Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1133839-BangBoom-in-a-Bathroom
by shorty
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1133839
Self explanitory
“No AC and no tequila. Man, this party sucks.”

Mark leaned on the side of the couch, beer firmly in hand, and listened to his roommate whine, casually scanning the crowded, noisy room for potential babes as he listened. Whining was what Brad did best, and Mark was used to it by now. He even knew what would come next. About the girls--

“And, worst of all, no action. About five girls here, and three of ‘em are bow-wows. And the other two both have dates.”

“That shouldn’t stop you,” Mark said, grinning as he took a swig of Busch.

Brad shook his head in disgust. “I might've tried, but when I’m with you, it’s hopeless, anyway. Like being a candle and trying to attract moths while standing next to a bonfire. Don’t you get sick of it?”

“All the time.” He’d already brushed off the three girls Brad had previously mentioned, each of which had come up to him and begun the mating ritual within seconds of noticing him. Being good-looking definitely had disadvantages. The worst one was that most chicks weren’t anywhere near his high standard. He’d come to Tim’s party hoping to land a looker, but Brad was right: things didn’t seem real promising. “Tell you what. Just let me finish this beer and grab one for the road, and then we--” He stopped mid-sentence, his hand gripping the bottle hard, as he gazed upon what had just come through the front door.

She was a vision of loveliness standing there. Tall and slim, with wavy reddish-gold hair that flowed down over her shoulders, and pale green eyes framed in darker lashes. She wore a white halter top with straps tied in bows that outlined her soft, round breasts and emphasized her tan shoulders, her nipples clearly revealed through the cotton. Her stomach was flat and her navel a perfect dimple, and her hips curved gracefully in her matching white short skirt, showing off long legs curving down to delicate feet in golden sandals, with toenails painted red to match her fingernails. Mark could feel the sweat running off his forehead, and he immediately began getting hard as he imagined all the things he wanted to do to her.

“Holy shit,” Brad whispered beside him. “Look at her.”

Mark barely heard his roommate; he couldn’t do anything else but look. The more he watched her, the more details he noticed. Her teeth were straight and white, her lips red and soft, her ass as round as her breasts...He couldn’t stand it anymore. He had to have her. Now, if not sooner. He shook off his paralysis and walked toward her, his heart pounding hard as for the first time in his life he worried that he might get turned down.

As soon as she stepped into the apartment, the heat and humidity hit Karen like a blast furnace. It was worse than a sauna in here. People were packed in so tightly that she and her date could hardly move, squeezing themselves in among the crowd. The Red Hot Chili Peppers blasted their funk-rock over the loud chatter of the inhabitants.

“Wow. Sorry,” Pete shouted, leaning down close to Karen’s ear. “I didn’t know Tim had invited all these people. Let me get you a drink, OK? What would you like?”

“Tequila.” Karen didn’t even look after Pete as he disappeared into the masses, glancing around at the room’s occupants instead. She shook her head, unhappy with what she found. Half the guys looked drunk already, and the other half looked ugly or idiotic. Well, Pete wasn’t perfect, but he was the best choice for a Friday date that she’d managed to find. And maybe his presence would keep the guys here from pestering her for dates. It was really annoying to have to beat them off with a stick every time she went out.

“Hi.” She looked up, a frown on her face; had it started already? The frown dissolved as she stared in awe at the Adonis who had spoken to her, hardly believing her eyes. He was tall, with straight dark brown hair falling over his brow and down to his neck, gorgeous hazel eyes, a dazzlingly white smile and tanned skin. The black T-shirt he wore outlined the muscles in his chest and arms, and his black jeans showed long legs and a perfect tight ass. She saw the bulge at his zipper, and her mouth went dry.

“Hi,” she managed to croak back, looking up and into his eyes. His gaze was fixed on hers, and she could feel the heat as they stared at each other. Neither of them spoke for several seconds. Karen couldn’t stop looking at him; he was perfect. She felt her nipples harden as her panties began getting wet and sticky. The party was over. Her only goal now was to see if he was interested (please, God), ditch Pete and hook up with this sex god as quickly as possible so he could fuck her all night long. Maybe all weekend, even.

“Are you a friend of Tim’s? I haven’t seen you before.” His voice was musical. She could listen to it moan her name for hours.

She swallowed hard, feeling sweat pouring down her neck and over her breasts, and shook her head. “No. My...my date brought me.”

