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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Gothic · #1218001
a gothic poem that looks into the true nature and soul of the writer this one is about me
the moon is my mystress
the love of my life
and how i despise her so
she is my life and my death
my lover and my killer
she gives me life and then takes it away

I step out into the cool damp air of the isle
the wind from the lake blew ever so gently
the sun was just about to dip behind the horizon
and disapear into the darkness of the night
soon my mystress will come
she will rise upon me
and bath me in her warm imbrase
i await almost like a child awaits there birthday
i can feel her before i see her
her power over whelming me
striking me with such strength
it almost knocks me off my feet
As the moon breaks the hold
of the empending horizon
and starts its assent to the heavens
i remove my shirt as the first rays of light
hit my soft tender skin
my skin begins to burn from the inside out
the energy flows through my vains
as my mystress reaches her high point
in the dark night sky
i fall to my knees as the overwhlming
power reaches its peek
my muscles grow tighter and begin to change
my skin begins to burn and toughen
i can feel my mystress calling me
my mind opens and my body falls into her arms
she wraps me in her warmth
and takes away the pain
I rise to me feet a changed man
stronger, faster, better
my enstinct have grown to a greater hieght
i know now my perpose
i now have a need a hunger to feed
the night is my father
and the moon in all her splender is my mother
born of the primal urge to servive
and birthed from the womb of the goddess herslf
i am the wolf, its freewilling spirit
flows through my vains
its need for death and rebirth becomes my religion
my time is short the sun
my most mortal enemy
gaurdian of the day will soon rise
and take away my life
my magick, my perpose belongs to the darkness
i run with the swiftness of the summer wind
through the feilds of the emerald isle
i roam the forrest and plains hunting and searching
for the half to make me whole
the other spirit that completes me
the life that i must take
the life i must make mine
the life that must belong to me
the nights embrase, and the moons gentle touch
grows weaker in my mind and body
dawn is fast aproaching and my death is near
i watch the horrizon as i run trying
to make it to the edge of the world
the edge where darkness is limitless
and always there to protect me
but just as i get close to my goal
to my hearts greatest desire
the horizon burst into light
and the i fall to the earth and moan
as i watch the moon make its desent
behind the trees and the sun take over the sky
my mystresses dark hold releases me
the power drains from my vains
i am dieing and i all i can think of is living
i stand below the shades of the trees cursing the sun
untill the next night
when the moon wins this battle of light and dark
and i the wolf can live once more
© Copyright 2007 mordrid morrigaine destruelle (morrigaine at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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