Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1187543-Reader
by magll
Rated: E · Novella · Drama · #1187543
A young girl comes out of her shell and discovers the truth behind the voices in her head
The room is deathly quiet save for the whirling of the air conditioner as it works hard to cool the room. A young girl cautiously looks around and tiptoes in. She glances nervously at the king sized bed, tightly clutching a big yellow book that reads “Residential Directory” on the front cover. She lets out a deep sigh of relief as she passes the empty bed. She sits down on the carpeted floor, flips open the large book and takes out a piece of paper torn out of a primary school exercise book. She scans through the contents, her eyes darting ever so often at the door. Stopping at the letter ‘t’ she picks a name randomly and starts to write.

11th May 1990

dear mister or miss t

my name is sera and i am eight years old this year. you don't know me and i don't know you. i played eni-mini-myni-mo and my finger chose you. this is funny i know. this is not a naughty trick i play on you. i just want a pen pal like kor kor Keane. no one likes me. they say bad things about me. they say i am fat. they laugh at me and say i am ugly and stupid. they stand in front of me and smile but i know they do not like me. they smile at me but they laugh at me and say i look ugly at the same time. i told mummy i hear voices inside my head. mummy says i am trying to be funny. i do not understand what she is trying to tell me, but i am not trying to be funny. it is true.

i know this is scary. if you do not want to write me it is ok. but can i write you still? i will try be a very good girl. thank you so much mister or miss t.

love sera

Satisfied, she folds the letter with her small pudgy hands and pushes it into an envelope. Sealing the envelope, she goes on to write the address on the front in small, rounded handwriting. Stumbling across the room to a large mahogany table, she takes a good minute to pull out the heavy chair from under it. Kneeling on the seat, padded with a black, brown and beige checkered cushion, she reaches across the table for a short black cylindrical container and digs a twenty five cents stamp out.

She straightens up and looks at her reflection. Frowning, she prepares to make her way down and off the chair. A sudden movement at the corner of her eye catches her attention and she swirls around unsteadily. Toppling over, she falls to the floor pulling the chair along as it narrowly misses her. “See what you’ve done you stupid girl!” screamed a voice in her head.

A pair of bright pink manicured feet reaches Sera’s side and helps her to her feet. Sera apologizes frantically and rushes to pick up the stamp, grabs the envelope from the floor and flees the room. As Sera rushes past her, the fashionably dressed girl looks on dazed and confused. She looks down at the Residential Directory Sera left behind, sighs and shakes her head worriedly.

Outside, Sera leans against the door breathless. Ringing inside her head, a loud voice screams “How could she be so inconsiderate and impolite! This is my room and she’s sneaking in and out all the time!” Sera presses her hands over her ears, clutching tightly to the envelope, her eyes glistening with tears. Her sister’s angry shouts continue and grow louder by the minute, not being able to bear much more she runs up the spiral staircase sobbing as she went.

14th September 1995

dear mister or miss t

i’ve done it again. i tripped when i was bringing Father his coffee and spilled it on him as well as his laptop. Father sent it to be repaired, he said it was all right and told me not to get upset about it but i know he thought otherwise and i still can hear his thoughts ringing in my ear. i suppose i’m mostly used to my being a disappointment to Father and Mother while Satine and Keane are the ‘apple of their eye’. it doesn’t help that Satine and Keane are both so much more capable than i am. i know Father hates that they are smarter than i will ever be and entered better schools than the one i am in, he never said it out loud but he always thought so. (sighs) on a more positive note, it’s been five years since i first started writing to you. although i never ever did receive a reply from you, thank you for not rejecting the letters and returning the letters to me. knowing that someone’s listening is good enough.

i shall end here, so until six months later and my next mishap, take care.

love sera

Finishing up with the letter Sera walks over to a large mirror and slides it aside to reveal a walk in wardrobe. Letting out a deep sigh, Sera takes out a pink porcelain pig hidden in a corner and walks over to a queen sized bed at the other side of the room. With the pig tucked under her arm, she sits on the bed and spills the contents out and starts to count the coins and dollar notes. Focusing all her energy on counting the money, she doesn’t hear the door to her room open.

Outside Sera’s room, a tall built man with graying hair hesitates before gently knocking on the door. “Sera?” her father calls out to her and asks if he could come in. Sera quickly shoves the money under her blanket and replies with a cracked voice for him to enter. Her father walks towards her, rubbing his forehead unsure of what to say. Even before her father spoke, Sera heard what her father wanted to say to her inside her head, “Next time don’t bother to bring me my coffee, let the maids do it. You’re so clumsy; it’s more trouble than help Sera.” Just as her father moves to sit beside Sera on the bed, Sera mumbles “I will pay for the repairs daddy. I’m so sorry”. Her father shakes his head and starts to speak just as the mobile phone in his pockets ring. He stands up abruptly and picks up the call as Sera looks up at him shivering, her eyes glistening with tears. He rambles on over the mobile phone in raised voices with his back to her, agitated and annoyed.

