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by Tina
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1227766
this isn't done yet
Chapter 1.

“No Mother! Please!” begged Kim as pulled her head underneath her comforter. This was the day she had been dreading for over 3 months now. Since she was forced to move miles away from her REAL school and real friends.
“Kimberly Ann Nelson, you will unlock this door right now or I will open it myself!”
“Ugh! God Mom why the hell do I have to go!?”
“Because I said so, and it’s the law. I’m sure you will make tons of new friends here. Doug High is quite lovely.” Her mom tried to sound convincing as a muffled voice shouting from behind Kim’s door. It wasn’t a very successful attempt. However, Kim managed to roll out of bed and unlock her door.
“Happy?” she asked her mom.
“Yes, now go get ready. This is an exciting day, your first day of high school”
It may bee exciting for her, but for Kimberly it was terrifying. She always imagined entering high school with her best friends, Emily and Nicole. When she had to move away from her hometown, Poway, they threw her an amazing party, just for their closest friends. It was heartbreaking for Kim. It was on the first day of their summer vacation, but the last day she’d ever be in her real home, in California.
Kim’s mom works as an assistant to the owner of a humongous corporation. And guess what they sell. TAMPONS. Talk about the single most embarrassing job ever, huh? Well, when her boss moved to Washington, D.C., Barbara, Kim’s mother, was out of work. Unless of course she was willing to move to our capital as well. And that’s how Kim ended up beginning her high school career as a friendless social outcast.
“Are you almost ready? The bus comes at 6:50!” Kimberly looked at the clock. 6:47.
“Yes mother, I’ll be done in two seconds!” She turned off her hair straightener, gave herself one last glance in the mirror, and walked out the door.
“Oh, sweetie, you look so grown-up!” cried Barb. Kim rolled her eyes. She secretly felt a little bit flattered, though.
“Bye, Mom.” This was it. There was the bus. Big, yellow, ugly. Like a ginormous, gross Twinkie. Who would she sit with? Would she talk to anyone? Kim’s self-esteenm and nervousness was eating away at her insides, she almost couldn’t handle all the butterflies in her stomach. The doors opened. There was a bald man sitting there, with a huge, white beard. He was kind of fat, too. He looked like Santa Claus. Kim tried not to laugh as she walked onto the bus.
There she stood, staring at the rows of blank stares, all half asleep, wondering who Kim was. There, in the 5th row on the left, a girl who looked about Kim’s age was sitting alone. She plopped down next ot her.
“Hi!” Kim said in the most over-the top- cheesy tone.
“Uh, hey”. The girl had a really, really pretty face. Her hair was kind of long an dirty blonde, with platinum highlights. It was obvious they were fake. She wore a lot of makeup, and looked like she went tanning. Or maybe she was just out in the sun a lot this summer. She was probably 10 pounds lighter then Kim. The girl was wearing a black, spaghettit strapped halter top, and her boobs were being pushed higher than humanly possible. However, they were even smaller than Kim’s 36 B’s! And hter was a little scrap of fabric going around her waist that Kim decided was a skirt.
“Yeah so.. I’m kim, I just moved here over the summer.”
“Ok…. That’s nice. Where from?”
“This little town in California.”
“CALIFORNIA!? No way!” Kim was super glad to have gotten the girls interest.
“Yeah, its pretty cool there, I miss it, have you been there before?”
“Yep, one summer on vacation, I loved it so much there.”
“Ha, ha. Yeah I love it there too. I had to move out here because of my mom’s stupid ass job.”
“Oh, damn that sucks. I’m Candice, by the way.
“Cool… what grade are you in?”
“Oh, I’m a freshmen.”
“For real? Your cool for a frosh… you look older too.”
“Oh really.. Thanks. I really like your outfit.” Kim looked down at her own ensemble. Soffe shorts, and an extremely ugly, sparkly t-shirt normal kids would have worn in the 7th grade. Along with her pale skin, ugly, wavy, poop brown hair that she had made an attempt to straighten, she looked so stupid. She suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment.
“Ha, thanks. It looks like you might need to go shopping.”
“Most of my stuff is still packed up, it sucks.” Nice excuse.
“I see. Well would you want to hit the mall after school?” Oh. My. God. This had definitely been a much more successful day then Kim had ever planned for it to be. And she hadn’t even gotten to school yet!
“Yeah, for sure”
The rest of the bus ride was spent talking about everything and anything. Kim had made a friend.

Chapter 2.

