Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1129958-Eregion-Chronicles-I-Prologue
by Seraph
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1129958
The prologue to a novel I'm working on, sorta.
In the beginning, all was Chaos. The elements of life swirled in a great, inky void, lacking shape or cohesion. There was no good or evil, light or dark - there was simply nothing, as nothing can truly exist without order.

But then, order came. A great celestial being revered even today as the goddess of all the land took in her hands the threads that were the elements and spun them, as yarn through a loom, into the tapestry that makes our world. Our sun was made from the threads of Fire, and our oceans of Water; our forests and land of Earth, and the skies above of Wind. Even we were crafted as a piece of art, made from all the common elements, as well as the more elusive elements of Light and Shadow. For a while, all was well. The Goddess reigned over what she had wrought, and life was peaceful.

However...as there was a good Goddess, there must be evil. A being, terrible and dark, came, seeking to undo her sister's work. She laid claim over the souls of many on our world, seizing upon the threads of Shadow that were used to create us. With these souls, she waged a great and terrible war upon her sister, and those who followed her. Records of this time are lost to us, now, but there is one thing that remains in all lore still spoken...

As the Goddess of Light and her Dark Counterpart watched the battles rage, they decided that enough was enough, and they did battle themselves, one to one. The strokes of their weapons cleft the land asunder, forming the continents we now know; the fires of their magic scorched the earth, forming the Great Barrier Desert that spans countless miles across the continent of Habashir. The throes of their combat scarred our land, and it was then that the leaders of both sides said 'enough'. They banded together, and with their power, struck at the goddess and her rival, sealing their powers away so they could harm what had been made no longer.

The place of their imprisonment is lost to us now, in the haze of time and legend. But this is known; at the time of their sealing, a great, unnamed wizard set forth a prophesy that has passed into legend, but is still told;

"When the dark Goddess' power begins to stain our land again, and when her followers rise once more, two youths will appear. They will be the key to resurrecting the power of our Lady of the Light, and they will be her guides in the battle that will ensue. They will have followers, and friends, and many an enemy, but arrive they will, and our Lady will rise again, and save our land from her Dark Counterpart."

This is the tale of that prophesy, and of those youths.
© Copyright 2006 Seraph (mt_spase at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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