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Rated: 13+ · Other · Young Adult · #1228475
Beginning tenth grade, Lexi deals with her nemesis and seeing her old boyfriend.
Chapter One

“Lexi?  Are you sure we’re not forgetting anything?”  My mom turned around and asked for the millionth time. 
I wanted to say to her, “Only the kitchen sink!”, but I figured that would be pretty rude.
“I think we’re good, Mom”, I said patiently.
“Too late to turn back now, anyway Phyllis.  We’re already here!”  My dad was right.  I could feel my stomach churning.  I was finally back at school!  Tenth grade, get ready for Lexi Frost!
I had been attending Northwoods Academy in Franklin, Maine since the sixth grade.  It is a boarding school, and all of the students live on campus.  Northwoods is very focused on academics and they are very selective about their students.  There are only one hundred kids in each grade, which means there are only 700 students in the whole school.  The small class sizes mean lots more individual attention and the ability to study subjects in depth.
Academics were not the only thing on my mind as we made a left onto Beechwood Lane, the only entrance onto campus.  I opened up my window and smelled the fall air.  It did not smell at all like the fall air in Manhattan, where I had packed my bags mere hours ago.  As we drove past the admissions building and the library, I spotted the Grover building, the tenth grade dorm, finally coming into view.  My mom must have sensed my excitement because she chose that moment to turn around and say “Ready or not, Lexi!” 
I hopped out of the car and took a minute to look around at all of the other SUV’s and minivans with trunks and suitcases and parents spilling out of them.  I saw a few familiar faces, but I fought the urge to go running up and greet my friends.  I felt that I should spend some quality time with my Mom and Dad.  I wouldn’t be seeing them again until Homecoming weekend in November. 
I grabbed a small duffel bag and checked the document that was mailed to me last week.  It said:

Frost,Alexis Grade:10                                                          Dorm:  Grover                                Room:  301
Roommate:  Gray, Natalia
Advising Session:  Monday, September 7  8:00 AM 
Advisor:  Mr. Richard Beasley      Room:  Admissions F5

         I did not know who Natalia Gray was.  Apparently, she would be replacing my roommate from last year, Devin Mines.  Devin is a triplet, her sisters will still be attending Northwoods this year.  Devin was much more interested in the “party scene” and didn’t spend much time studying.  She was put on academic probation after the sixth grade, and never managed to make it off probation after seventh, eighth, or ninth grade.  Before tenth grade, each existing Northwoods student must take an aptitude test to be accepted into the upper cluster (tenth through twelfth grade).  Devin didn’t pass the aptitude test. 
         I had been thinking a lot about her lately.  Probably because I was a bit apprehensive about meeting my new roommate.  Devin and I were definitely not the best of friends.  Actually, we pretty much despised each other.  It was a tough year, being her roommate.  I hoped that things worked out a bit better with Natalia Gray.
         I opened the door to Grover and was nearly run over by two empty cardboard boxes with legs.  “Hi Lexi!” the boxes yelled.  I smiled when I recognized the voices of Julia McGee and Maggie Gomez.  Julia and Maggie have been roommates and best friends since the sixth grade.  One will NEVER see one without the other!  I called a quick hello and made my way towards the registration table.  There were just a few kids in front of me, so my wait in line was short.  When I reached the table, I gave my registration form to the faculty member and waited for my key.  I was handed a huge yellow envelope with the key taped to the front.  Since this was my fifth year at Northwoods, I knew what was inside of the envelope.  Instructions on how to use the phone system, my school email address, a map of the campus, my meal card, a schedule for this first week of school (classes didn’t start until next week) and some other papers  that listed after school activities and the dates for sports tryouts and theatre auditions.  This year, my yellow packet seemed a lot heavier.  It took me a minute to realize why.  When a Northwoods student reaches the tenth grade, their schedule is no longer prepared for them.  In the tenth grade, students are given the opportunity to choose which classes they would like to take.  The packet was heavier because it contained the booklet that listed the classes offered to Upper Cluster students.  Hooray!  I couldn’t wait to be alone in my room and pore through that booklet.  Does that make me sound like a dork? 

