Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1230107-Mind-Over-MatterChapter-Two
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1230107
The first two or three chapters are pretty short and quick.
                             Chapter Two: Twisted
         When the Monday for the first day of school came around a week later, William was less than thrilled.  New school, new teachers, new books, and new rules equaled no good for William.
         “Add one new kid and you have yourself a chance for new stares,” he thought, getting into his truck.
         William made his way to the outskirts of town, where the high school was located.  As he pulled into the student parking lot, he realized that his truck was going to stand out.  Callie’s joke was not so far fetched.  The other vehicles were pretty easy to see that they were second hand or used.  Although, a lot of the cars seemed to have been detailed to cover up their age, whether by paint, window decals, or actual car add ons.  William smiled at some of the cars as he parked his truck.
         William hurried into the school through the front entrance.  The worst part was yet to come.  Having to talk to the secretary and get the unreasonable stack of papers that came with being the new kid, was not the greatest thrill.  He had been through it enough times that he was hoping that once, the previous school would just fax the papers he filled out there.
         “Hi, can I help you?” the middle aged secretary asked politely, when William entered the office, off of the main hallway.
         “Hello.  I’m William Baker.  I just moved here,” William said with familiarity of the paragraph.
         “Oh you are the new one, are you?” the lady asked, looking at him before rising from her chair to go to a file cabinet.
         “No, I just said I was new to get stares from the whole school,” William muttered, annoyed so she couldn’t hear him.
         “Here we go!  William Baker.  You have some papers to fill out for us,” the secretary said, handing the small stack of papers across the counter.
         William groaned and started flipping through the stack.  The secretary looked at him kindly.
         “You’ve done this before haven’t you?” she asked with a smile.
         “Way too many times,” William replied, nodding.
         “Well then I’ll tell you what,” she said, tapping on the stack of papers, “You just get settled into the school and get these back to me by Friday.”
         “Really?  That would be great.”
         “We have a deal then.  Here’s your class list and a map.  If need to make any changes after today, just come in here and we will see what we can do.”
         “Alright, thanks.”
         William left the office and stepped out into the main hallway that was buzzing with people.  As people walked by, he looked at their wardrobe, then looked down at his jeans and converses, shrugging.  There was a wide variety off people here, he could easily blend in after the  first couple days.  That was his goal at least.  Not to stick out.
         William walked down the hall, glancing inconspicuously at the map and up at the doors of the classrooms.  He thought he was going the wrong way and turned to go back, accidentally bumping into someone.
         “Sorry,” he muttered.
         “Don’t worry about it,” a familiar voice replied.
         William looked up from his map to see Tommy standing in front of him.
         “Hey Tommy,” William said, recognizing the boy.
         “What’s up William?” Tommy grinned.
         “Trying to find my classes,” William admitted, “And it’s not going so well.”
         “What class do you have first?”
         William told him and Tommy pointed him in the right direction.  William thanked him an hurried off.  He made it into the classroom just before the bell rang.  Sighing quietly, William chose a seat at the back of the classroom.
         The rest of the day went like it would a normal school day.  William snuck into his classes surprisingly unnoticed and remained invisible through each class.  Only at lunch did people notice him, when he made the mistake of noticing Callie sitting at a table.  He could recognize that face anywhere, since it was one of the few he knew.  He grabbed his tray and made his way to a table the Tommy had said he could join them to eat.  As he passed Collie’s table she looked up at him and he smiled.
         “Hey, Callie,” he said as he passed.
         “I’m sorry, do I know you?” she asked, blankly.
         William stopped and back tracked to stand in front of her.  A couple people turned to look at him.
         “Excuse me?” he asked, confused.
         “Do I know you?” she repeated, carelessly.
         William dropped his tray on the table, startled and confused.
         “Are you serious?” he asked.
         “Is something wrong hun?” a boy with brown hair next to Collie asked her.
         William blinked.  It was the first time he noticed who was sitting next to her.  It was the same brown haired boy that walked into the video rental store as he was leaving.  He watched as the boy reached for Callie’s hand and placed it in his own, comfortingly.