Five minutes pass when he suddenly turns around and distractedly says to Sera in a terse controlled voice “Sera I’m not angry with you about the laptop and I don’t need you to pay for the repairs. I’ve got to go back to the office now, we’ll talk about this when I get back alright”. He ruffles Sera’s hair and walks out still shouting into the mobile phone. Sera looks dejectedly as her father walks out of her room. As the door shuts, Sera sinks into the bed, hides her head under her pillow sobbing. It is evening time when she finally sits up and rubs her eyes. Sending mister or miss t her letter always made her feel a little better, she thought to herself. She washes up in her bathroom, taking a quick look at her reflection in the mirror. She frowns, pinching her cheeks before rushing to post the letter.

1st January 1999

dear mister or miss t

it hurts to see the disappointment in Father and Mother’s eyes, and worse still to hear and know they are indeed disappointed. that was months ago when i received my posting based on my prelims. i still hear Father’s sighs and disappointments ever so often. Satine and Keane, are probably sniggering about what a lousy school i got into even though they’re continents apart. today i started school at catholic junior college, not the school Father or Mother had hoped for but i guess they have accepted the fate that their youngest daughter will never be as smart or intelligent or popular or capable as their eldest two children. school was a nightmare, i could hear everyone sneering at my ugly messy mop of a hair. they didn’t like my hair, thought my glasses were nerdy and ugly, felt I was snobbish and prudish and sneered about every aspect of me. school was just plain mind boggling, literally.

nothing much has changed at home, Father and Mother are not home most each month, but the house is a little less quiet now that Keane and Satine are both back from school for the holidays. Father and Mother specially made it a point to come back when Keane and Satine was home for the holidays. well, i’m used to being invisible and ignored so I guess i’ll just do my own things until i break an antique vase or irritate Keane or Satine. till then, do take care.

PS: enclosed is a little gift from me to you. thank you for listening to my complaints and unhappiness.

love sera

Dropping a silver bracelet into the envelope, she seals the envelope smiling to herself. A sudden loud slam of the door startles Sera, followed by shouts from below. She tucks the envelope into her jeans pocket and creeps down a few steps of the spiral staircase. She peeps into the living room and sees her elder brother’s friends.

The expensive velvet pillows are strewed across the living room, and there jumping up and down on the white sofa screeching like a mad monkey is Kenneth Cheok, a bald headed, burly boy with large fleshy lips and a protruding jaw. Sitting in one of the individual sofas with his arms outstretched is Jude, a handsome boy with perfect teeth and neatly combed hair. Walking seductively towards Jude is Kimmy Lee, a skinny girl with high cheekbones and a thin sharp nose dressed in a bright orange tube top and a white pair of shorts. Sitting cross-legged on the floor is Nick, wearing a simple black long sleeved t shirt and baggy jeans. Nick looks around searchingly, ruffling his hair and stretching nervously. Kimmy noticing Nick looking around smirks and looks up at the spiral staircase.

Sera ducks back up a few steps, sits down and continues to watch. “Nick, are you looking for that big haired cry baby? What do you see in her man?” Kimmy teases. Nick throws a pillow at Kimmy, stands up and goes towards the kitchen glancing up at the staircase. Sera jumps up and starts to go back to her room bumping into Keane coming down the stairs. “Careful! Don’t you watch where you’re going?” Sera hears Keane’s voice inside her head reprimanding her. Keane looks at Sera with raised eyebrows and an amused grin as Sera stands put with her head bowed down to the floor. “Sera, are you alright?” Keane asks grinning cheekily.

Scratching her head nervously, Sera mumbles about going out and rushes off tripping on the last step, crashing into Nick at the bottom of the stairs. Nick catches Sera in time dropping the packet drinks he was holding onto. Keane rushes to Sera’s side and asks if she’s alright. “Clumsy fool” she hears Keane inside her head. “Thank God I don’t have a hideous monster like her for my sister. She’s such a ditz, poor Keane.” she hears Kimmy snigger as she stifles a giggle. Her cheeks turn a shade of pink as she whispers an apology before fleeing out the door.

