Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1210174-Goodbye
Rated: 13+ · Other · Death · #1210174
A dialogue between a man and his recently dead wife.

“Ann, Ann? Are you there? Ann, baby, I miss you.â€

“Shhh sweetheart, it’s alright. Everything will be alright.â€

“It’s my fault. It’s all my fault.â€

“It’s not your fault, Gerard. You tried.â€

“Not hard enough! I didn’t try hard enough! I could’ve done more! I could’ve stopped them!â€

“There were too many, angel. You couldn’t fend them all off, not on your own.â€

“If I had just gotten to you, I could’ve... I could’ve done something. I could’ve protected you, but I couldn’t… I failed you.â€

“No you didn’t.â€

“Yes I did! You’re dead because of me! Because I was too weak to defend you!â€

“Gerard, they had guns. How were you supposed to stop them when they had guns?â€

“I could’ve done something. I could’ve taken one of their guns and shot them. I could’ve…â€

“You couldn’t, no one could've.â€

“Why’d this happen to you, to us? What did we do to deserve this?â€

“Nothing, baby. We didn’t do anything wrong and we didn’t deserve this. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.â€

“The police said what… what they did was part of a gang… a gang initiation.â€

“I know.â€

“Why? Why would you h-harm someone like that j-just to be part of some stupid gang? Why did they take you from me?â€

“I don’t know angel.â€

“I miss you so much.â€

“I miss you too.â€

“We were going to take the kids to Disney World this summer. Logan was so excited.â€

“He was going to give Mickey a big hug.â€

“The biggest hug. But now…â€

“You should still take them. It would do you all some good to spend time together.â€

“It wouldn’t be the same without you.â€

“I know, but you can’t stop living just because I’m gone. Our kids still need you. They lost their mom; don’t make them lose their dad as well.â€

“How am I supposed to go on without you Ann? How am I supposed to take care of those children without you? What am I supposed to tell them when they ask where you went and why you can’t be with them? They’re too young to understand death.â€

“You tell them that I am with them, watching over them.â€

“The old cliché.â€

“Hey, it’s the truth. You tell them that I love them very much and that I miss them and that we’ll be together again some day.â€

“Oh god Ann, I want to hold you in my arms again. I want to feel you again, see you. Not just hear you. I hate staring at this damn tombstone. It’s cold and hateful. It’s not you.â€

“I know sweetheart. I miss you too, but this is what we’ve been given and we need to deal with it.â€

“I know, but it’s unfair to me and especially the kids.â€

“Life is never fair.â€

“Isn’t that the truth. Will I ever hear from you again?â€

“Probably not.â€

I love you Ann.â€

“I love you too, Gerard.â€

“Goodbye baby.â€

“Goodbye angel.â€
© Copyright 2007 PhirePixie (lildevil92482 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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