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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1171465
Four teenagers seek out what's happening in their town...
RIP: The First Mission


Midnight, bright moon shined overhead and a dead tree swayed in the wind. A man walked out of the shadows in the graveyard and walked around stopped and then looked at the moon. “Tonight’s the night my minions, rise from the dead and walk as living zombies fulfilling your duties that you didn’t finish for me.” The man said. There was a rumbling sound and then a hand burst out of the ground and a evil laughter spread across the graveyard. Grace awoke with a start. That dream seamed so real and she was sure something would happen sooner or later.

Chapter 1

[Baker High]

Grace walked up the steps and sat at the top waiting for her best friends to come and join her. “Grace!” a voice yelled in the distance. Grace looked up. It was her best friend Willow. “Hey!” she yelled back. Willow jogged up the stairs with her backpack on one shoulder. “Hey isn’t it great that we all are in the same class together?” Willow asked. “Yea.” Grace said in a small voice. “Grace, what’s the matter?” Willow asked. “Oh, it’s nothing, I just had a strange dream last night.” She said. “A dream?” Willow asked. Just then a horn of a car went off. Willow and Grace looked up it was Aaron driving his dad’s convertible. “Hey what’s up?” Aaron asked as he walked up to sit beside Grace on the other side. “Nothing were just waiting for Matt to come.” Just as Willow spoke a voice from behind said, “Excuse me.” Grace, Willow, and Aaron turned around to see who said that. It was a girl that was in Willow’s Math class last year. Sara. “Hi, Sara is it?” Willow asked. Grace looked at her. Something said that she saw her before. “Hi Sara.” Aaron said. “Hi Aaron.” She said blushing. Grace then knew where she saw her from. Aaron saw her in the mall when Grace was Christmas shopping with him. He talked to her for a while. “I remember you now, I saw you at the mall when I was Christmas shopping with Aaron last year.” Grace said. Sara looked at her. “Oh yea your Grace, right, I’m sorry I forget people a lot.” Sara said sitting down beside Aaron. “Are you two going out?” Willow asked. “No.” Aaron and Sara said in unison. Then there was the bell to go to class. “That’s weird, Matt’s not here yet?” Grace said. Aaron walked ahead and caught up with her. “Grace, I have something to ask you, did you have a weird dream last night?” Aaron asked. “Yea, your kidding me you had one too?” she asked. “Yea a man was standing in a graveyard at night.” he said. “And he said something and a hand came out of the ground with evil laughter all around causing you to wake up?” Grace asked. “We had the same dream last night didn’t we?” he asked. She shook her head. They walked around the corner to their class room. Matt was standing there at the door. “Matt there you are.” Willow said as we turned the corner. “I thought we where going to meet at the stairs up front.” Matt said. “No Matt, it was in the back parking lot where not a lot of students stand.” Grace said. “Hey guys, I’ll see you all at lunch.” Sara said walking off with one of her friends. Aaron looked at her and blushed. Willow walked up beside him and looked at him. “OH, I see now.” Willow said giggling. “Wil, what do you mean?” he asked her. “Aaron’s got a girlfriend.” She said. Matt laughed lightly at that. Grace just smiled at him. “What, so what if I like her?” he asked. “Oh, come on Aaron it’s not that it’s just...” Matt said. “It’s just that she might seam a little too blond most of the time.” Grace finished his sentence. “Ha, Ha, very funny.” Aaron said walking into their class. “Good morning.” The teacher said looking at them. They where the first student’s to come into class. “Sit where ever you like, I do not care.” she said. Aaron and Matt sat in the back right corner by the window. Grace and Willow sat ahead of them. Other student’s walked in. “Grace, what’s the matter, you’ve been quiet most of the time we’ve been here, is something wrong?” Wil asked. “What? Oh, no just thinking.” she replied. “The Dream?” Willow asked. “What?” Grace looked at her. “The dream with the man in the graveyard.” Did Willow have the same dream that Aaron and Grace have? “How did you know about that?” she asked. “I had the same dream.” Willow said. “No, you couldn’t have not you too.” “Well, I want to find out what happened to him and what about his minions?” Grace looked out the window thinking about her dream. ‘Tonight’s the night my minions, rise from the dead and walk as living zombies fulfilling the duties that you didn’t finish for me.’ That line kept running threw her head. ‘Why dose that line stick out so much for me?’ Grace thought. ‘Does that have something to do with me?” she asked. Just then a very large spider crawled out from the vent. Willow screamed. Aaron jumped up grabbed his book and slammed it right on the spider. With the SMACK that it made the teacher jumped. “Aaron, please tell me what was that all about.” she asked. “Sorry Mrs. Leffie, a spider on the window seal.” Aaron said. He sat back down and started talking to Matt again. Willow turned around. “Matt did you have a dream last night?” she asked. Grace and Aaron looked at her. “Wil, what are you doing?” Aaron asked. “Matt just answer the question.” Willow said. “Yea, why?” he asked. “Did it have a man in a graveyard talking to his dead minions to rise again?” Willow asked. “Yea.” Matt said. “And a hand spouted up out of the ground?” Aaron asked. “With evil laughter waking you up?” Grace asked. “We all had the same dream, didn’t we?” Willow asked. “When Grace said that she was thinking about a dream then I knew that she had the same dream as I did because I thought about it the whole way walking here.” Willow said. The bell rang and we all got up for our first class. Matt and Aaron had Gym and