         After a quick elevator ride, the doors opened onto the third floor suite.  My parents and I stepped out and surveyed the scene.  Every floor of every dorm is set up the same at Northwoods.  The elevator opens up into a lobby.  To the left is the girls’ suites, and to the right, the boys.  A resident advisor (which is just a fancy name for a pseudo-parent) lives in a small apartment off the lobby and monitors the students on each floor.  Usually, the RA’s are single twenty-somethings who need cheap housing and an easy job.  Most Northwoods students are on the honor system, not sneaking into the opposite sex’s suite simply out of fear of being caught, which would result in some serious trouble.  There are two locked doors leading from the lobby to each suite that can only be opened by “key cards” that are issued with your room key.  Northwoods has open visiting hours in the evening from 6PM to 8PM where boys and girls are allowed to “mingle” in their suite’s common area.  This is the only time boys are allowed in the girl’s suites and vice versa.  The key card door opens into the common area where there is a TV area, a quiet study area, and four computer desks with internet access.  There are six rooms located off the main common room, with two or three girls living in each room.  A very large bathroom is located at the far end of the living area.  Room 301 was located directly to the right of the door to the lobby.  I loved getting the corner room.  They tend to be a smidge bigger than the other rooms.  I opened the door with my key and quickly noticed the room was totally bare.  This meant two things….1.  Natalia Gray had not arrived yet, and 2.  I had my pick of which side of the room I wanted.  I decided quickly on the left hand side.  The right hand side housed the closet, making it slightly more cramped than the left.          
         Dad lugged the bags and my trunk up, while Mom helped me make the bed and hang my pictures from home.  Once I was pretty well settled and just unpacking clothes, my parents stood up and got ready to leave.  I knew what was coming….THE SPEECH.  My mom tells me the same things every year, I gave her a long hug and waited for it…
“Lexi” she began, “You’re in high school now, and the decisions you make will decide what your future will be.  Dad and I are very proud of you and always will be.  Whenever you have any trouble at all, don’t hesitate to call us…anytime.  Stay safe and stay sweet.  We love you very much”.
“I love you too, Mom”  I answered.
My dad makes shorter speeches.  As I hugged him, he said “Hang in there, Kiddo.  I know you’ll do great.  Love ya, big girl”.  Then he shoved a twenty dollar bill in my pocket and whispered “Don’t tell mama”. 
         I walked them down to the car and was getting very excited about starting this new chapter in my life.  As I watched them drive away, I got a tiny lump in my throat.  And away we go, I thought!  On my own again….

Chapter Two

I put my head down and started walking back towards the dorm.  I was thinking about the yellow packet on my bed and how I should start looking through it so I would be ready for my advising session in a couple of days.  I guess I was lost in thought because I didn’t see that there was someone in front of me until I walked right into them!
         “Ooof” said a girl I didn’t recognize as she turned around.  She seemed to have been staring at the Grover dorm when I bumped into her.
         “I am so sorry…I just wasn’t paying attention.  Do you need some help?”  I asked as I studied her face.  The girl was very pretty.  She had long, dark, curly hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen.  She was tall and thin and wore glasses.
         She reached out to shake my hand, “I’m Talia Gray, and I think I’m in the right place.  I’m looking for Grover?” the girl said.
         “Ohmigosh!  You’re my roommate!”  I gushed.  “Lexi Frost”.
         Talia’s mom appeared, looking just as lost and nervous as her daughter.  In fact, they could have been twins.  Talia introduced me, and her mom started to look less stressed. 
         “Follow me in, I’ll help you up to our room”.  I bent over to help her pick up her bags at the same time Talia bent over and we bumped heads.  “We’re off to a great start, aren’t we?” I joked as we both rubbed our foreheads and smiled.
         I lead Talia and her mom over to the registration table where she picked up her giant envelope.  Talia’s envelope was blue and even thicker than mine, meaning she was a new student.  As we rode the elevator up, I gave Talia a quick run down of the day’s activities.
