Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1116728-The-moon-is-no-longer-bitter
Rated: 13+ · Other · Biographical · #1116728
Knowing the feeling of being in love and finally accepting it
Waking up and just knowing. Nothing feels better. The calmness that washes over our bodies. It's stolen the heart of a cold girl. The rhythm we've found in our sleep is the same we've found in our everyday life. Through the calmness I feel the shallow waters of fear. Reassured that the feeling just makes this step brave, I walk forward. Saying it to my back makes no difference. You said it, and I felt the truth from your breath. Allowing you into a world closed off to most others, please don't break the china. Thinking of you in the smallest of moments. You are there when it's intense. I want tomorrow to come and go, but you to stand still. If I pull away, bring me back. I've needed an anchor to slow my mind. This lazy lull is heaven. The captain has his doubts, but I know he's wrong. He's feeling my fear more than my heart. The plans made make no difference. There is no way to plan the suffocation of my heart. Feeling the regrets of the past. The mourning of letting go of what I thought I would forever have a grip on. I lost myself to find that I was never that person. I've never been this pure. It's crystal water on blue sheets. To love me is to love all of me, and I feel no shame in what was, because you remind me that it's all gone now. Restore my faith in others, as you have restored it in myself. Make me see the world in your shade. I want to forgive as I forgave with you. Taste a slice of the moon. It's no longer bitter.
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