Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1199684-A-letter-to-me
Rated: E · Other · Contest · #1199684
Written for inclusion in the contest but as a specific promise to myself.
Dear Me,
         The new year started a week ago for the rest of the world so I guess it’s time I get off my moderately fat rear and do something.
         This is the year that I will take my writing seriously. Writing.com will play an important part in this resolution. I know that I tend to put things off, master procrastinator that I am, so I’ll have to break this down into 51 resolutions so that if I miss one I won’t be tempted to chuck the whole thing.
         Each week I will review at least two items on Writing.com, spend ten hours each week writing and at least one to two hours editing my work. My current story Diaries of a Crazy Woman’s Family is a complicated piece. Now that I have the outline complete I need to write all the chapters from each family member’s perspective. Once each chapter is done I will have to determine which is the more powerful and insightful, to determine which one to include.
         As the chapters are relatively short I might compile the book as four separate short stories. I will take the advice of other members of writing.com as they are not only writers, but readers.
         Enough fooling around, get to work!
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