Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1194371-Earths-Children
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1194371
To all beings on Earth who hold the innocence and truthfulness of a child in their heart
This one is dedicated to all beings on Earth (regardless of age) who hold the innocence, truthfulness, and purity of a child within their heart - and are willing to fight for it with all their strength. No matter what the price be.

Earth's Children

(created June 18 2005 00:14)

All the sadness I see
          in the eyes
of Earth's faithful children,

the sorrow I hear
                    from their hearts,

the longing
          to be seen,
          to be touched,
          to be shared and united in soul.

It takes courage to live so unprotected.
          It takes true nobility of soul.

How they live

          with an open heart,
          shielded dreams,
          expecting eyes,
          starving souls.

With nothing to support them
          but time itself.

And how I wish to build a union

          with the vulnerable ones.
          The soft ones.

The ones
          whose dreams
                    burn alive in their eyes.

Exposed and raw.

And whose spirit is heavy with a child.

How to carry that child,
how to give it birth...
          is a lonely road.
Painful road.
Desolate road.

But if many souls with a light
become one
- and one with the force,
a cave of solace can be found.
Sometimes a dark cave,
but one filled
          with warmth
                    and safety.

Words are useless
- words are empty -
it is in and out of love the world was created.

It is love

- love against all odds, all doubts, all obstacles -

that will make it whole again.

          That will make it shine

as the jewel of freedom and blessed sacrifice

it was always meant to be.
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