Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1226262-Superhero-in-Disguise
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #1226262
Do you know a superhero?
Superhero in Disquise
by Kristina Krampe RN

Gets up like a normal person.
Does all her chores, like moms will do.
Cleans the house and does the dishes.
Pays the bills before they are due.

No one knows this simple woman
Transforms as she prepares for work.
Behind the eyes of compassion,
A superhero starts to lurk.

Dons her clothes of bright white cotton;
Her cape with pockets deep and wide.
Filled with items so important:
A pen, a mask, and gloves inside.

Places on her slender shoulders
A pink and bulky stethoscope.
Prepares to fight the world of illness
and bring to patients rays of hope.

Off to work like any other
But in her heart the change takes place;
Bracing for the tasks that's coming,
Compassion still upon her face.

Punches in the clock that's ticking.
Superhero's arrived at last.
Rubber soled, her shoes are fashioned
For superhero's must move fast.

Doctor orders, call lights flashing.
The IV pumps and potty chairs.
Closing curtains, changing dressings;
taking the time to show she cares.

Passing pills, preparing needles;
giving shots to relieve the pain.
Only superhero strength can
keep a sane nurse feeling sane.

"Code blue" called and she must hurry.
She is on the code blue team.
Pushes on the man's bare chest and
Hears sobs in the background, loved ones scream.

Sometimes the patient lives again.
Sometimes the patient, sadly, dies.
No one hears the superhero;
It is alone the hero cries.

She punches out, her shift is done.
She takes off her long cloak of white.
Arrives at home, she takes a bath
And thinks about her busy night.

As she crawls between her covers,
Her pillow soft beneath her head,
No one to share the super deeds;
Confidential, remains unsaid.

Her husband sees she's exhausted.
Notes how quickly she closed her eyes.
Holds her close, he doesn't know that
He holds a hero, in disguise.

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