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know you were hooked up already.” He smiled at her, and her body melted. It was a wonder she didn’t collapse into his arms. Later, she knew she would.

“No. He’s not really a date; more like a friend.” Karen couldn’t stop looking at his eyes, which were still glued to hers. “I just....”

“Sorry, Karen, but they didn’t have tequila. I got you a screwdriver instead.” Pete stopped with a glass held out as he looked up at the source of his date’s fascination.

Mark couldn’t believe it. Not only was he talking to this girl, she was listening, even though she’d come with a guy. And she was attracted to him; he knew all the signs. It had to be Fate.

He glanced down at the guy looking up at him, wishing he could brush him away like a fly. “I’m sorry. I was just saying hi to--” He realized he still didn’t know this angel’s name.

“Karen.” Her contralto was lovely, and her smile even lovelier. “I didn’t get your name, either.”

“Mark.” He didn’t offer his hand; he was afraid if he touched her, her date would get wise and take her away. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” He saw what an effort it took her to tear her gaze away from him as she turned back to her date. “Oh, thanks, Pete.”

“Sure. Nice to meet you, Mark.” It was an obvious dismissal, and a lie, too, from the cold glare in Pete’s eyes. “You want some chips or something, Karen? They’ve got munchies over here.”

“Yeah, sure. Bye, Mark.” She smiled at him again as they turned away, her eyes promising that she wasn’t saying goodbye for long. He wandered back to the couch, his mind in a whirl as he took another drink of beer, barely cooling his overheated throat.

“That was awesome, dude. You actually had the nerve to talk to her? Oh, that’s right, I forgot who you were for a minute. But she’s got a date, huh? Tough shit.” Brad grinned and gulped his drink, shaking his head. “The gorgeous ones are always taken.”

“Yeah, right,” Mark mumbled, paying no attention to his roommate. He knew she’d hook up with him; it was just a question of where and how soon.

Karen nibbled on her Doritos and listened to Pete babble about his job at Boeing, her eyes darting over to where Mark was standing every chance she could get. He was definitely watching her, and she felt a tingle down her spine at the knowledge. If only she could get away for even two minutes...

At last, Pete stopped to catch a breath, and Karen jumped at the opportunity. “Listen, Pete, I really need to pee, OK?” She slipped away without listening to his reply, looking around in search of the bathroom and finding it just by the kitchen door. She glanced back and saw that Mark had kept track of her, and for a second their eyes locked and she gestured with her head to the door. Then she slipped in and closed it without locking it, waiting in the dark, breathing hard and wiping sweat from her forehead.

Mark saw Karen enter the bathroom and close the door, and his heart pounded even harder. This was his chance. He looked around casually, making certain that her date wasn’t watching, and put down his bottle, walking over to the bathroom. Another glance around showed him that he was safe. He opened the door and went in, closing and locking it behind him.

Then the light clicked on and he saw her standing behind the door, gazing up at him enrapt. He lost no time in wrapping his arms around her and kissing her hard, her mouth soft and warm under his. Their tongues wrestled with each other, and his hands found her breasts, massaging them eagerly while he pressed his pelvis hard against hers.

After a minute, he broke their kiss, his lips moving down her throat to her shoulders, smelling her perfume and tasting the salt and clean sweat of her skin as her fingers reached up under his shirt and began teasing his nipples. He groaned aloud, and was rewarded with an answering moan as he moved his hands up her breasts and began untying her halter straps.

“Mark...” Her soft voice moaned in his ear. “I want you. Here. Now.”

“I want you, too.” He couldn’t say any more; he was overcome with lust. He pulled off her halter top to reveal her perfect round breasts, her nipples erect, and he bent down and began tonguing and caressing them, feeling her hands in his hair and hearing her moan louder.

Karen couldn’t believe her luck. Here she was, in a strange bathroom which was as steamy as a rain forest, getting her breasts sucked by the handsomest guy on Earth. And he was good, too. She pressed back against the wall and groaned, not even trying to keep her voice low, a prisoner of the moment. She could barely think, she was so turned on.

Then he straightened up and reached under her skirt, and she cried out as he slipped his hand in her panties and began feeling her up. She was dripping wet with sweat and lubrication, and her clit was as hard as a rock. She knew she was mere inches from coming. “Oh, Mark, Jesus...”