25th August 2001

dear mister or miss t

university is very different from college. everything is left up to you. the lecturers leave it to you to attend classes and if you don’t they don’t ask you why or threaten to call your parents in. in junior college you’re given the lecture notes for the lesson, in university you have to do your own research. i don’t know if you know all this already, i’m just voicing my surprise i guess. the other students here don’t like me much i gather. most times when i walk around in school i feel invisible to everyone. my fellow classmates will walk past me along the corridors and see right through me, like i was invisible and unimportant. i’ve gotten used to it though, it’s the same at home, in junior college and now here.

the house feels really big and empty with Keane back at school and Satine always at work. leaving the house early in the morning and only comes home way past dinner time. Father and Mother was relieved that i at least managed to enter the local university though i sense some resentment that i’m not like Keane or Satine. i’m not smart enough to go to Oxford to do law like Keane or creative enough to go to Emily Carr like Satine. but, with everyone not at home most of the time, i get into less trouble with either of them now.

i’ve got to end here, its nearly midnight and i’ve got an early class tomorrow. take care on your side. i hope all is well for you.

love sera

Sera seals the envelope and packs her books and the letter into her bag. The house gates open and Sera peeps out the window and sees a medium grey Mazda 6 sports car back into the garage. She hurries to switch off her bedroom lights, jumps into bed and hides under the covers. The house is silent and Sera listens intently, hearing only the whirling of the air conditioner. Her room door creeks open as dim yellow lights enter her room. “Sera?” Satine calls out softly. Sera shuts her eyes close hearing Satine’s voice in her head. “Her lights were on earlier, she’s probably pretending to be asleep. What did she do wrong this time that she needs to avoid me. Crazy girl.” Satine shuts the door quietly goes into her room. Sighing deeply, she closes her eyes, tossing and turning till she finally falls asleep.

The clock rings and Sera rushes out, toothbrush in hand with a mouth full of foam to switch off the alarm. She finishes washing up, grabs her bag and heads downstairs with a light skip. Halfway down, she notices the lights in the dinning room on and bends to see who is there. Clad in a plain grey t shirt and black cotton track pants at the table was Satine having breakfast. Sera bites her lower lips and slowly makes her way down the stairs.

Satine looks up at Sera and greets her. Sera mumbles a greeting in return and sits opposite Satine. As Sera reaches for a piece of bread Satine offers to send her to school explaining that she’s got the day off from work. Sera’s eyes widen and she stares at Satine with half of the bread sticking out of her mouth. With her mouth full she manages a shaky “Okay” and continues to chew her food tilting her head to the side and scratching her head nervously.

Driving along the highway, Gustav Holst’s The Planets plays in the car as the two sisters sit in silence. Sera alternates between looking out of the car window and the watch on her wrist shifting uncomfortably. “Are you late for class?” Satine asks. Sera hesitates, stealing a glance at Satine shaking her head whispering “Urm, No, not exactly.” As the car turns into the gates of the school, Sera slings the strap over her head, releases her seat belt and puts her hand on the door handle. Just as the car slows down in front of a dull grey building with black protruding letters “Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences”, Sera opens the door and jumps out even before the car rolls to a stop. “What’s the rush man? Ungratedful brat!” Sera hears her sister’s voice in her head reprimanding her. Sera halts abruptly, biting her lip she rushes back to thank her and runs off.

18th April 2002

dear mister or miss t

i’m going to Australia. at the end of the last semester, we were all asked if we would like to have a chance to go for an overseas exchange to any country or university of our choice. i did not think much about it, but Father and Mother was keen for me to go for this overseas exchange so i went ahead and applied for it. not one of the vocal ones in school, i expected my application to be rejected or put on hold. that isn’t the case apparently. i just came back from the talk for those who were going for the exchange program and in all honesty, i don’t want to go. But i know that it would please Father and Mother if i went.

i’ll be gone for six months. six months seems like a really long time to be away. but i know i won’t be missed. Satine will probably be the most relieved, that I won’t be around to screw up her schedule and to ruin the few off days she has from work.

love sera

Sera seals the envelope and stuffs it in one of the pages in her books. Picking up some loose sheets of paper, she reads the contents and sighs. Folding it she packs them into her bag and leaves the house. She tucks her books close to her with her arms and walks to the bus stop, looking down at her feet with her head cocked to one side. On the bus, with music playing in her ears, she looks out the window with a blank expression. Reaching the university, all the students alight. The bus begins to move, Sera looks around gasps and jumps up to press the stop buzzer. It continues to move off and Sera rushes to the front and begs the driver to stop for her. “Troublesome Girl! Why don’t you pay more attention to what’s happening around you? Study so much still so stupid!” she hears the reprimand in her head as the driver opens the door. Sera gives her thanks and jumps off.

Sera looks at her watch, and her eyes widen, “shit” she mutters then rushes off checking her things as she climbed up the stairs. Walking up the steps towards Sera, Nick sees her and shouts out to her. Startled, Sera loses her balance and trips. She grabs the railing, dropping her books. “Are you alright?” Nick rushes up towards her picking up her books. As he picks up the last of her books, a letter drops out. He picks it up and glances at the address on the front.

One hand on her heart and the other still gripping the railing, Sera stands rigidly on the steps. “Sera? Are you alright?” Nick asks gently, his hand on her shoulder. Sera nods her head as Nick takes her hand away from the railing and passes the books to her. Sera manages a weak “Thank you” and looks up to see Nick smiling at her. Sera tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear and continues down the stairs. Accompanying her, Nick observes her carefully.

