Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1190395-No-one-cares-anymore
by myke
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Death · #1190395
a very short little story i wrote in about 15 mins.
“no-one cares anymore” he said as he dropped his cigarette into a puddle reflecting the neon sign of the nightclub he recently vacated, he walked down the crooked, bitter street back to his single bedroom apartment. As he reached the battered oak door that always reminded him of a set piece from one of those old b-horror movies from the thirties, he hesitated and thrust his keys back into the well-like pockets of his overcoat. In one swift movement he turned his body until he was facing the opposite way from his initial destination, and began walking. He walked through the isolated streets and glanced furtively at his watch, the time read 3:05am. Early for him.  As he walked the tail of his coat clung desperately to each portion of concrete it got the chance to make contact with as if holding on would free it from the long journey ahead. The evidence of broken homes and haunted pasts became apparent as he got further into the city, a broken windows served as an adequate metaphor for the families torn apart by anger and the ongoing frustration of living the monotonous nine to five, work to live routine. His mind drifted back to his own childhood, fairly normal, normal in the broad sense of the word, and at times even happy. He thought of his earliest memory, riding his red three-wheeler over broken glass and falling off in the park, his dad comes running, rescuing. Fittingly he kicked away a piece of glass from the expired window, as if to recoil from his nostalgic trance and discard his past. He continued, walking out into the open sky, no longer confined by the staring buildings and towering trees he looked up. Transfixed by the stars he barely noticed that he was falling, the sky engulfed the clouds, cumulous or cirrus, he doesn’t recall from those classroom harangues. The once unstirred, serene air rapidly became unsettled and fierce as his body cut through it like a scream disrupts a latent evening. There was no noise when he hit the earth, no crack of bone or cry of pain, just the long dead silence of the night, echoing out over the sleeping city.

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