Then he removed his hand and drew back, and before she could protest, he pulled off his shirt, rewarding her with a view of the most gorgeous chest she’d ever seen. She leaned forward and began kissing his nipples, and he pulled her against him, moaning deep in his throat. “Karen, Karen...Christ, that’s good.” He jumped a little when she reached down and put her hand on his groin, feeling how hard he was already, fumbling for his belt.

“Wait...” He pulled away again, and she felt a flash of anger before he spoke. “I want to taste you first.” Dropping to his knees as she slid her skirt down and off, he slowly pulled her panties down, his hands reaching up and gently caressing the skin of her thighs.

Mark stared at Karen’s naked body a moment, in awe and aroused almost to the point of losing control. He’d had to stop when she’d begun touching his cock; he didn’t want to come in his pants. Not now, when he was so close to the best fuck of his life. And with this girl, who was so incredible...

Her pussy was framed by delicate, soft curls of reddish-gold hair, and he inhaled deeply, smelling her musky, secret scent. He could see how wet she was, and it made him more determined to take his time and turn her on as much as possible. He leaned forward and began kissing the soft, peach-fuzz smooth skin of her thighs, tasting the sweat again on her body as she moaned and began caressing his hair. Slowly, slowly he worked his way up, kissing and tonguing her around the edges of her cleft, teasing her almost beyond her endurance and his. Then he buried his mouth in her pussy, tasting her hot sweetness, like tupelo honey.

“Ah, God, Mark...” she cried, her voice loud in his ears, and he reached up and fondled her ass, so smooth and round. He wanted to drink every last drop of her, then fuck her hard. He heard a vague sound of voices raised outside the bathroom, but hardly noticed. She tasted so good.

Karen thrust her pelvis against Mark’s mouth as he went down on her, not even trying any more to keep quiet. This guy was definitely the best she’d ever had. It was almost no time before she came, crying his name out and shaking all over as she held onto his head, his tongue working frantically as spasms shook her body.

At last her pleasure subsided and she looked down as he raised his head, grinning up at her. “You liked that, huh?”

“Damn straight.” She could hear voices murmuring audibly outside now, but she couldn’t have cared less about who knew what they were doing. “Please fuck me.”

“Yes.” He stood up and undid his belt, pulling down the zipper and yanking his jeans off as fast as he could. She saw how hard and large his cock was and sighed with pleasure, taking him in her hand and stroking him as he closed his eyes and buried his lips in the nape of her neck. They both moaned as in the background she heard Pete’s voice saying, “Karen? Are you in there?” She didn’t answer. She had to have Mark now. Spreading her legs, she pulled him close, wrapping her arms around him as he thrust into her, slamming her hard against the wall. “Yes,” she cried. “Oh, yes...”

“Karen, oh, Jesus, Karen...” Mark moaned in her ear, holding her tightly, feeling her breasts press against his chest and her nails digging into his back, rocking with him as he fucked her. They felt themselves drenched with sweat, getting hotter and hotter as the rhythm increased, ignorant of all sensations except their impending orgasms.

Brad pounded hard on the door, infuriated, as the others at the party thronged around the bathroom and mumbled to themselves in whispers. “Mark? God damn it, open the door!” He was used to his roommate taking any girl he pleased, but to do it with this one, and to hook up with her here in a public place, was the last straw. “Man, when you get out of there, I swear I’m gonna....”

Pete stood a few feet away, not looking at anyone, his head down and his face crimson. He couldn’t believe Karen could do this to him. It was the first time he’d dated her, true, but to put him in such a humiliating position...He felt a tear leaking from the corner of his eye and angrily brushed it away.

“Tim, have you got a screwdriver or something?” Brad asked, scowling. “’Cause I’m taking that door off. That son of a--”

Then he stopped as an enormous crump roared from the bathroom, and a second later he jumped back as a wave of heat radiated through the door, rattling it hard. The sound was familiar to all of them from viewing action films over the years; it was the sound of an explosion.

“Holy shit, what was that?” Brad cried as voices rose in a buzz. “Help me get this door open, somebody!” A couple of guys leapt forward, and between the three of them pounding hard, the door burst open in less than a minute. They stared in, aghast, grimacing as acrid fumes hit their nostrils. The sides of the bathroom were singed black with soot, and floating in the air and rapidly piling up on the tiles were two large piles of fine, gray ash, dominating the otherwise empty room.
© Copyright 2006 shorty (robert_adams at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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