“What class do you have now?” Nick asks, trying to initiate a conversation.
“Urm, I forgot. Wait let me check.” Sera mumbles as she flips through her books looking for her time table. Going through all her books frantically, she notices the letter missing. She swirls around and looks at the steps. “Sera, are you looking for this?” Nick asks holding out the letter to her. “Yes!” Sera exclaims, grabbing it from him. “I’ve got to run. I’m late for class.” Sera claims running down the stairs. Nick catches up with her and grabs her arm. “I’ll post it for you then, since you’re in a hurry. It’s on the way anyway.” Nick offers. Sera bites her lower lip, looking at her watch. Nodding her head Sera passes the letter to Nick and rushes to class.

Nick watches Sera with a grin, looking down at the letter after Sera disappears from his sight. He continues up the stairs and starts to open the letter. “Nick!” a female voice shouts out. Nick stops and looks up as Kimmy walks towards him. Nick quickly keeps the letter in his bag and greets her. Kimmy links her arms in his and drags him away.

23rd July 2002

dear mister or miss t

sigh, this is it. i just finished packing my bags. Father called earlier to say that he couldn’t come back in time to send me off. Mother is now in China. she called before her meeting and told me she couldn’t get an earlier flight back and would only be back tomorrow night. Satine’s can’t make it as well with the new chinese drama starting filming this week. in fact, she’s been leaving the house before the sun comes up and coming home in the wee hours of the morning for the past few weeks. and of course Keane won’t be sending me off, he’s still in England and it’s his last year at Oxford so he’s pretty busy at the moment.

so i guess I’ll be going to the airport on my own. it’s no big deal actually. it could be fun even. though i’m not exactly looking forward to it. i’ll be posting this letter to you from the airport. i’ve heard that letters posted from the airport have a special postmark on them so i thought to post it to you there. if ever we meet be sure to tell me if its true okay.

anyway i’m going to sleep now. i want to enjoy my bed while i can. i know it’s weird to say this but i think i’ll miss my bed a lot. till next time. good night.

love sera

Dropping the letter into the postbox, she walks towards the check point and takes out her passport. She takes a last look around her and goes in. She proceeds straight to the departure gate and boards the plane. The plane takes off, and she looks out to see the buildings and cars below grow smaller. She leans back into her chair sighs and closes her eyes. “It’s gonna be a long six months” she mutters to herself as she drifts off to sleep.

Sera stretches and shivers from the cold air in the cabin. She looks out the window and sees a sky filled with white fluffy clouds. The intercom suddenly crackles to life as the captain’s voice booms throughout the plane. “Good morning, this is the captain speaking. We will be arriving shortly at Brisbane International Airport. The weather today is clear and the temperature outside is about eighteen degree celcius. We hope you’ve had a good flight with us and hope that you will enjoy your stay in Brisbane.” The crew went around for a final check and took their seats as the plane starts its descent. Looking down she sees large patches of green and brown. She smiles, buckles her seat belt and put her chair in the upright position.

The landing was smooth and after the plane came to a complete stop, Sera unbuckled her seat belt and rose to unload her backpack from the overhead compartment. After getting through the long queue at immigration and some tugging and pulling at the baggage claim she finally collects all her things and steps into the arrival hall. She makes her way through the crowd and looks for the liaison person to take her to her new home.

The drive to Gold Coast took nearly an hour with her looking out at the scenery throughout most of the journey. Soon the van stops outside a pale yellowish-orange building with the words University Village at the front. She leans close to the window spying her surroundings. The door of the van opens as she climbs out and drags her luggage into the grounds. A tall middle aged blonde man greets her and introduces himself as David, the in charge of University Village. He shows her to her apartment and briefly explains about the paperwork, where things are and how they work around the place. After a long afternoon, Sera lies down on her bed after unpacking all her things.

A knock on the door interrupts her and she opens the door to see who’s there. Standing in front of her door is David with a wide smile on his face and just a little behind him was a tall Chinese girl with short messy hair dressed in jeans and a long sleeved green wool top. “Sera, this is your new room mate Vicki.” David gestures to the girl as she waves and say hello. Vicki moves forward to shake hands with Sera as David gives them final instructions and leaves.

Vicki smiles at Sera and asks, “Could you help me with my bags? Gosh! I’m so tired! I drove all the way from Sydney. My mum wanted me to fly in but I prefer four grounded wheels anytime to airborne wings. At least if there’s an accident in my car I’ve got a higher chance of surviving than if I dropped out of the sky.” Laughing, Vicki grabs Sera’s hands in one hand and tugs at her luggage in the other.

“Come on. I wanna know all there is to know about you. After all we’ll be stuck together for a least six months and that is really short so we should make the most of it, don’t you think?” Vicki rattles on as she Sera stares at her with her mouth agape still silently observing Vicki. Turning around with a slight frown, she questions Sera “Hmm. Are you the quiet sort or am I rambling on as usual?” Grinning she continues unpacking her things and silence fills the room. Sera looks around, bites her lip and pushes her glasses up. Taking a deep breath Sera moves to stand beside Vicki and offers to help her unpack. Vicki smiles at her, surprised and carries on talking as Sera listens quietly.

