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Rated: GC · Short Story · Entertainment · #1191566
A friend asked me to write this. Enjoy

It is a known fact that true best friends share everything. Secrets to clothing and even sometimes the occasion male, Amanda and Keli shared it all. Never were there two best friends so different yet so intuitive to each other.
Amanda with a body to die for, her long slender legs, shoulder length jet black hair, smooth black eyes which she occasionally got teased about. Her eyes were so smooth they were said to put the opposite sex in a trans. It was also said that this was how she hooked most of her men. Amanda was the wild spirit of the two and was into everything.
Keli was the opposite of Amanda. She was beautiful in every sense of the word but was also the calm and cautious one of the two. She like Amanda had short jet black hair and incredibly long legs, but most of her features were hidden buy the glasses she wore almost everyday.
Needless to say Amanda would create trouble and Keli would solve it. The two balanced each other almost perfectly.

“No… Keli bolted in front of Amanda halting her attempts to move forward.

“Why not?” “The bitch deserves it,” Amanda said boldly.

“No Amanda she didn’t mean to,” keli tried feverishly to stop her friend movements.

“She has gotten on my last nerve and it’s time I put a stop to her.” Amanda went on.

“She’s just a puppy she can’t help herself,” Keli tried pleading for the poor dog which was now in a ball on the floor of the room.

“What am I arguing with you about, this dog has ruined three pairs of my most expensive sweaters. Not the cheap ones, No, she had to pick the most expensive of the lot.” Amanda stood determined.
“Listen to me Keli you are too soft hearted, I should just kill the bitch and be done with it, Amanda said
“No,” Keli protested. “Besides what would killing her accomplish, your sweaters will be still be ruined.” Keli said still trying to calm her friend.

“You’re right, the sweaters would still be ruined,” Amanda said in a very smug very calm tone.
“But I would feel a hell of a lot better if I killed her, now get out of my way and let me at her.”

With that note the pup picked up it hills and headed straight for its nearest comfort zone. Amanda pushed past her friend with one swift shove of her hand and was in hot pursuit of the pup. There they were the three of them. The pup running for its life, Amanda running to take its life and Keli in hot pursuit trying to save its life. Being a pup it headed for the one safe thing it should not have Amanda’s new sweater.

“KELI…., that’s it, that’s it, that’s it.” “Consider your life over mutt, that is the last straw,” Amanda screamed at the top of her voice.

She was bout to lounge at the pup when Keli stood in front of her once again.

“Amanda, calm down,” Keli spoke calmly.

“No I will not,” said Amanda. “Do you see where the miserable little mutt is lying?”
“OK keli I understand you love the little thing so I am not going to kill her, I’ll just rough her up abit, a little slap here, a little shaking there and we’ll call it even,” Amanda said smugly.

“NO,” Keli said once again.

“Then get that bitch out of here or I swear the mutt will not be the only one getting roughed up,” Amanda went on storming towards were the pup laid.
She immediately grabbed the sweater the pup was lying on and with a thud the pup dropped to ground and began crying.
“Amanda! Keli said
“What? Amanda answered in a surprised tone. “I have not touched the miserable little thing.”
With that said she walked away, a wide grin and feeling very pleased that she at least had caused the pup some pain.

Four days later was the worst of all snow storms. Luckily Keli had decided to spend the weekend and Amanda was more than grateful she would not be alone. The two chatted about everything under the sun and had a ball of a time drinking, laughing, and dancing amongst other things.

“You cold keli?” asked Amanda.

“Yeah,” she answered.

’ll go get more wood…. that should warm you up,” said Amanda.

“No… I’ll get it…. it’s the least I can do after the pup ruined your sweater,” keli stopped. “I’m sorry about your sweater, truly I am.”

“I’m over it, decides she really doesn’t know any better,” said Amanda.

Before another word could be spoken, keli was out the door around the house and busily picking wood from the pile. Minute’s late keli came through the front door stiff as a board.

“Keli?..... your frozen,” said Amanda. “Come over to the fire and get warmed up.”

Moments later the two were once again in their fit of laughter, drinking and dancing.

