who does he think he is?” I said.” “Sending humans into my home to mess it all up.” But then I looked at the woman, and I just knew, the way a cat does, that there was something special going on. During the night she gave birth to a baby boy, right there in the barn. I was so honored. That kitten… I mean baby, was different from any other little one I’ve ever seen. He didn’t whine much, not even a mew, so quiet. He was very gentle. I went to look at Him and He reached up and touched me. I’ll never forget that touch. He was purrfect. I knew from the moment I saw Him that He was special, and destined for great things, cats just know. That was a long time ago but I’ll never forget Him. He truly was special, why you could even say He was the cat’s meow.
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