         “Tonight after dinner there will be a lot of boring speeches welcoming us to Northwoods and stuff like that.  Then there will be a short time that we will be in the cafeteria and we can meet the professors and other staff.  After that, we’ll come back to the dorm and probably have our dorm meeting with the onsite faculty.  One faculty member lives in the basement of every dorm.  We call this teacher the “onsite”.  This year, I think our onsite is Ellen Bracken, who is the head of the math department.  She and her husband have been living in the Grover dorm for years.  After that short meeting, we are on our own.  Usually on the first night everyone is so tired that not too much goes on after all of the meetings.”  That last part wasn’t really true.  I didn’t know if I should go into detail about the “first night festivities” with Talia’s mom listening.  I decided to give the G-rated version for her sake.   
           We reached the third floor quickly, and I showed Talia and her mom to the room. 
         “I’ll leave you guys alone to get settled.  I’ll just be here in the living room if you need anything or have any questions.”  I offered.
         “Thank you so much Lexi, I really appreciate your help” Talia answered and smiled gratefully. 

         I decided to knock on some doors and see who else I would be sharing a floor with this year.  The school never puts the same girls together year after year, they like diversity.  So unless you request it, you will have a different roommate every year. Some girls would rather stay roommates with the same people, like Maggie and Julia!  I could hear their music playing and some singing coming from room 305, so I knew that’s where I could find them.  I noticed that the door to 302 was shut, so I figured no one had arrived there yet.  When I reached 303, I saw Arika Adams and Jill Jones chatting and unpacking.  Arika is a very talented athlete, and also a straight A student.  She’s very sweet and kind, and always the first to stick up for you if you are getting picked on.  Jill is loud and outgoing, and lives for the stage.  She has quite a singing voice, and often sings the National Anthem at sporting events around school.  I waved and said a quick hello into their room.  They were both deep into their unpacking, but they both came to the door to give me a hug when they saw me.  I didn’t want to interrupt their work, so I kept walking to room 304.  Chloe Barker and Faith Zaharias were lifting up a bed to make bunkbeds in their room.  Chloe plays the trumpet and was my science lab partner last year.  She and I became very close friends, and we had kept in touch over the summer.  It wasn’t a big surprise to see her since we had just talked on the phone last night!  Chloe lives in Pennsylvania, so we actually visited each other a fair amount over the summer.  We toyed with the idea of becoming roommates for this year, but decided against it.  Someone, (I think it was my dad) said it was a bad idea to live with your best friend.  Faith and I were roommates in the sixth grade.  She can sometimes be a bit bossy and loud, but she can also be a lot of fun.  She’s very organized and I have no doubt that it was her idea to stack the beds.  I didn’t want to stop their manual labor, so I just waved and told Chloe I’d be in the living room and to come and see me when she was done.  Room 306 was the only triple room on the floor.  I was unfortunate enough to share a triple room in the seventh grade.  My roommates were fine, but it’s tough to navigate and find quiet time in a room with two other girls.  I peeked in and saw Sarah Masur, Emma Hurley, and Maya Abramson.  Sarah and Emma are best friends and I wasn’t surprised to see them together.  Maya is someone I didn’t know very well.  She just started at Northwoods last year and I didn’t have any classes with her then.  She and Chloe were in the orchestra together, so I had heard a lot about her from Chloe. Everyone I knew said she seemed very nice, just quiet.  I was looking forward to getting to know her better.  I shouted hello over the din and the girls all ran to the door and we hugged.  Sarah had cut her usually long hair all the way to her earlobes.  We oohed and aahhed over that for a few minutes before I noticed the door to my room opening and a teary Mrs. Gray leaving.  I knew that was my cue to go back and see how Talia was doing.
         “Everything okay?” I asked as I slowly opened the door.
         “Oh, Lexi.  Yeah, I, um….just don’t know where to start”.  Talia was wiping her cheek and looking a little overwhelmed in the midst of her boxes and suitcases.
         “I have a few things to put away, too.  I’ll stay in here with you and give you a hand.  I know it’s tough starting a new school where you don’t know anyone.”  I smiled and Talia smiled back.  I had a good feeling about her.  She seemed very nice and I felt badly for her in a way, it IS tough to start school here.  Most of us have been here for four years already.  I made a promise to myself that I would do all I could to make sure Talia was introduced to as many people as possible and felt comfortable here.  I made myself the unofficial welcoming committee.