They finished unpacking all of Vicki’s things by late afternoon and as Vicki goes to the kitchen Sera surveys the room. Plastered all over her room walls were photographs of Vicki and her family, friends and pets. Sera moves closer and looks closely at the photographs. Vicki comes back in and standing beside her starts to introduce all her friends, family and pets and describing the story behind each photograph. Sera looks intently at the photographs as Vicki rambles on, cocking her head slightly to the side a small smile lights her face.

“I’m hungry. Let’s go out and get some dinner. What do you think? I’ll drive.” Vicki suggests interrupting Sera’s thoughts. She nods her head as Vicki grabs her car keys and jacket reminding Sera to change and bring her jacket with her. Soon, both girls were dressed and out of their apartment. Walking down the stairs, Vicki suddenly asks “Hey I wonder who’s going to our third room mate. It’ll be cool to have a guy for a room mate though. Then we don’t have to worry about moving stuff or fixing things. Plus, I don’t think I could get used to not having a guy around the house growing up with three brothers and all.” Sera stares at her with bulging eyes as Vicki laughs at her expression.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Sera sees David with a Chinese boy carrying a huge haversack on his back, dragging a luggage beside him. As the two girls walk towards them, Vicki greets David and smiles widely at the Chinese boy with short floppy hair and a medium build. Sera walks slowly towards David staring at the Chinese boy open mouthed. “Nick?” Sera exclaims softly. Vicki turns to look at Sera quizzically, “You know him?” she asks grinning cheekily. Nick smiles at Sera and says hello.

David breaks the silence and suggests they talk in the office. Vicki butts in suggesting Nick become their third room mate since Sera and Nick know each other. Nick laughs at Vicki’s vivaciousness and says he’s fine with it if Sera is alright with is as well. Sera bites her lip and looks away, her cheeks turning a slight pink. Noticing Sera blushing, Vicki cheekily nudges Sera. “Oh come on. You two know each other right. It’s no big deal.” she eggs Sera, linking her arms with hers. Sera mumbles “Okay” and David starts to orientate Nick as he did Vicki and Sera about University Village and the procedures. Nick, Sera and Vicki finally make it to dinner at Surfer’s Paradise after Nick settles in. Nick and Vicki quickly make friends and try to get Sera to join in the ruckus and have fun.

The drive back from dinner was filled with constant chatter between Vicki and Nick as Sera watches them from the back seat. Smiling to herself, she leans back and looks out the window. “Hey Sera, you’re awfully quiet. We really need to get you talking more man.” Vicki says looking at her rearview mirror. Nick turns to look at Sera and realizing that she’s fallen asleep smiles gently at her. Vicki cheekily quizzes Nick about Sera, “Nick, I can tell you really like her a lot. You have a goofy grin every time you’re looking at her. You came to Australia for Sera didn’t you?” Nick smiles and remains silent.

“Okay you don’t need to say anything else. Your silence says it all man.” Vicki pouts.
After a moment of silence, Vicki asks thoughtfully, “Hey Nick. You knew Sera for a while now right. Is she always this quiet and shy?”
Brooding, Nick replies, “Yea, Sera is very timid. She’s been like this ever since I first met her. Her brother doesn’t know why either. But Keane and Satine, her sister, are much older than her and they don’t really communicate much. Keane’s parents are seldom home. I’ve known Keane since secondary school and I only remember seeing his parents once or twice in all this time. They work a lot, flying around the globe most of the year.”
He turns back to look at the still sleeping Sera and continues, “I guess a lot of people find her odd and eccentric, but I think she’s very special and unique. She just doesn’t see it in herself and she doesn’t let anyone close enough to show her how special she is.”

“And are you the one to do that?” Vicki asks in a light playful tone.

Grinning from ear to ear, Nick replies laughingly “Would you believe me if I said that this is all a coincidence?”

9th August 2002

dear mister or miss t

it’s National Day back home. the first National Day i won’t be celebrating in Singapore. its quite cold here this time of the year, not really used to it but getting there. did i tell you? Nick, on of my brother’s friends is in Gold Coast as well. in fact, he’s staying in the same apartment with me and another girl, Vicki. Vicki is really friendly and she makes me want to laugh all the time. she talks almost constantly, but the chatter distracts me from hearing any other voices, which is good.

in school, its very much like in Singapore, people don’t really think much of me, and as usual i seem invisible to them. it’s like they can’t see past their noses. they may not tell it to my face but i still hear all their negative comments about me. about the way i look, the way i walk, the way i don’t talk and everything about me. Vicki always asks me why i’m so quiet. actually, i find myself unable to answer her because i myself am not exactly sure why i don’t speak as much as she does or am not normal like her.

