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Rated: E · Poetry · Cultural · #1227585
Just a random train of thought that I typed out and formatted as a poem.
I am more.
More than this face, this body, this income bracket.
I dream beautiful dreams in colors they can’t see.
I hear music they will never hear.
I dance to my own beat.

But they don’t see the colors,
hear the music,
or dream the dreams.

They live in a surface world,
with no depth, no sound, no color.

They laugh at me,
saying color does not exist,
there is no music for them.

I wonder what they dream?
Do they dream in the dull black, white, and grays?
How can one dream if your mind has limits?
Dreams are things of infinite space,
of light, color, music.
They take you beyond the place you are
to where you could, perhaps be.

I cannot dream with limits.
The wild unknown calls to me,
pulling me out of my simple world,
into a fantastic land of possibilities.

But they will never know my dreams,
for they do not know me.
To them I am a face, body, and income bracket.

They cannot see me as anything else.
They cannot see my depth
for they have none of their own.

Since they have never known depth,
they cannot imagine it.
They are bound inside the walls
of their own shallow minds.

They build the walls with their first impressions.
It is easier for them to put me in a box,
a category, where I am limited like them.
With stereotypes they close their minds
to things they don’t understand.

It is easier for them to put me there
because then I cannot be anything
but what they think I am.
They try to limit me so I am cadged like them.

But I will not be cadged.
I will not let their opinions shackle me to their colorless world.
I will keep dreaming my dreams,
seeing my colors, and dancing to my inner music.
I will fly free, above their petty ideas,
their inability to see beyond sight.

I will, because I am more.
© Copyright 2007 Gilnara Tindomme (gilnara at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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