         Talia started unpacking her clothes and putting them in a drawer and I got to work on my books and pictures and personal items.  We chatted quietly while we worked.  I was happy to have this time with her, and I was getting excited about having a new roommate.  I learned a few things about her as we unpacked.  Talia and her mom lived alone together in a little town about an hour south of Boston, Massachusetts.  She didn’t know her dad, he and her mom were never married.  She was the valedictorian of her eighth grade class, and the first chair violinist in her city’s youth orchestra.  She spent the ninth grade at a private school in Boston, but really was hoping to get into Northwoods.  She had been on the waiting list for Northwoods since the sixth grade, but her name had just come up this year.  She was sad about leaving her friends but knew she would be getting a first rate education at Northwoods.    She asked lots of questions about the orchestra and the fine arts programs at Northwoods.  I told her as much as I knew, and made a mental note to introduce her to Chloe right away. 
         We talked and unpacked right up until 5:30, when it was time to gather in the cafeteria for dinner and all of the speeches.  I washed up a little bit and Talia and I were on our way.  We met up with Chloe and Maya.  They were deep in conversation when I called hello to them.  I could tell from their snippets of conversation that they were discussing orchestra auditions.  I introduced Talia and told the other girls that she played the violin.  Maya perked up at this and said “I play the cello!”.  I let the two of them chat while I talked to Chloe a little bit.
         “I’m so nervous about these auditions on Friday”, Chloe admitted.  “Last year was easy, it was my last year in lower cluster orchestra and I didn’t have to audition.  I haven’t had to audition for orchestra since sixth grade!  Plus, the upper cluster orchestra gets to play at all of the important stuff, like the musical and graduation and stuff.  AH!  I’m getting all stressed out and it’s only the first day!”  Chloe put her head in her hands and I put my arm around her.
         “Perk up, Chloe!  Today is the first day of HIGH SCHOOL. How cool is that?  And you know that you are the best darn trumpet player in this school.  Mr. Laughlin (the band director) loves you; you have nothing to worry about.”  I tried to cheer her up.
         “Yeah, I am pretty damn good, aren’t I?”  Chloe laughed.
         We linked arms behind Maya and Talia and headed into the crowded cafeteria.  We went through the line quickly, choosing our meals and finding an empty table near the podium so Talia could hear the speeches.  We munched on our salad and fried chicken while Maya, Chloe, and I filled Talia in on what REALLY happens after all the speeches and dorm meetings.  You know, the part I couldn’t say in front of Talia’s mom?
         “Last year, after the dorm meeting, our floor went out into the quad and played Frisbee in the dark.  Some kid brought a glow in the dark frisbee”,  Chloe told us.  She and Maya were on the same floor last year.
         “My floor went to the library and went Rollerblading”, I told the other girls. 
         It is almost like a tradition that on the first night, one girl’s suite and the boys on the same floor go out and “bond”.  Of course, students are not really allowed to be wandering around the school grounds after all of the meetings, after curfew.  I know that the onsite faculty members KNOW that everyone is sneaking out.  I think since it has become such a tradition, no one cracks down on the rules until the first week of classes, which would start next week. 
We quieted down when we noticed Dr. Philips, the headmaster, approaching the podium.  He made a long speech about the history of Northwoods and it’s strong academic background and blah blah blah.  And, of course, he ended with “Only you can make or break the school year.”  He looked and sounded like Smokey the Bear, “Only YOU can prevent forest fires”.  After that, the head guidance counselor got up and told us his door is always open, blah blah blah.  And finally, we were dismissed to our dorms to have a meeting with each dorm onsite faculty member.
         The four of us made our way back to Grover quickly, all of us still yammering on about the bonding activity to take place later that night.  On our way back through the doors of Grover, I felt a nudge on my arm.  I turned around and saw Randy Grodsky, a third floor boy, right behind me. 
“Hey, tell your suite that we are going to meet at 11:00PM at the service entrance behind Grover.  We’re climbing to the top of the library to the observatory to watch the stars.  Bonding ritual, you know.  Thanks, Lex.” And he was off.
I quietly whispered the news to Chloe and Talia and Maya.  They smiled knowingly and nodded.  I knew that they would help me spread the word when we got back upstairs. 