Vicki tells me a lot of things, and though she always appears happy, i realized that she too does have her moody days. just a few days back, she came to my room crying. i didn’t know what to do, i just let her talk and i listened. she said she felt better after talking to me about it. she also offered to listen to my problems if i ever needed a friend. i’m still thinking about it. if i should tell about hearing other people’s thoughts

all this is really quite strange for me. to have someone treat me as a friend and to offer her friendship. and of course staying in the same apartment with a boy, that’s strange as well. even though i have Keane at home, its different because he’s my brother and Father is not home much. living under the same roof as Nick is a new experience. not unpleasant, just strange to me.

i like him. he’s always nice and courteous towards me. but he probably thinks i’m weird. but he isn’t very far off from the truth i guess. anyway, its almost dinner time now, Happy National Day.

love sera

There’s a knock on her door and Sera smiles as she fixes the stamp on the envelope “Come in Nick” she calls out. Grinning, Nick asks laughing “How’d you know it was me?” Sera shrugs her shoulder and smiling says “Cos Vicki never knocks.” Laughing, Nick shakes his head as Sera grins. Spying the letter on her desk Nick asks her about it. “Need me to send that letter for you? I’m going out to get bread for tomorrow I’ll be passing the post box.” Sera nods her head, gives her thanks and hands the letter to him. As Nick reaches for the letter and something shining catches her eye. She sees his silver bracelet and squints recognizing the bracelet.

Noticing Sera’s dazed look, Nick ruffles her hair and asks her if she’s alright. She looks strangely at Nick and claims she’s fine. Nick checks the address on the front and goes out. Sera follows him out trying to get a better look at the bracelet when Vicki taps her on the shoulder from behind. “Hey! Come see this.” Vicki says excitedly pulling Sera into her room. “Check this out. What do you think?” Vicki asks. Staring blankly at the poster Vicki designed for her project, still deep in thought she suddenly grabs Vicki’s hand saying, “Vicki, I need to tell you something.”

Sera and Vicki are seated on the bed with the door closed deep in conversation. Vicki sits back against the wall, holding her chin thinking out loud. “Are you sure you can hear other people’s thoughts? I never thought mind readers existed.” Sera frowns and biting her lips mumbles “So I guess you don’t believe me.” Sighing she leans back against the wall when Vicki sits up suddenly. “Let’s put you to the test!” Vicki exclaims. She jumps off the bed and grabs some paper and pens. She turns Sera to face one side of the wall and she sits with her back facing hers. Handing some paper and a pen to Sera she says “Okay, now at the count of three, you will write down what I think about this whole mind reading stuff and I will do the same. Then we’ll compare the two and see if it’s the same. Okay. One. Two. Three!”

Both girls start scribbling on their respective paper and Vicki finishing first screams “I’m done! You done?”
Sera nods her head and says “Yup, I’m done.”
“Okay, lets compare papers.” Vicki says turning around excitedly. She looks at Sera’s paper and gives her hers. Looking at Vicki’s paper apprehensively, scribbled in her messy handwriting is the word “COOL!” She looks over at her own paper in Vicki’s hands and turns beet red. “I don’t think that!” Vicki shouts hugging Sera. “I do not think you’re crazy! Quiet and quite odd at times but not crazy! And if you really could read minds, it’d be way cool man. Imagine what you could do with such an amazing ability babe.” Vicki giggles nudging Sera and linking her arms around her neck. Sera smiles and begins to laugh and cry at the same time.

Vicki continues this questioning with Sera and the answers each give result in loud laughs and stifled giggles. A knock on the door shushes them up as Vicki says loudly in a commanding tone “You may enter brave knight”, breaking out in laughter. Nick opens the door and sees Sera and Vicki on the bed hugging their stomachs and rolling about laughing. “Urm. Did I come at a bad time?” Nick asks with raised eyebrows. Unable to speak from laughing too much the two girls shake their heads still laughing. “Okay, I’ll leave you two to your jokes then. Just wanted to let you know I’m cooking dinner now and it’ll be ready in about half an hour. Will let you know again later.” Nick says as he closes the door.

Vicki wipes the tears from her eyes and looks at Sera with a crooked grin. “Hey, do you like Nick at all?” Vicki asks cheekily. Wiping her tears Sera looks incredulously at Vicki and turns away blushing. Vicki nudges Sera and start tickling her trying to force an answer from her. Sera screams running out of the room with Vicki chasing behind her. She runs into the kitchen and hides behind Nick pulling him to shield her from Vicki. “Whoa. What’s going on here man.” Nick exclaims holding a spatula in one hand, with a shocked expression, Sera still clinging onto Nick’s shirt sleeve. “Vicki stops and with her hand on her hip grinning. “Oh nothing. I just asked Sera if she likes you and she refused to give me an answer so I starting chasing her for one.” Vicki says haughtily. Nick turns slightly pink as he looks down at Sera’s flushed face, eyes bulging as she lunges for Vicki. Nick looks on as Vicki and Sera run around laughing and giggling. With a goofy grin, Nick shakes his head and puts the spatula down. Sera runs back to use Nick as a shield from Vicki’s attacks and he catches Sera around the waist letting Vicki tickle her.

