Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1179856-Tom--Jenn--Part-I-
by Eterna
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1179856
A young lovers New Year's Eve celebration. (( EROTICA. RATED X ))
Part I

Tom’s eyes rose up the backs of her creamy, snowy white legs as she bent slightly toward the window, parting the living room curtains and peering out into the night. As she craned her neck her pink gym shorts rode up the tops of her legs and Tom stole a glance of the soft, pale flesh of her inner thighs beneath. Jenn turned around, looking into Tom’s eyes as they darted up to meet hers. She grinned.
“Someone’s a bit anxious, hmm?” She sets down on the couch across from him and lays her legs over his lap. He gently takes them within one hand, the other stroking her calve.
“Well, now that our parents are at the party and Toby’s asleep… it’s time for our party.” He laughs and stares deep into her eyes, his hand moving up her gym shorts, slowly caressing the top of her thigh. Closing her eyes, she squirms into the cushions of the sofa as his fingers roam around under the seat of her panties to feel her butt. Abruptly Jenn sits up on the couch, grabbing his hands in her own and pulls him up to his feet. She sees the disappointed look in his eyes, turns to him, and wraps her arms around his shoulders. Craning her neck slightly, she touches his lips with her own.
“Come on, hunnie. Let’s have a couple drinks and make the night last. Don’t rush it.”
“But we were just getting into it, sweetie.” His hands gently squeeze her sides where he holds her.
“Mmm. Don’t I know. C’mon.” She takes his hand in hers and pulls him across the living room carpet to her parent’s mini-bar. Stepping around the back, she feigns an old western saloon keeper’s accent and asks, “So, pops, what’s your poison?”
“A rum and coke sounds great right about now. On the rocks, please.”
“Rum and coke, coming right up. I’ll have one, too.”
Minutes later, after choosing comfy spots on the carpet in front of the TV, the couple snuggle up beside each other sitting cross-legged and clink glasses. Captions from the MTV New Years Eve special can be heard as a score of drugged out rockers and screaming 16 year old girls party above the thousands of bundled up New Yorkers gathered in Time’s Square awaiting the dropping of the ball. Tom turns to Jenn, whose fair skin has already flushed from the effects of the alcohol. He wraps an arm around her back and pulls her close.
“Remember when we met?”
“Mmm.” She giggles and leans her head against his shoulder, her straight golden tresses spilling down his back, “How could I ever forget? You made such an ass of yourself that day! You were so shy. Fumbled over every sentence like a pro.”
“Hey, now… I was only 12, give me a break.”
“And another 8 years hasn’t changed much! Hah!” She giggles even louder this time and punches him playfully in the ribs.
“Ooh tough guy, huh? Screw you and the horse you rode in on.”
“I know you want to. But please don’t go around screwing any horses. It’s cruel.” She flashes him a wicked grin and cranes her neck to take his earlobe within her lips and nibbles gently. She releases. “Tom, it’s really weird.”
“What is?”
“I feel like the moment we met each other that summer you moved next door we knew we were going to be together forever. You know? And so far we’ve been right too, we’ve been going out since we were 13. We’re 18 now, jeez. I’ve never wanted anyone else in my entire life but you, even though you’re a jerk sometimes.” She grins and gently smoothes back the long smooth, chestnut hair away from his face.
“We’ve been through this before. We’re not like other couples our age… even older people. We’re gonna get married some day and buy our own house, have kids. We’re soul mates. Everyone has one, we were just lucky to find each other so young. And as for being a jerk, you can be a real bitch sometimes yourself.” He winks playfully.
“I’m just glad our parents got along so well from the start... and they trust us like hell, which I can’t explain. They know we’re going out. They know we’re just kids. I could be getting knocked up now for all they know.”
“Well, just for good ol’ ma and da we could make that happen for them.”
Jenn’s voice softens to a whisper as she straddles his lap and wraps her arms around his shoulders. “Oh, you’re so naughty. I love it.” She wiggles her butt in his lap erotically.
Tom straightens up as she sets the remnants of her drink down on the coffee table beside them and lowers herself back down face to face with him, her ice blue eyes staring into his own hazel. He takes the side of her face in his hands gently and bends down to softly kiss her lips. Her hands roam his back, running over the contours of his muscles and spine. She slips them underneath his dark green Jet’s T-shirt and gently massages his bare skin. His tongue slips into her mouth and they begin to kiss passionately as their breathing deepen and their heartbeats quicken.
