Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1170739-The-Fairys-Heart-Part-1
by Kagami
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1170739
A trip through a mirror takes Carrie to a fantasy world, but why was she brought here?

The sky that day was bluer than usual. Carrie ran her fingers through strands of her hair. She trotted along the sidewalk with a bag slung around her shoulder, acting happy but not smiling. Locks of silky, black hair fell before her face every time she took a step. Carrie arrived at the bus stop, early, very early. It would be an hour before the bus would actually arrive, she decided to sit down on a bench. The orange ocean of light pouring from the sunrise made Carrie's pale face fill with color. She looked down and mumbled,
"I doubt anyone remembered" A voice in the background disturbed her own thoughts,
"Hey C!". Carrie looked up to find James staring down at her. His arm came around from behind his back and in his hand was a small box. "For you Carrie." Carrie looked confused but took the gift in her hand. "What? You thought I wouldn't remember?" James sat down next to her, "I wouldn't ever forget your birthday, you're my best friend after all." Carrie smiled and looked up at him. He was a lot taller than her, he had an average build, brown hair, and brown eyes. There was nothing really special about him on the outside. He put his arm around Carrie. She leaned into him.
"I can't believe you got me something, this is so nice" Carrie eyed the box thoughtfully as she turned it in her hands. She glanced up at James, "Can I open it?". He smiled down at her
"Of course dummy" James laughed. He gazed down at Carrie. She had a great body, probably from all the dancing she did, although she covered it up. She always seemed to have a sad look on her face even when she was smiling. Her light skin made her green eyes stand out. She never wore makeup, and it always seemed like she hadn't gotten any sleep. Carrie pulled at the purple ribbon tied around the package, she took it and tied her hair back with it,
"Aw thanks James, I've been wanting a purple hair tie." He laughed at her remark,
"No silly, it's in the box, not on it." Carrie opened the box, inside was a pendant. It was a fairy holding a red gem. Carrie gasped,
"Oh it's beautiful." She turned and hugged him and then put the necklace around her neck. The bus pulled up, James stood up and picked up Carrie's bag for her. He handed her the pack when she got up. They walked to the bus door and shuffled up the steps. The “Watch Your Step“ sign hovered above them as James tripped yet again. Carrie fell back into a seat and flung her bag off to the side, James sat down next to her. They both focused their attention out the window, hardly saying anything. The ride was long, Carrie and James lived out in the country, to get to the nearest school was a 45 minute drive. The wheat rippled in the wind as they drove by and it seemed to glow in the warm sunlight.
"Hey Carrie" James nudged her.
"Yeah?" she responded.
"We should play hooky today, I mean, you shouldn't have to spend your birthday in school." James smiled at her. She broke away her gaze at the fields and looked up at him
"Sounds like fun" she smiled.

After a long drive they finally pulled up to the school building. James jumped down the stairs and Carrie did the same. Instead of walking the main entrance the two snuck off. They wandered around the fields near the school.
"Let's go into the woods." James called to Carrie.
"Whatever." Carrie said as she picked up a stick, "Hey look what I found!" James wandered over to her and looked down at what she was holding,
"It's a spear." James said staring intently at it.
"Well duh, I figured out that much." Carrie said giving him an I'm not stupid look.
"C'mon." James grabbed Carrie's hand and they jogged towards the forest. They dashed in and immediately slipped on some moss. James screamed as they slid down the slope, Carrie just went laughing. They stopped at the bottom of the hill in front of a large cave.
"Aw man, this is one of my good shirts." James whined as he eyed his grass stained clothes.
"Check it out." Carrie whispered as she stared in awe at the large cave. She pulled a lighter from her bag and lit it up, "C'mon James."
"Uh Carrie, I wouldn't.." He stopped as soon as he realized she wasn't listening, he just followed her in. They walked for what seemed to be hours in the dark until the came upon a lighted room. There were crystals everywhere. A small ray of sunlight coming from a crack reflected off each crystal and lit up the room. The walls of the cave were a rainbow of pinks and blues, which was mirrored by a small pond. Carrie looked into the water and she noticed the pendant James had given her was glowing in the reflection. She looked down at her chest where it was hanging, the red jewel the fairy was holding was giving off a faint blush. She turned it in her hand, the gem seemed to change from red to black. It seemed to suck Carrie in.
"Hey over here" James motioned to Carrie, breaking her concentration, "There's a mirror in here." Carrie walked over to it, she stuffed the pedant under her shirt. James and Carrie stood staring back at each other in the impression. We'd make such a cute couple thought James. Carrie sighed and suddenly the reflection was broken by a clawed hand coming through the mirror. It grabbed Carrie's wrist and pulled her in before she had time to scream.
"CARRIE!" James screamed as he grabbed her by the waist and got yanked in as well.

Carrie woke up lying on the cave floor.
"Ye alright milady?" Said a voice standing above her. Carrie glanced up to find a standing pig in a dress suit holding his hoof out to her.

© Copyright 2006 Kagami (wolvenjezeriah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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