Dinner was a little burnt, but they enjoyed the meal nonetheless. After dinner and some television time together in the living room, they retired to their own rooms. Nick turns his computer on and as he waits for it to load takes out the letter Sera wrote and opens the envelope. A knock on the door stills his hands as he tucks the letter back into his pocket. Sera opens the door and stands at the doorway hugging the door frame. “Can I come in?” she asks softly. Nick invites her in and stands to grab the chair for her, closing the door behind him. His computer beeps him and he moves to check the message. Sera sits down looking around the room as Nick switches on the web camera and picks up a call. Turning to Sera, pointing to the screen he smiles and says “Keane. Wanna talk to your brother?”

“Hey man. How’s England?” Nick asks

“Cold. What about Australia? Hey how’s my little sister. Mum and Dad keeps asking me to find out from you about her. She’s never online. They are kinda worried.” Keane’s voice crackles mechanically over the computer.

“Kor.” Sera says shyly stepping into the camera’s view.

“Hey! Sera! How are you? Everything okay there? Tell me if Nick or anyone bullies you there kay. I’ll beat him up if he bullies you.” he jokes.

“I’m okay. I’ve got great room mates.” she says grinning.

“That’s good to hear. Go online more ya. Mum and Dad misses you. And Satine has been asking about you too. Anyway, Nick I’ll catch up with you in a bit. Sera, take care of yourself there okay. Catch you later man.” Keane hurriedly says cutting the line.

Nick ruffles his hair and grins at Sera. An awkward silence fills the room and Sera looks sheepishly at the floor. She bites her lip and asks quietly “Nick, how come you came to Australia?” She hesitates and continues “Is it because of me?” Nick smiles and pauses to think about the question. “Partly I guess. Keane told me about your coming to Australia, but I was already planning to do my Masters overseas. You just helped me decided which university and which country that’s all.” he admits. Nick plays with his computer wire while Sera bites her lip playing with her fingers both avoid looking at each other. The phone rings again and Sera jumps up making an excuse to leave walks to the door. Nick sighs and follows behind. As he is about to close the door, Sera turns to him and thanks him before running into her room shutting the door. Nick grins to himself and goes back into his room.

“Are you guys ready! Gosh! It’s only for a week. What do you guys need to pack for a one week trip man. Plus it’s my place, anything you want we have man. Hurry up!” Vicki yells, banging on Sera and Nick’s doors. Sera comes out with a big hand carry bag and goes into the living room to put on her shoes. Nick saunters out with a huge haversack and rubs his eyes sleepily. “Vicki you need to be more lady-like man.” Nick says yawning. As Vicki shuts the door behind her she mutters to herself “We’re finally out of the house man”. The sky is still dark and they pack the bags into the boot and pile into the car.

Nick and Vicki take turns to drive as Sera sleeps in the back seat, cuddled up like a baby. Sera was still asleep when they finally drove into Vicki’s home garage. Vicki turns to see the sleeping Sera and as she reaches back to wake her up Nick stops her and points to himself. Vicki rolls her eyes and grins, opening the car door. Nick opens the back door of the car and gently touches Sera on the shoulder. “Sera, we’ve reached. Wake up” he says gently. Sera nods her head and slowly sits up as Nick pats her head.
“Vicki!” a loud manly voice shouts from the door of the house. A tall burly man with a potbelly greets Vicki as she jumps into his open arms. “Daddy!” Vicki cries with joy as three boys come running down the stairs and out onto the lawn beside the garage. They take turns to engulf Vicki with hugs and playfully punching her. Sera and Nick stand beside the car, with their bags looking at the display of affection before them.

Vicki runs to Sera and drags her before her father introducing her and Nick to her family. Her brothers politely shake their hands and help them into the house. Vicki’s mother, a plump kindly woman with a smiling face walks towards them and introduces herself. “It’s so good to finally meet you Sera. And you Nick of course. Dinner will be ready in a bit. Why don’t you kids settle in your rooms first and dinner will be done by then.” She says kindly.

The girls drag their bags up into Vicki’s room as the boys, Nathan, Miguel and Luke show Nick to the guest room. After settling into their rooms, they all come back down for a family dinner together. The atmosphere is rowdy and noisy as everyone sits at the table to have a meal together. Miguel and Nathan on each side of Vicki constantly jabs her and kicks her legs under the table as Vicki screams for them to stop and Mrs Cho chiding them for bullying Vicki and not behaving in front of guests. Nick and Luke are deep in conversation as Mrs Cho puts some food into Vicki’s plate for her. Sera looks on quietly sitting between Nick and Mr Cho.