Over the course of the next week, Kim and Candice became instant best friends. Candice helped Kim pick out new clothes from the hottest stores, like Rave, Wet Seal, Pac Sun, and Abercrombie. And then on Saturday, they went to the mall, and Candice had an idea.
“Kim, do you want to go to this store?” Kim looked up. Victoria’s Secret. She thought about it. She had always wanted to buy a thong, but knew her mother would NEVER EVER allow it.
“What, you embarrassed to go underwear shopping!?” Candice was laughing. But in that playful way she always did when she teased Kim.
“No, its just that, well, I don’t own any thongs or any kind of ‘sexy’”, she put a lot of emphasis on sexy, “underwear. My mom would probably freak!”
“Awwww, well we can buy your first thong! Ha, your mom doesn’t have to know. And anyways, There is this party tonight my friends Shayne and Chris invited me too. There will be a zillion guys there, you probably don’t want to be wearing granny panties!” Party!? Boys!? Seeing Kim’s underwear!? What did Candice expect to happen? And why is it that whenever she talked about her friends, they were all BOYS, it was like Kim was her only girl friend.
“Oh.. A party. Well I guess buying one or two wouldn’t hurt, I do my own laundry anyway.”
“Haven’t you ever been to parties?” Kim thought about her parties with Emily and Nicole. Basically slumber parties. She felt lame, really, really lame.
“Uh, yeah… just a few back in Cali. Nothing major. I want to go though, it sounds like killer fun.”
“Kay, well lets go.” Candice grabbed Kim’s hand and pulled her into the store. There was a kind of counter with tons and tons of underwear piled on it.
“How bout this?” Candice held up what looked like 3 pieces of black string and a little scrap of fabric.
“Sure, whatever, good enough. Gimme it.” Kim grabbed the underwear and curled it up into a ball and hid it in her fist.
“Awww nothing to be embarrassed about hun, EVERYBODY in here is buying underwear!” Kim looked around. Yeah, Candice was right, but for some reason she still was red in the face.
“Can you just get it for me?”
“Can you like just go up and pay for it and everything? I mean I’ll give you money but I’m too scared to just go BUY IT from a lady.” Candice burst out a loud, silly laugh and grabbed her stomach and she flipped her head down, and back up, still spitting out laughs.
“Are you serious!? That is too funny! Okay okay, I’ll do it. You just wait here. Oh wait, look!” Candice pointed out the glass window. In between two almost naked mannequins hips, there was an extremely handsome looking, man’s face.
“Who’s that?”
“My friend, Josh!”
“THAT’s your friend? How old is he, thirty?”
“Oh my Kim, you crack me up. He’s 19! Calm down!” NINETEEN!? That basically IS thirty to Kim, who has never had a boyfriend in her entire, sad little life.
Candice ran out the door and jumped on Josh and gave him a huge, boyfriend-girlfriend type hug. He lifted her up, and he had his hands on her butt. She didn’t seem to care. Candice wrapped her legs around the guys waist. Kim couldn’t hear what they were saying, she had stayed in the store seeing as she was still holding the thong. OH MY GOD. ‘There is a thong in my hand.’ Kim thought to herself. She couldn’t let this guy see it.
“Candice, uhhh.. Lets hurry up!” The boy put her down and looked at Kim.
“And who is this little girl?” Josh asked in a non-serious tone.
“That’s my best friend, you dumbass. Her name is Kim.” Kim felt extremely awkward.
“Okay guys I’m just gonna go pay for this”. She’d rather buy the underwear from the lady then have to stand and deal with all this weird nervous feeling she had somehow gained in the past 10 seconds.
“Buying undies I see!” Josh shouted. For some reason Kim felt like he was making fun of her. He ran into the store, and Kim was scared out of her mind. He grabbed her hand.
“No!” she said. He was laughing. He kind of pulled her close to his body, and wrapped his arms around her, clasping her fists
“Come on, I just wanna see! I’d like to imagine what you’d look like in them. Haha!” Kim laughed a little. They were kind of wrestling in the middle of Victoria’s secret. All of the sudden she felt a firm hand right on the back of her jeans. She jumped forward
“Hey!” she gave him a weird look.
“Wow, Candice, you really picked a good one.” He rolled his eyes.
“Kim, what’s the big deal?” asked Candice. Shit. Kim felt like she had made a huge mistake.
“Nothing, I just wanna pay for these.”
“Ok, go ahead then.”

Chapter 3.

“Mom, I’m gonna hang out with Candice tonight, if that’s ok”
“Sure hun, what are you doing?” Uh oh. Should she tell her that she was going to a party? And wearing a sexy thong?
“I’m just gonna sleep over at her house, nothing special.” Liar. Kim hated lying to her mom.
“Okay, that’s fine.”
Kim looked in her closet. One side, were all her geeky old clothes. The other side had her revealing, new, black and sexy clothes. She pulled out a navy halter top similar to the one Candice was wearing when they first met. Except this one had kind of sparkly sequins going around the cleavage area. And it showed a little bit of her belly. She slipped it on. Then, she put on the thong. It felt like a wedgie she just couldn’t pick. Oh well, she had to suck it up if she wanted to be cool at the party. Then she got into a little jean skirt from Hollister. Wow.. She looked kind of good. She felt fat though, a tiny bit of her stomach was being pushed forward from the tight skirt. She just hoped it would be dark.
“Kim! Phone’s for you!’ Kim picked up the cordless black phone in her room.
“Got it Mom! Hello?”
“Hey its me” Click. Her mom had hung up the phone.
“Oh hey Candice. Party’s at 9, right? I told my mom I was sleeping at your house if that’s ok”
“Yeah that’s totally fine. So what, we have like 4 hours. Good, cause I wanna do something.”
“You’ll see. Here, can you come over now?”
“Yeah sure, I just wanna finish doing my makeup, I’ll be over in a sec.”
“Okay bye, love ya!”
“Bye!” She hung up. She wondered what it was that Candice wanted to do? Oh well, she finished putting on her eyeliner, and made a last attempt at straightening her bangs. Good enough, she thought.
She lived pretty close by, Kim could walk from where she lived. She turned a corner, and all of the sudden she saw Candice.
“Oh, hey, I was just gonna meet up with you so you didn’t have to walk so much.”
“Oh alright. Well where are we going?” Kim didn’t think too much about Candice’s surprise appearance.
“You’ll see.” She smiled. The kind of smile that made Kim feel secure and intrigued at the same time.

© Copyright 2007 Tina (riseagainstx3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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