Ellen Bracken was waiting for everyone patiently in the basement common room.  The basement of every dorm contains a small apartment for the onsite faculty, a pool table, a ping pong table, an upright piano, some comfortable chairs for sitting and talking, and soda and snack machines.  It is also where the mailroom is for each dorm.  Beginning in eighth grade, every student at Northwoods is required to have a job on campus.  It’s supposed to teach responsibility and give each student a little bit of spending money.  The jobs obviously don’t pay much, and the work isn’t exactly strenuous, but it’s fun anyway.  I worked in the mailroom in the ninth grade dorm.  My friends and I stood leaning against a column and watched the other kids stream in.  I noticed the Mines sisters and waved to them.  They both looked happy to be back at school.  I also saw Pete Ryan, my “boyfriend” from last year.  We went to a few dances together and he kissed me once at the last dance of the year.  We kind of broke up before the summer, both knowing it was impossible to keep dating when we lived three thousand miles away from each other.  Pete is from Arizona.  Seeing Pete again, I got butterflies in my stomach.  He looked good.  His sandy brown hair had recently been cut, and it looked as if he had grown a few inches over the summer.  Pete is a great swimmer, even making the varsity team when he was still in lower cluster.  He looked as if he had been working out all summer.  And his skin was tan.  I would definitely have to go say hello before we went back upstairs. 
When Ms. Bracken started her speech, I decided to look around at the rest of my classmates.  I had heard all of these rules and regulations before, and I figured I could ask Chloe or Maya or Talia if I missed anything.  The only new face in the whole bunch was Talia’s.  I tried to put myself in her shoes, wondering how it felt to be around a group of people who had known each other for years.  I found myself staring at the back of Pete’s head.  I lost myself in a daydream….
Pete and I were strolling through the quad hand in hand.  Neither of us had shoes on, and we were staring deep into each other’s eyes.  Pete had just said something funny and I tossed my head back, laughing at him.  He smiled at me and took my face in his hands.  He was just about to kiss me and….
“Uh, Lexi?  Could you join us on this planet please?”  Ms. Bracken appeared in my daydream.  How embarrassing.
A few kids laughed, and I turned bright red.  I snapped out of it just in time to hear Ms. Bracken tell us that the curfew for the Grover dorm kids was 11PM on weekends and 9PM on weekdays.  Wow, our ninth grade curfew was 9:30 on weekends and 8:30 on weekdays.  She also introduced the RA’s for each floor.  The third floor RA was a recent college graduate named Frank Harrington.  Besides being an RA, he would also be the new assistant football coach.  He looked like a football coach, beefy with a very short military style haircut.  She then mentioned the bonding rituals.
“I know I can’t stop you guys from going out tonight.  Be careful and don’t get caught.  Otherwise, Dr. Philips will make your curfew earlier for the rest of the year.  Next week is when we will really start cracking down on the curfew.”  Ms. Bracken smiled and dismissed us. 
I made my way up to Pete, not sure what I would say to him when I got there.  I got a little lost in the shuffle, stretching to see over the heads of the other kids as I made my way towards him.  I saw him leaning against the wall, chatting with Randy Grodsky.  Just as I approached, I saw a blonde head come out of nowhere and grab Pete from behind.  The blonde swung Pete around and gave him a great big kiss on the mouth!  I stopped dead in my tracks.  As they broke apart, I saw Lacey Blume smiling up at Pete.  Lacey and I were definitely not friends.  Lacey’s best friend at Northwoods was Devin Mines, my ex-roommate.  The two of them were very much “party girls” and not as studious as most of the kids at Northwoods.  Since I am a rather conservative girl, Lacey and her cronies (Devin and her other best friend Amanda Dennis), picked on me a bit. But, of course, my reputation for getting good grades and doing well on exams was not lost on Lacey and Devin.  They both had asked me numerous times to help them cheat, to copy my homework, or to “borrow” my term papers.  When I refused, I earned a reputation as a goody goody.  There were other things about Devin and Lacey that made me question their judgment.  Last year, Lacey was dating an eleventh grader named Luke Daniels and I heard rumors about her sneaking out and spending the night in his room.  From the looks of it, she had long since forgotten Luke.  Feeling silly, I just turned around and headed to the elevator as fast as I could. 
