Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1117894-Dishes
by Cali
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1117894
Inspired from a story written by Brent Houghson
I stood at the counter finishing up some of the dishes. I had my hair tied back loosly, and it was falling loosly around my eyes. I had slipped into a white t-shirt and hadn't had time to put on a bra, I figured I would be spending the day alone. I had only had enough time to put on a little bit of make-up, and hadn't gotten the chance to get dressed yet. I was planning on going out and spending a day with the girls after my house work was finished. The stereo was blarring back in my bedroom I couldn't hear anything but the lyrics and guitar blarring in my ears. I remember it was that song by Eve6, Here's to the night. I was thinking about him while the song played over in my mind. I had my eyes closed while I let the hot water run over my hands, hot enough to leave that cold feeling behind on my skin, almost enough to be painful, but not quite. I don't know how long I had been standing there, but the song had already repeated itself.
Something moved behind me and I became very still. I grabbed a knife from in the sink and wrapped my fingers around it tightly. WHoever it was, they were standing close enough to my back I could feel their breath on the back of my neck, a warm sensation running down my spine. Strangly it relaxed me. I went to turn quickly and those strong hands wrapped around my wrists and swung me around, forcing me to fling the knife accross the room. My heart was thudding in my chest, until my eyes focused on who was standing before me. Those beatiful green eyes starred down at me, his smile that he saved only for me. All the tension that was in my body was swept away in one quick moment, something only he was able to do for me. His hand slid around behind my head and he dug his fingers deep into the hair at the back of my neck. he wrapped his fingers in that thick mass of hair and pulled me into him harshly. His toung forced its way into my mouth, exploring and searching me. I kissed him back just as hard, the need for him building deep within the pit of my stomach. My entire body ached for his, cried out for the feel of his naked flesh against mine. My arms wrapped around his waist, my hips pushing against him as he lifted me up to sit on the sink. He moved his lips down to my neck Biting ever so gently at my skin. My breath was coming in gasps, I couldn't control the feeling that he gave me, whenever those eyes rolled up to look at me, and when those fingers traced my body.
His teeth dug into the curve of my neck and shoulder, just enough to barely break the skin. I cried out in a pleasure for that pain, crying out for more. He tightened his grip on my neck as his hand gripped at my breast. His other hand pulled down on my hair, exposing more of my neck forcing my head backwards. I pulled against him, not because I wanted to get away, but because I knew he loved the thrill of the fight. I knew it excited him if I were to fight back. I pushed against him and jumped off the counter going for his neck as he did mine. He caught me before I could sink my teeth into that warm salty flesh. He yanked back on my hair pushing me back against the counter and laughed, a laugh that only a man can make when he knows what he wants. That adrenaline rose inside of me, the fear of knowing he could do as he pleased. He was stronger than me, and he would dominate me, and there was nothing I could do about that. The fear excited me. All I could think was how I wanted him to hurt me, how I wanted him to take my body, and be inside of me.
I cried out his name. I asked him Please, even as I faught against him. His eyes had grown heavy, filled with that lust. He grabbed my wrists and held them behind my back, his other hand still tightly wrapped in my hair. He bent me over the counter and dropped my pants with ease. He rubbed himself against me, digging his hips into me until it was almost painful. My entire body shuddered as I felt him drop his pants and felt him rub that shaft back and forth between my legs. He let my hands go, knowing I would not run from this, knowing this was exactly what I wanted. His hand gripped tightly around my hips guiding them against his body. His pulled on my hair bringing my body up ever so slightly, so he would be angled enough to slip inside of me. He whispered in my ear, "are you ready?", and all I could do was laugh. He knew he should have never asked. I felt his grip tighten on my hips as he plunged his long shaft inside of me. My entire body tensed as I let out a soundless scream. It felt so good it hurt. He slowly pulled himself out until just the head of his shaft was inside of my warmth. He was teasing me, and I wanted more. I wanted him to take me, my body needed it like it was a drug. I pushed myself against him hard and brought a gasp from his throat. He slightly laughed at me and pulled harder against my hair. He rested his other hand on the small of my back and pulled himself out quickly and slammed back inside of me. He Continued to slam his hips against me, using my hair to pull me back against his shaft. I cried out in pleasure and in pain as I felt the swell of him fill me up. My entire body tensed with a sensation I desperatly tried to hold onto. The feeling of his hips slamming into me, the pain of his cock ramming my insides, all of it filled me up and began to consume me. I cried out for him not to hold back. I wanted more, so much more. I could feel him tense, he was getting close to loosing that fire, loosing that energy that was building inside of both of us. I screamed not yet, please, fuck me harder, hurt me. I couldn't think, I couldn't breath, he slammed himself in and out of me as fast and as hard as he could. I could hear his moans beginning to come, my cries overpowered his. My entire body shuddered underneath of him as his went stiff behind me. We both let out a soundless scream and collasped ontop of the counter, unable to move the muscles beneath our skin.
His body lay motionless ontop of me, his breath coming out in deep gasps. I was still trying to focus my eyes as he tried to lift himself up from me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me up turning me to face him. He leaned down and kissed me ever so gently and then just wrapped his arms around me and held me. I dont know how long we were standing there, but all I knew was that I never wanted that moment to end. I never wanted to leave those arms, never had I felt so safe. This was what I wanted. he was what I wanted. He was the only thing I had left to live for. Never would I give this up, not without a fight.
© Copyright 2006 Cali (kira_nimir_ra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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