“Come on baby, let’s get on the couch.” Tom releases her and helps her up off his lap, then leads her to the couch with his hand. He lies down on his back and she straddles over him, their chests pressed up tight together. They find each others lips once more, this time with a sense of passion and urgency. His hands trail up her body until they find the soft mounds of her breasts. Cupping them in his hands through her oversized snoopy nightshirt, he gently kneads the supple flesh between his fingers. Her nipples jut out through the thin fabric as his thumbs play over them, causing a surge of electricity to race up and down her spine. She squirms and moans on top of him. Suddenly, she pulls herself off him and lifts herself to her knees. She pulls her nightshirt up over her head, exposing her pert, shapely breasts underneath. Even though he had seen them dozens of times before, Tom was always amazed by the site of her bare breasts. A soft moan escapes from his lips and he reaches up, taking her by the shoulders and pulls her down on top of him. This time his face is right under her chest. Holding her breasts in his hands, he squeezes them affectionately and takes her right nipple into his lips. The rubbery, dark pink nub hardens in his mouth as his tongue plays over it. Gently, he nibbles on it with his teeth and she lets out a moan as her arms, which were bracing herself up, collapse and she falls on top of him, pressing her breast into his mouth. Breathing heavily as he ravenously works on her breast, she reaches under her belly with her right arm and works her way down to the zipper of his jeans. Diving her hand into his pants, she grabs his erection through the fabric of his boxers and wraps her fingers around it, firmly squeezing and rubbing. As she works on him he slowly humps her hand, his breath now becoming ragged and short.
“God, baby, let’s fucking DO it already! Enough teasing!” Jenn moans out as she struggles to breathe on top of him.
He releases her breast from his mouth, “Mmm. No. I’m not done with you yet.” Gently pushing her up off him and on her back on the couch, Tom stands up and strips off his own T-shirt, tossing it on the floor. He gets back on the couch and kneels down sideways on the couch, facing her legs. Taking her by the knees, he spreads her legs apart, giving him easy access to her inner thighs and her mound. Slowly he begins to plant a trail of kisses on her leg, starting from her knees and working his way down to her thighs. He fingers the fabric of her gym shorts and pushes them up her leg as he kisses higher and higher up on her inner thigh. Stopping for a moment and backing away, she sees her hands working at her shorts and he helps her pull them off along with her panties. Once they’re off, Jenn, now naked, wraps her hands around the back of Tom’s neck and pulls him down close to her mound. Tom feels the blonde, downy curls of her pubic hair caress his nose and forehead as he kisses and nuzzles the area all around her pussy. Feeling a rush of passion, he dives in and laps eagerly at the slick, pink velvety labia of her pussy with his tongue. She arches her back in pleasure and rakes her fingers through his hair as his lips find her clit and tenderly wrap around it, suckling on it. Moaning, her lower torso begins to buck wildly in tune with his rhythm when he thrusts two of his fingers into her drenched hole, pumping them vigorously. Seconds later, Jenn lets out a loud squeal as she is brought over the edge and her body tenses, waves of pleasure rolling over her entire body as her lover brings her to an intense climax. She rakes his back with her fingernails, eyes squeezed tightly shut as her juices flow out of her body. Still sucking on her clit, he savors the taste of her unique feminine musk while it pulses out of her in time with her orgasm. The slightly bitter and salty, but familiar taste almost sets himself over the edge as he throbs within his pants.
When she begins to come down, Tom sighs and reluctantly releases her from his mouth, pulling out his fingers. He gets up and pushes her legs together, then lies down beside her on the couch. She wraps her arms around his back and buries her head in his chest, breathing slower now. Her fingers trace little circles on his skin as he gently smooths her hair, relishing the feel of her silken tresses between his fingers. They come together and kiss softly, tenderly.
A few minutes later, while the couple relaxes and enjoys the feel of each other in their arms, Tom pulls down the throw sitting on the couch and spreads it over them. Jenn looks up into Tom’s eyes. “Don’t think I’m done with you yet, mister, this night has only just begun.”

Part II located in my portfolio ...
© Copyright 2006 Eterna (eternaluna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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