When I got back upstairs, I collapsed on my bed, my head swimming with the image of MY Pete, liplocked with that horrible Lacey Blume.  I don’t know what bothered me more, the thought that Pete had a girlfriend, or that it was Lacey.  Thankfully, Lacey and I have never shared a floor, meaning that I have limited contact with her.  As I lay there staring at the ceiling, a horrible thought came over me.  Room 302.  The one that had the door closed when I made my rounds earlier.  I slowly rose from the bed and headed to the living room bookshelf, under the guise of looking at magazines.  I stole a quick glance to the left of the bookshelf at room 302.  Sure enough, there was Amanda Dennis, Lacey’s best friend.  And lying on the empty bed was a flowery suitcase with the initials LDB embroidered on the front.  Lacey Dinsmoore (yes, Dinsmoore) Blume.  Ugh.  How was I going to survive the tenth grade living next door to the one person at Northwoods that I absolutely despised?

Chapter 3

I headed back to my room and tried not to think about it.  I could be mature about this.  I could be an adult.  It wasn’t like Pete and I had made plans to get back together after the summer.  He was definitely free to do as he liked, as was I.  I sighed.  It would be a lot easier to believe that if he hadn’t looked so scrumptious, leaning against that wall downstairs.  As far as living next door to the Queen of Obnoxious, I could probably handle that okay.  Talia and I were becoming good friends and I had Chloe right across the hall and Maya, too.  I also had plenty of activities and schoolwork to keep me busy.  I probably wouldn’t see her much, only at weekly floor meetings.  And it’s not like I HAD to talk to her or anything.  I know she wouldn’t be going out of her way to talk to me.  I tried to perk up and think about the ritual tonight.  What would I wear? 
I went over to our shared closet and started looking through my things when I heard Talia come in.
“Where’d ya get to after the speech?  Chloe and Maya and I looked for you, but I guess you got swept up in the crowd.”  She asked.
         I hadn’t intended to, but I let loose with the whole story about Pete and Lacey.  It felt good to let it out.  I also told Talia a little about Lacey’s history.  The cheating, the sneaking out, everything I could remember from the past three years.  Ever since I made it clear that I wasn’t going to give in to her sweet talking and let her cheat off of me, she has made life very difficult for me.  Last year she even spread a nasty rumor about me doing things with older boys backstage during rehearsals for the spring play.  It was weeks before the boys stopped making rude comments when I walked by at rehearsals.
         “Wow” Talia answered, and sat down on the bed.  Her eyes got wide.  “It’s going to be hard to live on the same floor with her, hm?  Well, we’ll do our best to keep you guys apart.  I mean, it’s not like you HAVE to talk to her or anything.”  It was like Talia could read my mind.
         I turned back to the closet and picked out a pair of new jeans and a soft blue sweater.  My mom and I had gone back to school shopping a few days before and I had lots of things with the tags still on them.  I changed quickly behind the closet door and reappeared to brush my unruly mane of hair and put on some lipgloss.  I decided I was going to go down to the basement common room to hang out before The Ritual.  I invited Talia to come along with me, but she said she had a few more things to unpack and then she was going to call her Mom.  I told her that I would come back up here before eleven so we could head to The Ritual together. 
         I went across the hall to invite Chloe down with me, but she and Maya were busy with their instruments in the living room.  I have known Chloe long enough to know not to bother her when she’s polishing her trumpet.  She had sheet music spread out in front of her and I knew that she would be practicing her piece for the orchestra auditions.  I quickly told her where I was going and that I would be back before eleven so we could head out to the observatory together.  She nodded and waved as I headed to the elevator.
         I had just stepped into the elevator when I heard a voice say “HOLD THE DOOR!”  I stuck my hand in the door just in time to see Pete headed toward me, with his workout bag and a towel around his neck.
“Oh, uh, Lexi….um…hi” Pete said slowly, as he reluctantly got into the elevator.  I could tell he was as thrilled as I was to share the long ride to the first floor together.  Not.
         “Hi Pete, it’s nice to see you again.” I answered, feeling stupid.  I did not have much choice but to move over and let him in.  I pushed the “B” button a little harder than I needed to.
         “So, headed to the basement?”  Pete asked stupidly.
         “Apparently.” I answered snippily.  I would have to stop this.  I was the one who was supposed to be mature and adult.  “Are you headed to the pool?”  I asked when I noticed his workout bag and towel.
