Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1167050-Punishment
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1167050
A human girl wanders into the wrong cave, and is confronted by a dangerous, drow, king.
*Note1* Attention readers: This story contains graphic language. And if you are easily offended or ebarassed by graphic sexual scenes then save yourself the trouble and read no further. *Note1*

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Far beneath the earth, and deep within caves lie the civilizations of the Drow people. The Drow are a race of Dark elves… most other races consider them evil. Their Large cities rest underground, made of stone and precious metals. Not many are aware of these cities… some say it is because so many have wandered in to the caves, never to return. And others say it is because people who enter these caves never manage to find the city, they get lost in the vast labyrinths within.

Rilynath is the largest of all the Drow cities, the entrance to the city is a small cave hidden deep within the confines of a large, dark forest. Only a Drow can usually manage their way through the labyrinth, and even then some Drow have been known to disappear.

In the center of Rilynath rests the great palace, there the royals live out there lives. Very rarely do they emerge to mingle with the lowly commoners. Drow royals are very arrogant, they believe themselves to be better then the rest of their race, more civilized, better educated. The palace in Rilynath is one of the largest and most elegant of all Drow palaces. The outside of it is emerald green, and obsidian black. There are seven floors, and four wings. One hundred, and ten rooms rest inside, along with four kitchens, four libraries, fifteen studies, and a countless number of bathrooms.

The outside of the Palace is what really makes it the most elegant. A large silver gate surrounds the entire premises. Inside these large gates are gigantic colorful gardens, and creatures seeming to be pulled right out of faerie tales. The common people of Rilynath are very rarely summoned to this palace… and usually if they are, they don’t emerge.

Naldrin, King of Rilynath stood out on the balcony off of his private bed chamber. His white eyes looked down at the gardens below. White hair flowed down to the middle of his back, he wore it down today which was something that he rarely ever did. The balcony was made of an rare ivory colored wood, his black hands were a stark contrast to the bright wood. He could here the bustling in the city, common folk running from one errand to the next.

Below him in the garden he could see one of the palace servants. She was picking vegetables in the gardens, peppers, carrots, cucumbers. But it was not what she was picking that interested him. She was a stunning woman, a fair example of his races beauty. He watched a small bead of sweat trickle down her face, she would reach up a drag a hand across her forehead every now and then. He watched a small bead of moisture run down her neck and into her cleavage. A small tinge of desire ran through him as he imagined himself chasing after that trickle of sweat with the tip of his tongue. He grinned as he watched her.

It was then, as Naldrin’s imagination began to run with the sight of her, a knock sounded at the door. He frowned pushing himself up away from the railing of the balcony and he walked back into his bed chamber. His room was fairly dark, a small unlit fire place was nestled in the corner of the room. In the center there was a large four poster bed, on the far right wall there was a desk, and on the far left was an armoire. Naldrin’s muscles seemed to ripple beneath his dark skin as he moved toward the door. He was a very well built man, his mere presence demanded respect. Reaching out he opened the door.

A large man stood just outside. He wore thick heavy silver armor, his helmet tucked under his right arm. He bowed as Naldrin opened the door. “ My lord, there is an intruder. My men discovered her just outside the city gates… she survived the labyrinth.” The man sounded like a warrior who had seen many battles.

Naldrin eyes the man as he took in the news. His hair falling into his strong masculine face. His fierce eyes watching the veteran soldier shiver in his presence. “ A woman… is she human?” Naldrin’s voice was soft, deep, and hypnotic. It was compelling in a way, urging others to answer him immediately.

“Yes my lord. She looks young, eighteen… should she be executed?”

Naldrin smiled at the soldiers response. How could such a young human manage to find her way through one of the most dangerous labyrinths of the times. He didn’t answer the soldier immediately. For a few moments he simply leaned against the door frame thinking to himself. He wasn’t to sure what he should do with the wandering youth. After a few moments of contemplation he gazed at the guard, there seemed to be a glint of mischief in the King’s eyes. “ No… bring the girl to me.” Naldrin spoke quickly, demanding obedience with one glance. Before the soldier could even respond he slammed the door in the soldiers face and moved back into the room to await this young, brave human.

Hours went by before the human girl was hauled into his sitting chamber. He was sitting in a large plush chair in front of the fire place when the guard entered. The girl had her hands chained behind her back. Naldrin turned and looked to the two of them.