“What’s wrong keli?” asked Amanda.
“Just a little sore,” she answered.
“Did you hurt yourself getting the firewood?”  asked Amanda
“No….it’s my nipples they are frozen hard.”

“Let’s have a look see, maybe I have something that could help,” said Amanda.

Before keli could protest Amanda’s hand was unbuttoning her top. The warmth of her hands against Kellie’s skin made her breath in hard.

“Good god keli you have absolutely beautiful breasts,” Amanda continued while circling the hardened tip of kelis nipple.
“They’re so round and smooth and beautiful.” Amanda stopped as keli took hold off her hand.
“Don’t,” said keli.
“What’s wrong keli?” “Did I hurt you?” asked Amanda.
“No…, your hands….. they just….. keli stopped what she was about to say when she saw the look in Amanda’s eyes.

Amanda had not taken her eye of keli breast and was now cherry red with a grin. She watched her friend like she was only now seeing the beauty she was. Her eyes strayed from the roundness of keli’s breast to the deep dark spot that is keli’s navel. Unconscientiously she licked her lips. Amanda couldn’t deny the throbbing between her legs and the hunger she had sudden felt looking at her best friend’s ripe breasts.

“Amanda?” keli called reaching to touch her face. The sudden heat from Amanda’s cheek also sent throbbing between her legs.

The touch of keli’s hand weakened her senses even more. She leaned forward and slowly kissed the right nipple then the left. The warmth of Amanda’s tongue shot heat waves through keli’s back causing her to arch and release a low “oh god”.

“Amanda….. keli called out again.
“Amanda….. We can’t,” keli tried mouthing.
“Ahuh…., was the sound that came from Amanda while she again kissed and sucked kelis breast.

Slowly she kissed her way down keli’s body savoring every curve and ridge. “God your beautiful and so soft,” said Amanda.
Kelis mind raced while she enjoyed the cool and warmth of her best friends lips on her skin. Over and over Amanda kissed and sucked and licked keli’s soft skin. For a while all that could be heard was the smacking of Amanda’s lips on keli’s skin and the moans that escaped keli’ now plumped with desire lips.

“Amanda?.... keli spoke, “what are we doing?”
“We are creating great heat and sharing something new,” said Amanda. “I want to taste you and feel your orgasm, are you scared?” asked Amanda.
“I love you Amanda,” keli answered. “I would never be scared of you.”

With the permission she had received from keli, Amanda resumed exploring her best friend’s body. Minutes then hours past while their bodies tangled together. Hot swollen lips against swollen lips, nipple pressed against nipple, fingers circling, massaging, sucking and licking each other. Keli’s body had begun to whirl uncontrollably from the pleasure she was receiving.

Wanting to increase the passion Amanda quickly slides down to the center to keli. There she found the spot she searched for. Kelis pussy lips were moist and hot, Amanda sucked hard for a few second, flicking her tongue over the clit and finally sliding her tongue deep into keli. The stabbing feel of Amanda’s tongue as it slid in and out then straightened and hardened, then massaged the inner walls of kelis inside drover her deeper and deeper into ecstasy.

“Ohhhhhhh … Godddddd,” keli squirmed with forbidden pleasure.
“So sweet so fucking sweet you are,” said Amanda.
“Eat me Amanda, eat me hard,” keli said.
“Ummm yes’ Amanda mouthed.

Keli roughly grabbed Amanda by the hair and pulled her up so they sat facing each other. Their legs circled giving them access to each others body and once again they began to feel each others pleasures.
Slowly they massaged each other breasts, sucking and pulling on the nipples. Their kisses were deep and hard and every now and then they would have to break off to breath. Their pussy were both wet from being pleasured and throbbed for more. Rubbing together their swollen wet pussy lips only heightened the pleasure.  At first the strokes were gentle as they slid one then two fingers penetrating each others wetness. They fastened and deepened their pace as wave after wave washed over them. Tightly they clung together while their fingers continuously stabbed at each others wet swollen and hot pussies. Their breath came deep and shallow as they shuddered and convulsed on each others fingers.

“I’m commmmminggg”…. Screamed keli

“I’m commminniiiigg”  …… followed Amanda.


TO be continued..
© Copyright 2006 snakeeyes (snakeeyes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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