         “Oh.  Yeah, I’m going to get in a couple of laps before The Ritual.”  Pete seemed to be in outer space, but at least the initial awkwardness was gone.
         Finally finally finally the elevator reached the first floor and with a quick wave, Pete was gone.  I let out a long low breath and continued the short trip to the basement.  When the elevator doors opened again, I saw that I wasn’t the only one who had the idea to head to the basement.  Natalie and Ashley Mines were there playing ping pong with two boys from the second floor, Chuck Foster and Nicholas Mann.  I also saw a group of boys huddled in the corner looking at something, and a group of girls in another corner, ogling the boys.  I had some change in my pocket, so I decided to get a soda, and I also brought my coursebook with me, so I could look busy in case there wasn’t anyone to talk to down here.  I spotted an empty chair near the ogling girls and plopped down with my Diet Coke and my yellow envelope. 
         I had been sitting and reading through my book for awhile when I felt someone staring at me.  The little hairs on the back of my neck were standing up and it was a very uncomfortable feeling.  I put my book down and glanced around.  I noticed Graham Peale, a third floor boy, sitting nearby with his face in a tattered copy of The Old Man and the Sea.  I looked around again.  Everyone seemed to be busy, wrapped up in conversation or in games of pool or ping pong.  Must have been a false alarm, I thought.
         I turned the pages in my book to the course offerings in the theater and fine arts department and I felt it again.  Like a weird tickling feeling on my neck.  I glanced up slowly.  There was Graham, still behind his book.  The boys in the corner.  The girls in the other corner.  The twins and their friends playing ping pong.  What the heck was going on?
         Third time’s the charm, I thought, as I turned back to my book.  I tried to ignore the tingling, but I couldn’t stand it anymore.  I slammed my booklet down on the coffee table and looked up just in time to see Graham pull his book back up to his eyes.
         Graham Peale is staring at me?  That’s weird.  We have been in the same classes together for four years and he has never even said a word to me that was not written in a script.  He is actively involved in most of the theatre productions at school, as am I.  Graham has the reputation of being a bit of a playboy.  He dates lots of girls, most of them quite a bit older than he.  He’s also an excellent student, and it’s rare to find him without a book in his hands.  Because of his reputation, many of the girls in our class have tried to avoid Graham.  I try not to get wrapped up in the rumor mill.  I think it is important that I form my own opinions about people, without automatically pasting an identity on them.  I decided to give Graham a chance.   
         “Hi Graham, how was your summer?”  I asked with a smile.
         “Oh, Lexi, I didn’t see you there.  My summer was good.  And yours?”  He asked.
         I smiled, “I’m happy to be back at school.”  Graham nodded in agreement.
         “Are you going to the Ritual later?”  He asked.
         “Wouldn’t miss it.  You?”  I asked.
         “I think so.  I guess I’ll see you at the service door later, then?”  He asked.
         “I’ll be there.”  I answered and glanced at my watch.  It was time to head back upstairs to meet my friends.  I smiled, waved, and gathered my things to head back upstairs.  Graham winked at me and smiled back.  Graham WINKED at me?  What the heck was that all about?
         I took the stairs back to the third floor.  I didn’t want any more chance encounters in the elevator with a certain Mr. Ryan.  I started thinking about Graham on the way upstairs.  I tried to replace Pete in my daydream with Graham.  I just couldn’t do it.  It’s not that Graham is unnattractive, he’s actually very good looking.  He has red hair and very blue eyes, and he is tall and pretty muscular.  It’s just that….he’s GRAHAM.  He is certainly not who I had been thinking about all summer long.  But what the heck?  Reputation be damned, Graham deserved a chance.  Chloe thinks I am boy crazy.  Sometimes I believe her.  I suddenly had to talk to her and tell her what happened with Graham.           
         Chloe and Maya were still sitting on the couch with their sheet music out when I got to the third floor.  This time I didn’t care about interrupting and I barged right in.  Talia had just come out of the room and joined us, so at least I would only have to tell the story once.  I spilled my story and looked at my friends.
         “So?  What is that all about?”  I asked.
         Maya was the first to answer.  “I had a lot of classes with Graham last year.  He was always real nice to me.  I heard that some scorned girlfriend spread the whole playboy rumor”,  she offered.