The woman was rather attractive, she had soft pale skin, her hair was like wild fire, falling down her back in tight curls. She had brilliant green eyes. Naldrin stood from where he sat and moved toward her, his eyes taking in her appearance. She wore travelers clothes made of animals skins, though it did little to hide her curvaceous, slender body. A grin came not only to his face but his eyes. “ That will be all… thank you.” He was speaking to the guard.

The guard nodded and left the two of them alone in the room. Naldrin grabbed the girl by her arm and took her over to a chair and sat her down. She was looking up at him strangely. She didn’t say a word but there was a hint of curiosity in her big green eyes. “What’s you name?” Naldrin’s voice broke the silence as he stood there in front of her.

She looked up at him. This… King was an interesting fellow. She hadn’t heard of this man before, then again she hadn’t really thought the Drow cities really existed. This was the first time she had ever seen a Drow man up close. He was handsome, his hair looked so soft, she wanted to reach out and touch it. She bit the inside of her mouth, she could believe how the man’s simple presence affected her. “Donica.” She finally answered.

Naldrin watched her with an air of interest. He saw something in the depths of her eyes that stirred him, intrigued him. “ Donica… why have you come to Rilynath?” His eyes drifted to her chest. Her breasts rising and falling to the rhythm of her breathing. He began see images in his mind… his hands touching those breasts, teasing the pink nipples that were hidden by her clothing.

“I was just going for a walk.” She answered him only half truthfully. She really was going for a walk, but when she came to the cave she wanted to do a bit of exploring. She could feel the tension between them, she smiled looking up her eyes glancing at his dark mouth.

Naldrin simply nodded his head. He honestly didn’t care how she came to be here. She was simply there. He glanced away from her but almost immediately he found himself looking once more to her chest. It looked like she had very round succulent breasts. He turned his back to her with a cough.

She smiled, she had caught him looking at her breasts, he wanted her. Thoughtfully she chewed at her bottom lip, her eyes going to his backside, moving up his body. He was a very muscular man, a very handsome man. “Aren’t you going to punish me for trespassing, my lord?” Her voice was flirty and seductive.

Naldrin turned and looked at her somewhat surprised, the alluring look on her face had caught him off guard. “I believe a punishment is in order…” A grin came to his face. He moved closer to her his body radiated power. “Stand up.” It was a simple command and he watched as she obediently stood. Her body brushing his as she did so. A wave of desire ran through his veins.

She deliberately brushed against him, she knew that it would drive him mad. He seemed like the type to enjoy a good roll in the hay. She smiled lightly looking up at him. She had a quoi innocent look on her face. “What is the king going to do to punish me?” She asked raising an eye brow and licking her lips.

A shiver ran through Naldrin’s spine. This human, this vixen was seducing him. She was doing a damn good job of it too. He had not been with a woman in a long time… she didn’t know what she was getting herself into. He simply smiled, “You are a little fox aren’t you?” He looked her up and down, his eyes moving slowly up her legs and thighs, imaging what was beneath the folds of clothing. “Are you sure you want what you are asking for?” His voice was some what raspy from arousal.

Donica moved toward him she brushed her breasts against his chest lightly and smiled up at him. Naldrin took in a sharp breath. If having sex with this king could get her off the hook, then why not? She had nothing to loose. Besides… he was handsome… he looked like he could be pretty good in bed. She nodded her head.

Grabbing her arm Naldrin lead her to a door, he pushed it open to a large bedroom. In the center of the room there was a large four posted bed with black satin sheets. He looked down at her for only a moment and shut the door behind them, locking it. He pushed her over toward the bed making her sit down. He then pulled a large trunk out from under the bed.

“Oh? A chest of toys?” She grinned at him nibbling at her bottom lip anxiously. She watched him shake his head and open the trunk. It was hard for her to see what was in the trunk, he pulled out a long piece of silk cloth. He smiled holding it in his hands.

“Close your eyes.” He demanded.

She did as she was told. Then with the strip of red silk cloth he blind folded her, he tied the ends behind her head securely in a knot so she would be unable to remove it. He then removed the chains holding her hands behind her back. She brought her hands in front of her rubbing her wrists.

“Take you clothes off… and lay on the bed.” He instructed.

She could hear him digging through the trunk but she stood and did as she was told. She removed her clothing slowly, knowing that he would be watching her. She could hear with moving around the bed… she wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing.

Naldrin was watching her as he began to tie the same type of silk cloth the four posters of the bed. They were long enough to make her comfortable, but not long enough to allow her to move much. After he had finished he moved back around the bed watching her remove her clothes. As he suspected he she had soft pink nipples, they were already hard with arousal.

