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Rated: E · Script/Play · Comedy · #1189519
This is a script I am writing for school Please Review "Draft"
Hazaa, The Magical Genie

Act 1

Scene 1:

        Zoom in on a junkyard in the middle of a large city. There is a kid seen salvaging some stuff. He pauses.

Enrike- What's this?

He holds up a normal table lamp.

Enrike- This will be good for my house.

      Camera zooms in on a lone card board box. Enrike crawls in.

Enrike- Now to turn on this lamp.

      He pulls the switch and noting happens.

Enrike- Why dosent it work? Hmmm. Oh yeah I need to plug it in. But I live in a cardboard box where the heck do I plug it in? My rat hole?

      Clueless and angry, he throws the lamp on the ground breaking it in half.
White smoke starts to flow from it.

Enrike- What the?

      Suddenly a giant purple gorilla appears.

Hazaa- Aha! I am Hazaa! The magical genie!

    Enrike cowers in the corner of his box.

Enrike- Who are you?

Hazaa- I am here to grant you three wishes choose now or DIE!

        Enrike screams like a girl and runs out of the box. He then summons some courage and turns around holding up his fists.

Enrike- Get away or ill bust you with one of my not-so Mexican luchadore moves.

Hazaa- Wait, I was just kidding!
      Enrike starts sissy fighting him with slaps and pokes.

Hazaa- stop it you insolent mortal! Or I will crush your skull with my massive chest.

      Enrike stops

Enrike- Sorry….. Im just a little afraid.

Hazaa- whatever just give me your three wishes so that I can leave.

Enrike- Oh, your not leaving. My first wish is that I wish for a thousand wishes!

Hazaa- I hate you….

      He lifts his arms and the screen flashes.

Enrike- wow! That’s so cool!

Hazaa- Lick my skirt…

Enrike- Ha Ha very funny.

Hazaa- Im not kidding.

Enrike- anyway for my first wish I want you to grow an Afro jump on one foot and pick your nose.

Hazaa- What?

Scene 2

Narrorator: Now as we continue this tale of twisted random randomness we find enrike sitting in his new bed watching T.V.

          He snaps his fingers and Hazaa pops out. From behind a chair.

Hazaa- Yes Enrike...what is it?

Enrike- I am asking myself why do I have a waterbed and 20inch TV but I still live in a cardboard box?

Hazaa- I don’t know maybe because your Dense and have no intelligent state of thinking because your brain matter was squeezed out after you were run over by a pickup and subsequently fed to sharks while being burned alive by a crazy chainsaw wielding mad-man called  Dr. Smiles. But then again you might just be clueless about the power you possess. But don’t listen to me Im just an 800 pound gorilla wearing a kilt sitting in a cardboard box.

Enrike-....I hate you....

Hazaa- No I hate you

Enrike- No I hate you more

Hazaa- No I hate YOU more

Enrike- Well...your ugly

Hazaa- And you’re a stupid 12 year old that lives in an old cardboard box that you bought from a hobo for a paper clip.

Enrike- Arrrg!

Enrike- Ok I admit that this place is kinda small. But...

Hazaa- A little! I can only fit my head in here!

Enrike- Whatever, I wish I had a house with a pool! And make sure its in America where the people wear cowboy hats and tight leather pants!

Hazaa- Finally a wish that makes sense.

He lifts his arms and the screen flashes.

Scene 3

Enrike is standing in the middle of the street staring a house.

Hazaa- There happy now?                    

Enrike- This is huge! Its, Its, Its like a mansion!

Hazaa- Yeah sure. You have no Idea what kind of bills a place like this can get. I  mean look at it, perfect landscaping, clean pool, and even some lovely trash cans.

Enrike- Now all I need is one of those fancy mobile phones!

Hazaa snaps his fingers and gives Enrike a giant book with phones in it.

Hazaa- Pick what you want.

Enrike browses for a while and finds the phone he likes.

Enrike- This one please.

Hazaa- That one? Are you sure?

Enrike yes its so modern and will show off my manliness!

Hazaa sighs and gives Enrike a giant brick-like pink phone that says “The Princess Power Brick”.

Enrike- YAY!

Screen moves toward a nearby bush and we see a man in a black jumpsuit looking through binoculars.

Nazi Spy- Aha finally I have found it!

He takes out a phone and dials a number.

Nazi Spy- Boss, I found the Genie.

Heinrich- Yes good, good my plan is going along perfectly! Muahahahahahahaha! Deploy the Creme Puffs!

Nazi Spy- Yes Sir!

Camera fades to Enrike inside eating with Hazaa.

Enrike- Aha I have a new wish! He says with spit flying out.

Hazaa- What now ?

Enrike- I wish I could meet Rico Suave!

Hazaa- Who?

Enrike- You don’t know who he is? What are you, Dense? Did you like pick your nose so much you touched the peanut you have for a brain and pushed it out your ear? He is the most popular amateur Mexican luchadore! And he is also Cuban like me!

Hazaa- So let me get this straight... he is a popular amateur not-so Mexican luchadore called Rico Suave? Your hopeless but I have no choice.

      A man wearing a pink/white cape ,mask, and tight pants. Runs through a doorway with his fist in the air striking a pose.
            Rico- I am Riiiico Suaaaave the Manliest Manly Man of all Mankind! Gaze in wonder at my mesmerizing chest hair!

Enrike- See what I mean! He is so cool!

Hazaa- .................I would rather give myself a Atomic wedge and stuff my face in half rotten diarriah than ever see this guy again.

Enrike- Forget you I need to go talk to my future trainer!

      Hazaa barfs all over the floor and the camera fades out.
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