         I nodded.  “So what do I do now?”  I asked.
         “Honestly, Lexi, for someone so boy crazy, you sure are clueless.”  Chloe said sarcastically.  “If you like him, flirt a little bit tonight and see what happens.  If you don’t like him in that way, just treat him like you always do and he’ll get the hint.  He’s a smart boy.  And just forget about that whole playboy thing.  Make your own decisions.  You know Northwoods is like RumorWoods,” she suggested helpfully.
         “And if you’re not sure,” began Talia, as if she were reading my mind, “you can always flirt a little tonight and see how it goes and decide in the morning if you want to keep it up or put it to rest.  Maybe you’ll be able to tell after tonight if the whole player thing is really true.” 
         I decided that I would follow Talia’s advice.  As I got up from the couch and headed to the bathroom, I noticed Lacey and Amanda watching my friends.    Had she heard that conversation about Graham?  I made a mental note to only talk about private things in my room from now on.  I expertly ignored the two Obnoxious Twins on my way to the bathroom. 
         I checked my teeth in the mirror to make sure I didn’t get any lettuce stuck in them at dinner.  I checked my outfit to make sure I didn’t sit in anything gross like pudding.  I actually did that once, before my first day of classes in sixth grade.  It took me a LONG LONG time to live that one down.  I am extra careful now.  I decided that I looked fine and I was ready for anything, and I headed out of the restroom to meet my friends. 
         We walked down the stairs together to the service door and noticed that all of the boys had arrived already.  We waited a few minutes before heading out into the darkness.  I spotted Graham up front with Eli Brown and Clark Rosen, some other boys from the floor.  I would wait until we got to the observatory to “make my move”.
         The observatory was only a short walk from our dorm, and the night air was warm and breezy.  It was nice to be back at school with my friends, and I was happy. I felt a little nervous, thinking about how I was going to flirt with Graham.  What would happen?  Would he think I was nutso?  Or would he flirt back?  Little butterflies were dancing in my stomach just thinking about it.  I am not exactly flirtatious.  I gave myself a little pep talk as we neared the observatory.  I felt like the Little Engine That Could.           We climbed the library stairs in a huddled, whispering group.  We were all excited and nervous and filled with anticipation.  When we finally reached the top, Pete Ryan popped open the door to the observatory and we all stepped back out into the night air.  The view was breathtaking.  I had only been up to the observatory once, during my preliminary visit to the school with my parents, which was the year before I started at Northwoods on Homecoming Weekend, and that was in the middle of the afternoon.  There were large telescopes set up all around the room.  There was a large circular table in the middle with benches all around, for students to sit and take notes.  A large light hung down over the table, but it was off.  We all got very quiet and still, taking it all in.  I noticed Pete with his arms around Lacey, kissing her.  I felt a bit sick to my stomach watching them, so I quickly turned the other way and walked over to one of the telescopes.  I was off by myself, staring at that telescope, wishing I knew how to work it when I felt someone behind me.  I turned slowly and saw Graham.  He started fooling with the knobs on the telescope and turned to me and said, “I had intro to astronomy last year….can I help you?”.
         I just nodded and let him fiddle with the knobs.  I watched his face closely.  He really was an attractive guy.  And so smart.  I decided to give this flirting thing a try. 
         Just as he was finishing the adjusting, I reached out and touched the top of his hand.  “Thanks, Graham” I said, and gave him one of my best smiles.  He smiled back and nodded his head and pulled his hand away quickly.  He looked as if he might be blushing, but it was hard to tell in the dark.  I took the blushing as a sign that he was sincere.  A sign that the rumors were just that…rumors.
         I bent over and looked through the telescope at the moon.  I couldn’t help but say “Whoa” under my breath.  It really was beautiful.  I could still feel Graham behind me, so I straightened up and tried to think of something smart to say.  Turns out I didn’t have to say anything. 
         “I’m glad I’m on the third floor this year” was all he said.  He smiled at me and gently touched my shoulder.  I felt something in that little touch. Maybe it was the excitement of being back at school.  Maybe it was the realization that someone had a little crush on me.  Whatever it was, I knew it was going to be a very interesting year.

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