He eyed her body as she removed her underwear. He smiled and moved toward her pushing her back onto the bed. He laid her out. Moving to each silk restraint, tying her wrists and her ankles so she could hardly move. Seeing her like that made him want her… he wanted to burry himself viciously inside of her, but he didn’t intend to… not yet.

Donica shivered. She was very anxious. She wanted to feel his big strong hands on her, she wanted to take his hard erect shaft into her hands and stroke him. Though that would be nearly impossible like this. She groaned squirming on the bed.

The room was dead silent as Naldrin stood there admiring her body. His eyes took in the roundness of her breasts, her tight, flat stomach. He looked lower still at the soft curls at the base of her stomach, they were red, just like her hair seeming to be born of fire. Her thighs were small, from what he could tell her back side was round, and firm. Reaching up Naldrin began to unbutton his doublet. His fingers fumbling over the whale bone buttons. He quickly removed it along with the rest of his clothing, leaving them as discarded rags on the floor.

Leaning her head up some Donica strained to hear what he was doing. She wanted to know exactly where he was in the room. She chewed lightly on her bottom lip as she laid there bound and silent. Naldrin made his way up to the bed of the bed he reach out and touched her ankle softly. He ran his hand along her soft skin up to her knees, her thighs, the side of her breast. All of this he did with only the slightest touch of his finger tips. He smiled when she whimpered softly, her passion filled voice echoed in his ears.

“ Do you want me, Donica?” He asked sitting down on the edge of the bed. His voice was low and quiet. He ran his finger tips teasingly over her left breast.

“Yes…yes.” She pleaded, her belly was on fire. With only the smallest touch he was setting her body aflame. With each touch he let behind a trail of flames licking along her soft delicate skin.

Naldrin grinned at her response. His own body was hot and tense. His erection jutted out from his large muscular frame. He moved more fully onto the bed. Getting on his hands and knees next to her. He put one hand on the other side of her. But he did not put himself between her legs… not yet.

Leaning close Naldrin nipped at the side of her breast. His tongue started to move over the soft mound of flesh to her nipple. Her large, soft, pink nipple. He smiled and flicked his tongue at it making it harder. He took the nipple into his mouth swirling his tongue around the erect nub. He took it in between his teeth and nipped at it lightly, causing her to jump and whimper.

He then began to trail soft kisses and teasing bites to her other breast. His teeth nipping at the other soft mound. His tongue flicking at her nipple. He took it into his mouth and suckled on it, he ran his tongue over the rough edges. His hands moved over her soft skin, touching her slender shoulders, a finger traced her protruding collar bone. He looked up at her, her red hair spread out over the white pillow under her head.

Donica was quivering with pleasure. The feel of his mouth on her made her jump. Her back arched. He certainly knew how to tease a woman. She bit at her lower lip to keep from pleading with him to take her, to give her release. It didn’t take much for him to arouse her. Already the slit in between her legs was wet and slippery. He was driving her mad with only a kiss.

His hand moved to her tight stomach, he moved his hand to her boney hip and massaged her there gently. He then moved his hand lower caressing her slender thigh, touching her thigh he noticed how muscular she was. His hand quickly found pussy, his finger quickly parted her velvet folds and rubbed and her clit. She was wet, dripping with intimate juices.

Feeling his hands touch her in such forbidden areas Donica’s heart skipped a beat. She felt his finger dive into her folds. She bit at her lip a small moan escaping her. She breathed heavily her heart pounding against her chest. He was doing things to her so quickly, no other man had managed before.

Naldrin smiled at her reaction to his touching her. One finger slid inside of her. He was surprised at how tight she was. When she had easily given herself up to him he thought he would be dealing with a young woman with a lot of experience. But then again even women with experience had ways to keep themselves this tight. He pushed his finger deep inside of her. “ Do you like that?”

Blood was rushing through her veins, when he plunged his finger inside her she moaned loudly in surprise. A shiver ran down her spine hearing his hot voice dripping with seduction. “More.” She responded raising her hips making his finger slide deeper inside of her.

With a smile Naldrin slipped another finger inside of her. She was incredibly wet, perfect for what he had planned for her. His finger moved in and out of her body while his thumb rubbed at her clit. He listened to her soft moans of pleasure, all the while he was becoming more aroused, his member swelling. He wanted her, it started as a light throbbing, but now he could feel the fire spreading through his loins.