         “No Alexander, it’s alright,” she replied, leaning her head on his shoulder.
         William tried to control his rising temper.  This girl was completely denying ever meeting him!  He couldn’t understand what she was playing at.  He opened his mouth to say something, his face angry as the girl looked at him blankly, when someone came up behind him.
         “Let it go William,” the person hissed in his ear, “Come with me.”
         William looked down, to see a pale hand pulling at his arm.  He looked up to see a boy with black hair motioning to him with his head to follow him.  William looked back at Callie who was now absorbed in looking in the boy she called Alexander’s deep brown eyes.  The black haired boy could tell he was still wanting to say something and tugged hard on William’s arm.  For as skinny as he was, he was strong.  William was pulled away from the table and out of the cafeteria.  William planted his feet and yanked his arm out of the boy’s grasp as soon as they stepped foot outside.
         “What are you doing?” he demanded.
         “Look, it’s not going to help to start an argument at that table,” The boy replied, “Even if you had made a point that you had ever met Callie no one would believe you.”
         “What are you talking about?  Why would I lie?” William said angrily.
         The black haired boy paused, staring down at him.  William took the chance to survey him.  He was about six foot six and a skinny as could be possible without being checked into a hospital for a disorder.  His hair was cut unevenly yet a couple inches long.  His bangs were several inches longer than the rest of his hair and hung in his face unless he shook his head, when they fell to one side.  His eyes were as green as William’s however the outer rim was a darker green, giving him an unfamiliar spark.  William’s eyes traveled over the lip ring and the earring in his right ear, before traveling to the tattoo on his forearm in the pattern of an arm band.  His long, slightly tight jeans were held up by a black spiked belt and his black shirt fit over his chest snug.  William felt slightly intimidated by the height of the boy, but quickly shrugged off the feeling.
         “All I have to say is that if you were smart, you would just let it go.  It’s not worth messing or arguing with anyone at that table.  Trust me.”
         With that, the boy entered the cafeteria without another word.  William stared after him in disbelief.
         “What kind of nuthouse is this school?” he muttered, with eyebrows raised.
         “Mr. Baker! Is there a reason you are not at lunch?”
         William turned to see his math teacher walking down the halls towards him.
         “No sir,” William replied quickly, and slipped back into the cafeteria.
         William walked to the table where Callie and Alexander where still sitting, to grab his tray.  He tried to make no eye contact with the girl but he felt a pair of eyes boring into the top of his head and he looked up.  Callie was staring at him intently.  Her eyes were blank but she still seemed to be trying to communicate something.  William held her gaze for a moment until Callie dropped her gaze to the floor by her chair.  William looked down and saw her hand was clenched into a fist.  Sticking out of her fist was something white.  William looked up at Callie but she had turned her head back to Alexander.  William went to pick up his tray and looked down once more in time to see Callie’s hand open and a napkin fall to the floor.  Her hand quickly recoiled into her lap.  William set his tray back on the table and ignoring the stares from the people at the table, bent down as if to tie his shoe.  Quickly, he snatched the napkin off of the floor and shoved it into his pocket.  Standing, William took his tray and walked away.  Grabbing his sandwich and bottled water off the tray, William tossed the rest and stalked out of the cafeteria.  He made his way to the nearest bathroom and locked the door behind him.  Munching on his sandwich, William pulled the napkin out of his pocket.  He unfolded it, expecting an apology written on it.  Nothing prepared him for the plea that was written instead.
         Help me!
         William reread the words, startled.  The words were barely legible, as if Callie had a hard time writing it, but the plea was still there.
         “She doesn’t apologize.  Instead she’s begging me to help her.  Help her with what?” William thought, confused.
         Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.  William shoved the napkin back into his pocket and quickly finished his sandwich and drank his bottle of water.  Tossing the wrapper and the bottle away, William ran to his next class.
© Copyright 2007 Bethany K. Brown (pencil2paper at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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