Willow and Grace had Geography. Grace walked over to the window where the teacher assigned her seat beside Sara. “Hi Grace.” Sara said as she sat down. “Hi Sara.” Grace said. A everyone took there seats Grace stared out the window. “Grace, what’s up.” Sara asked. “Hum, oh, nothing just thinking.” Grace said. Sara just looked at her. “Grace are you sure your ok, you don’t look so good.” Sara said. “What do you mean?” She asked. “Well, you don’t look like yourself.” Sara said. “I’m just thinking, if I’m dazing off and the teacher asks me a question then wake me.” Grace said. Sara smiled and nodded. The teacher came in and started speaking. Grace looked out the window to the football field and Aaron and Matt were standing there in their gym clothes. Aaron had the ball then threw it across the field. Aaron then stumbled and then fell over onto the ground. “Aaron!” Matt yelled. Grace could hear Matt yelling from the second story. Matt ran over to him and checked his pulse. “HELP!” He yelled. Grace stood up. “Grace sit down.” The professor said. “But, my friend he needs help.” she said. “What are you talking about?” he asked. “He just went into shock in Gym right there.” Grace said pointing out the window. The teacher walked over really quick and about the entire class ran over to the window. Willow was sitting behind Grace so she was also one of the first people to reach the window. “Aaron.” Willow said. “Willow is he your friend too?” the teacher asked. “Yes.” Willow said. “Now, both of you go down to the nurse to see your friend.” the teacher said. “Thank you Mr. Leffie.” they both said in unison. Grace and Willow grabbed their books and ran down the hall to the nurse. When they got there Matt was sitting there waiting, still in his gym clothes. “Matt.” Willow said hugging him. “Is he alright?” Grace asked. “How did you guys know about that so quick.” he asked. “Grace saw everything out the geography classroom window.” Willow said. Grace walked around the corner where she heard screams. “Aaron!” she yelled running down the hall. She walked into the room. Aaron was sprawled on the bed with the nurses holding him down from making him thrash about. The doctor looked at her and yelled, “You shouldn’t be here!” Then slammed the door in her face. It was a horrible site Aaron’s eyes where white and his mouth was spitting saliva everywhere. Grace covered her mouth and sat there on the floor. Willow and Matt where standing at the end of the hall. Grace started to cry in her hands. “Grace.” Willow said running up to her. “Wil, it was horrible.” she said. “It’s ok it’s over.” Willow said hugging her. Matt came down the hall and hugged Grace too. “It was so horrible.” she repeated crying still. “Come, let’s go sit down.” Matt said. Grace nodded letting go of Willow to hug Matt. Willow stood by the door and then came along with them. As they sat there listening to their friend scream in pain. Willow sang the song that they made up as the rain fell on their perfect day when they where little, and when something bad happened to one of them. “Wil, thanks for being here.” Matt said, “Both of you.” He looked at Grace that was staring at the rain hitting the window. Then about 5 minuets after Willow sang her song three times she was in the middle of her forth when the doctor came out of the room where Aaron was in. “Doc, how is he?” Matt asked. “He’s fine now, he had a serious bite on his finger, do you know what that was about?” The doctor asked. “No.” Matt said. “The spider bit him this morning.” Grace said looking at the doctor. “What?” he asked. “A spider bit Aaron this morning.” she repeated this time looking out the window. “A spider, what kind?” He asked.“The spider had a black color to it and it had a green stripe down it’s back.” Willow said. “Did any of you see him act strange today at all?” The Doc asked. “No.” They all replied. “A black spider with a Green stripe down it’s back, a spider like that has never been seen before, and it was here in school?” he asked. “Yes.” Willow replied. “I’ll look up as much data as I possibly can and I’ll get back to you.” “Thanks.” Matt said. “He want’s to see you.” a nurse said. “Thanks.” Matt said. “No, just her.” The nurse said pointing at Grace. Grace got up and without a word walked down the hall. “Aaron.”she said reaching the open door. He was staring out the window looking at the rain. “Grace.”He said in a weak voice. Grace walked in and sat next to him. “Grace, I saw him.” he said. “Saw who?” she asked. “The man from our dream, he said to me that he needed blood from every only child in the town. With the blood that he took from me he made a monster that looked like me but only not human you could tell that he wasn’t me. “He’s making an army to destroy the world, Grace we have to stop him.” He said. Grace looked at him, is this all true did he axially see a monster being born from his own human blood. “Grace he’s attacking the students one by one, he’s going to kill them.” Aaron said. “What do you mean?” she asked him. “The spiders are only the worst part they hold a poison inside them and if your bit you die from it, I just fought back that’s why I’m probably still alive here now.” He said. “You guys don’t have to worry about me I’m going home. And the spiders are only aloud in a spot that their master puts them, that’s only in this school.” Aaron said. “Go and be careful.” he said. “And you get better you shouldn’t be straining yourself to stay awake just to talk to me, rest now and we will see you tonight.” Grace said. The bell for forth period rung. “I got to go, talk to you later.” she said getting up. She smiled and kissed Aaron on the cheek. Then ran down the hall to go tell Willow and Matt what happened. Aaron touched his cheek that Grace kissed and smiled.
© Copyright 2006 Aaron Claxson (joeakaaron at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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