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Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1134488
For my dan. Well he's not mine anymore. But deep down I still have him.
Was it not fate,
that our fingers intertwined,
in such a way that only we could break them?
Was it not fate,
that you're still the single person,
who really makes me laugh?
Bring out my inner smile, and give me a glow.
Quick witted and clever.
Was it not fate,
that we fell in love,
over books and shelves?
It's funny how our novel has been written
and would seem to be closed.
I run my fingers in the gathering dust.
Was it not fate,
that with our love as a pillow,
we would fall asleep in eachother's comfort,
head on chest, hand in hand.
And we would wake to stare into the blue,
and blink sending glitter of topaz happiness,
shimmering to the ground.
Was it not fate,
that we would look after eachother,
we formed cages,
made from velvet,
protection from the bad.
"You'll be okay".
But who's chest is it you lay on?
Who is it that you give a glow?
All I know is I dream of no-one,
no-one but my past.
But it would seem I dont have a past.
Its been pushed away,
out with the tide.
Like a single tiny grain of sand.
But Im waiting on the other side,
and I watch it swash up to shore,
but still there.
I cry, a million tears.
You should be there to catch them.
Instead you close your eyes,
and pretend I dont think,
When you both touch lips, so soft, supple and warm,
remember they are like daggers, knives to mine.
How can you forget the way we kissed?
Like we would always be this way
like we were stuck with eachother forever
and we didnt mind at all.
When you both meet eyes,
dont forget mine.
You told me they're my best feature,
that theyre pretty.
This moment in time, they are red,
puffy, and glittering with sadness.
Willing for forgiveness.
I'd do anything for you.
I dont want diamonds,
presents, material objects dont matter to me,
dont want the stuff that makes me quiver,
and makes you wide eyed.
Just want to gaze into you, whilst laying by your side.
I'm just thinking.
And it hurts.
Cos I know you dont think about me.

But I love you.

© Copyright 2006 meowsweetie (meowsweetie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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