Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1211864-The-Real-America-No-More
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1211864
A questioning of the dissapearence of core values
With a snap and a pop our flag blows in the breeze
The faint song of freedom whispers in the trees
Children of all ages pay homage to our flag
Bloodied and torn from past wars it’s a heroic rag

America reborn to the ways of old
To our children stories of the past are told
War hero’s at last given their due
Senseless anger and hatred are finally through

Neighbors help neighbors, God’s glory restored
Things like honor and truth are respected and adored
Pride and love fill every American heart
No longer are we ripping each other apart

Our leaders care more for this country than for themselves
Things like greed and self indulgence have been put on a shelf
The world at peace everyone prospers from sea to sea
No-one afraid, no more a slave, all men are free

I know it’s a fantasy, it will never come true
self hatred and blind ideals consume us through and through
We like to control, and pretend we know it all
We pretend we are grand, but we are petty and small

We take from mother earth more than we need
Only on the brink of disaster do we stop to plant a seed
We spend our whole lives in the pursuit of earthly things
Status symbols of the rich, mansions and cars and diamond rings

The rich look on the poor as wracked with disease
Like they are some filthy dog covered with fleas
Seldom do they remember if it wasn’t for the poor, they’d be poor too
But they have their noses pointed to the sky, and haven’t got a clue

These words that I write are not meant to blame or abuse
They are meant to open your eyes, give you a chance to choose
Choose to restore America to what it once was, precious and grate
Or stay on its present course, and suffer its fate

I fear the true America will be no more
I see only hate and despair from shore to shore
Our fate chosen, the path laid out
I see a burning hell in our future without a doubt

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