Noticing Sera’s quiet nature, Mr Cho asks gently “This is very different from your family? You seem a little lost and quiet.” Sera smiles shyly and nods her head continuing to eat quietly. Mr Cho explains “We came to Australia when Vicki was only ten. The environment here is very different from back home in Taiwan. Sticking together like this made us strong as a family and helped us to accept the change better. You’ll have to excuse my boy’s behavior, they’ve missed Vicki. Or should I say they miss bullying her.” chuckling in a low deep tone. “I understand, Vicki has told me quite a bit about her family.” Sera says smiling.

After dinner, the whole family sits down in the living room as Mrs Cho serves them fruits as they catch up with each other. Sera sits at a side observing Vicki and her brothers quietly. Nick goes to sit beside and asks if she’s alright. “I never had a proper family dinner like this before. Just enjoying the feeling and seeing what it’s like.” she says quietly. “Auntie and Uncle loves you. I know they’re very busy and almost never home. But I know they love you. So does Keane and Satine. Maybe after Keane finishes his studies and come home there’ll be more chances for family dinner like Vicki’s?” Nick puts his hand on her knee consoling her. Sera nods her head, understanding what Nick means.

The week passed by quickly with Vicki’s family. They visited the Sydney Opera House, climbed the Harbour Bridge together, went to the Olympic park and explored the city taking many pictures together. Soon it was time to go back. The farewell was as emotional as the greeting they received when they first arrived. They piled back into the car and drove back reaching home only in the wee hours of the morning the next day.

20th November 2002

Dear Mister or Miss T

I’m sorry I haven’t been writing to you for so long. I had so much homework and exams are just over, so I finally have the time to pen a letter to you. I hope you got my letter about the visit to Vicki’s house and our exploration of Sydney. It was loads of fun. My time here in Australia is coming to an end. Time passes so quickly, and to think I expected this trip to be long and tedious. Who would have thought it turned out to be such a journey for me. I’ve learnt so much in my time here and finally made friends I’d love to keep for a lifetime. Okay, so its just Vicki and Nathan and Miguel and Luke but its good enough I guess for a girl like me.

Nick’s got another semester here in Australia and I’ll be going home alone, but this time, Satine will be picking me up from the airport. She took some time off from work for me and offered to take me shopping and make me over in her own words. Father and Mother will only be back at the beginning of December. But they’ll be home till after Christmas, so maybe we can finally have a complete family dinner then. It’d be the best birthday present I could ever have.

Anyway, I’m almost done packing. I’ll mail this to you when I’m at the airport.

Love Sera

“You done packing? I wanna get a picture of us in the living room. Hurry up.” Vicki yells barging into the room, dragging Sera out by the hand. Vicki puts the camera on top of the television and sets the timer on. She runs to stand beside Sera, links her arm in hers and rests her head on her shoulder. A bright light flashes and Vicki excitedly runs to the camera to check the image and hurries to upload the images onto her computer. Nick pats Sera on the head and asks “Done packing?” Sera nods her head and replies “Just a few more things and I’ll be done.”

“Nick, can I ask you something?” Sera says thoughtfully.
“Sure. Shoot.” he replies
“Can I take a closer look at your bracelet?”
Nick looks quietly at Sera and takes off the bracelet for her to see. Sera looks at the inside of the bracelet and gasps. Nick takes it back from her and puts it back on. Vicki rushes to Sera’s side and insist on taking more pictures together and the three spend most of the night taking photographs.

Early the next morning, Nick helps Sera pack her luggage into Vicki’s car boot and they pile into the car. The drive to the airport was quiet. Even Vicki was more quiet than usual. Sitting in the back seat, Sera clutches an envelope and looks out the window occupied in her thoughts. “mister t… Nicholas Tee…” she thinks to herself biting her lower lip. Nick looks at Sera through the rear view mirror and sighs trying to concentrate on the roads.

At the airport, they help Sera check in her bags and grab a drink at the café while waiting for her plane to board. Nick and Sera remain silent and Vicki shifts uncomfortably in her chair. She stands and excuses herself to go to the toilet and hurries away, looking back at the two.
After a long period of silence, Sera passes Nick the letter and asks “Could you send this letter for me? I think it’ll be my last one to mister t.” As Nick takes the letter from her, Vicki returns and reminds Sera of the time. They stand up and walk her to the check point, saying their last good byes. Vicki hugs her tightly and makes her promise to go online often to chat with her. Nick extends his hand to her as Sera looks at him intently. She moves forward to hug him and he embraces her. “Thank you.” she whispers before going in.

20th November 2002

Dear Nick

Thank you for everything. But thank you mostly for being my Mister T. Keep in touch. And this time, you can reply me? You’d better reply me. (Smiles)

Love Sera

Nick keeps the letter back into the envelope and smiles to himself thinking, “I can’t wait for Christmas.”
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