Donica screamed, she was so close to her climax she could hardly bare it. She wasn’t going to hold back. She was going to cum multiple times during this ‘punishment’. “I’m so close.” She moaned through clenched teeth, her body squirmed as he plunged his finger deeper.

Naldrin felt her right at the edge, just a few seconds more and he would have her at orgasm. He could feel her body tightening more to prepare for it. It was then he removed his two fingers taking his hand away from her before she could have that pleasure. He smiled looking up at her disappointed face.

Stunned Donica whimpered. “Why did you stop!?” Her voice was shrill and raspy. She wanted to look at him but the blind fold made it impossible. She groaned in frustration as Naldrin chuckled lightly.

“You will come to that point when I want you to.” An evil smile came to his mouth. He then moved away from the bed. Opening a door off of the room he left. He reached into a small basin of water washing her juices from his hands. He was waiting for her body to settle before he went to work at her again. It may have been torture for her… but she had no idea what this did to him. He ached for release his entire body wanted to reach out and touch her, he wanted to burry his throbbing cock inside of her.

Moving back into the room he was drying off his hands looking at her body. The tiny curls in between her legs glistened with her wetness. He sat back down on the corner of the bed, “are we having fun yet?” He asked laughing lightly to himself. Her cheeks were flush with frustration.

“That’s not fair!” She groaned and then whimpered. She didn’t like that in the least bit. He drove her right to the edge, she was right there! He stopped! What sort of man was he anyway. To stop the woman right before she cum’s. She bit her lip to stop herself from insulting him.

Naldrin smiled looking at her. “As I said… this is a punishment.”

Donica didn’t realize how bad a punishment this was until now. She had expected him to fuck her and then be done with it. But no, he was sadistic! Getting her to the brink and then stopping. She once again bit her lip so she wouldn’t scream at him. That probably wouldn’t help. It would only make things worse.

Naldrin was silent as he watched her. Some time passed before he actually moved to her again. He was eyeing her carefully waiting for her skin to no longer hold a flush color. Until he knew she was no longer hyper sensitive. Naldrin stood and moved to the end of the bed. His mind was filled with promise, he still wanted her, he wanted to fuck her till she was raw and hurting… but not yet.

She felt the bed dip from his weight as he laid in between her legs. However he was not on top of her. It was his face that was lined up with her moist aching pussy. She was silent for a long time curious as to what he planned to do to her next. She felt his tongue drive in between her wet folds. She jumped in surprise.

Focused on what he was doing he plunged a finger inside of her. His tongue flicked at the small nub above her entrance. She tasted sweet, like honey almost. His tongue licked along her clit making her moan with pleasure. He glanced up at her watching her expression as he flicked and stroked his tongue along the sensitive flesh.

Donica tugged at the silk restraints. She wanted to run her fingers through his hair. She wanted to touch his dark skin, rub him, stroke his cock. She moaned lightly and then went silent as he pulled away and started to shift around, she wasn‘t sure what he was doing. He moved over her, placing his knees at either side of her head. The head of his cock was pressed against her petal soft lips.

He smiled and then placed his head back in between her legs and began to lick once more. He put his finger back inside of her pulling it in and out. A moan escaped him, vibrating her clit as she took him into her mouth. It was hot and moist. Her lips closed around his member tightly as she sucked on him.

They were both moaning as they pleasured one another. His tongue started to vigorously flick over her clit. The taste of her on his lips, in his mouth. The feeling of her sucking on him was amazing. He wasn’t surprised when she was unable to fit all of him in her mouth he was a fairly large man. He new her sucking on him would not get him off, he needed to be deep.

Continuing to lick and finger her he groaned sending little vibrations over her pussy. He sucked lightly at it plunging his finger deep within her. He then put another finger into her moving them in and out of her quickly. He could feel her getting closer. His licking became faster, he sucked, licked, and flicked his tongue over her clit. He repeated it over and over again sending her closer to the edge.

Donica ran her tongue along his cock letting her teeth gently scrape against the head of it. Her body trembled as she felt her self getting closer, however it was hard for her to moan due to the fact he was so thick. His size was starting to make her jaw ache.

Feeling her at the edge once again Naldrin stopped what he was doing. She wasn’t doing a bad job with him either. He actually felt the pressure of his own orgasm build as she sucked on him. He groaned softly in an almost animalistic way. He moved off of her carefully. “You want me to fuck you don’t you.” His voice was somewhat a whisper as he looked at her. He was already positioning himself over her, moving the head of his erection to her entrance.

