Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1238322-College-Essay
by W.F.P.
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #1238322
A practice college essay I wrote
I want to do something important with my life. I feel that I was meant to change the world with my writing. I want to
give people ideas that they could never concieve. I want to write movies, books, television, and songs because I want to get my
ideas across to everyone. I have always been told that I was a creative person, even in school friends would tell me that I would
be famous in the future because of the ideas I have and the things I say. I like to think that I could write things that would change
people's perspectives about alot of things. It has been impossible to do these things in high school. High school has been a great

learning experience for me but not very much of the learning I did was in the classroom. It has been the experiences that I have
had and the people I have met that taught me the most. I learned about isolation, relationships, and responsibility, among other
         The high school world is a very stressful one because lets face it, high school kids are mean. There is very little
loyalty and isolation can some times come into effect. Isolation can be a problem because in high school the people that you
think are your closest friends can turn on you in an instance. Isolation is really an off and on problem in high school, atleast for
me it was. It was during these periods of isolation that I could really express myself through my writing, but these periods of
isolation were alot of the time very depressing. That's why depression is such a huge problem in high school because everyone is
so mean to one another. I believe that every high school student experiences this isolation at some point or another during high
school, some more then others. Although it is painful it can teach you alot about yourself and how you cope with emotional pain.
It definitely taught me how important it is to me to have people that care about me.
         That brings me to the next topic that I learned so much about in high school, which is relationships. I learned how
important it is to have people that you are close to. I really think the only thing that has held me together through my entire high school career was my friends. I think that friends are the most important thing on earth, because without friends what else

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