“Please…please…” Her voice was horse. She wanted him badly. She wanted to feel him buried inside of her. She groaned raising her hips to his, he was so close to her, she needed him inside, she needed it now. Her arms tugged at the silk bonds. She wanted to take a hold of his hips and make him enter her.

Naldrin smiled watching her. She wanted him almost as bad as he wanted her. He waited a long while before he pressed himself against her. The head of his erection pressing hard against her entrance. He moved in side of her slowly, only a tiny bit, then pulling himself back out. She was shrieking with delight. “More.” She whispered softly.

Naldrin wanted her, he wanted to plunge himself into her hard, he wanted to fuck her. “Beg for it.” His voice was harsh as he put himself inside of her once more, only a tiny bit, he pulled himself all the way out again. He wanted to hear her beg, and plea for him to fuck her.

Moaning Donica continued to try and pull her arms free, though each time she failed. “Please… “ she whimpered. “I want you, I need you to fuck me.” Her voice was raspy and low. She needed it, she wanted it. She could wait any longer. Naldrin smiled, she wasn’t the only one who wanted release. His cock throbbed and ached, satisfied he slammed himself inside of her.

He started to pump in and out of her wet pussy. He fucked her hard, increasing in speed. His hips collided against hers. A deep growl came from deep within his throat and he slammed against her harder. She started to buck her hips up to meet his violent thrusts.

The room filled with their pleasurable moans. Their bodies coming together and then apart again. With each thrust Naldrin nearly pulled completely out of her before her buried himself in her again and again. He lost himself as he felt wave after wave of pleasure run through his body. Her wet, tight pussy causing him to groan louder.

Pulling harder on the silk restraints Donica managed to pull her right hand free. It went straight to his back where she dug her nails into his skin. She knew it would be painful for him but she didn’t care. Her screams echoed through the room as he pumped in and out of her. Both of their orgasms building higher. Raking her nails along his skin she bucked up against him.

He felt the nails digging into his back and he let out a moan. He liked the pain it mixed so well with pleasure. The feel of her nails dragging along his skin drawing blood only made his member swell more, pushed him closer to that edge. He almost wanted to stay like this forever, deep inside of her. The pleasure alone with out the climax was incredible. He lowered his head taking one of her nipple in between his teeth as he thrust deeper inside of her. He sucked on her nipple and then bit at her flesh, his mouth moved to shoulder, his teeth latched on to her skin.

Donica screamed as the inside of her gripped him tightly. Her orgasm came upon her quicker than she though. It was harder and greater then any she had ever felt. It rocked her right down through her very core sending flaming tongues licking along her flushed skin. Her legs trembled and her body convulsed as waves of her orgasm sent her careening over the edge of madness.

White hot lightning sizzled through Naldrin’s veins as he felt her hot sheath clench tightly around him. He felt her hot juices spill over his cock and ooze out of her body. He started to thrust harder into her moving faster then before. His body tense, needing the release.

He started fucking her harder, he released her shoulder looking down at her flushed satisfied expression. He groaned plunging deep inside of her, shaking the girl right down her very core. He pounded into her fiercely, bruising her no doubt. But she didn’t seem to care, her screams continued to echo through the room.

He groaned loudly feeling himself finally let go. His climax was intense. His seed spilled deep inside of her. He pounded into her hard as he came. Every inch of his body being consumed by the orgasm. Sweat dripped down the side of his face as he thrust deep inside of her once last time, his body quivered with pleasure.

Both of them breathed heavily. Naldrin fell onto the bed next to her. His eyes glancing over at her. Finally he reached up and removed her blind fold. She blinked. He then moved to the wrist that was still tied and he untied the knot letting her arms loose. He didn’t bother with her legs.

Donica smiled looking over at him. She was completely sated. Her body was still rocking with after shocks. “That was an amazing punishment my lord, once I have rested I will take my leave.” She smiled, she knew she would eventually come back as soon as she started to miss his touch. Just so he could ’punish’ her again.

Naldrin rolled onto his side and looked at her, his member throbbing as he very slowly lost his erection. He stretched lazily his body resembled that of a large, lazy jungle cat. Every muscle in his body rippled. He then looked at her. “What makes you think, just because I have punished you… I will let you go?”

© Copyright 2006 Angel Diamante (dark_desires at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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