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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Animal · #1238448
A story of love, friendship, horses and ambition
They turned into the bustling field alive with people, ponies, horseboxes and cars. There were four arenas sectioned off with a small assortment of tents and marquees. The loud speaker was decidedly crackly but you could just make out what the commentator was saying.
Serena and Leah let down the ramp gently and climbed up it. Dancer was the first to come down, clearly excited to be at a show as she hadn’t been to one for about a year. Quince bounced down the ramp and looked around him with a casual gaze that suggested he knew what he was doing. Doughnut leapt off the bottom half of the ramp, jerking Serena forward and then continued to jump around, doing little rears then spinning round and trying to run off in the opposite direction. He was always like this at shows but Serena and Jack were used to his little antics, knowing most of the tricks he came out with. Once Doughnut had calmed himself down Leah bought out Lakkana who looked about him with wide eyes but other than that was perfectly behaved.
Once the ponies were settled with haynets and water, all their travel equipment now removed, Jack, Serena and Leah went off to the secretary’s tent to get their numbers and enter their classes. Jack entered 2’3” and 2’6” jumping with Quince, Horse and Hound and bending with Doughnut and Prettiest Mare and fancy dress with Dancer. Leah entered Lakkana in Handsomest Horse and Cheekiest Horse.
As they wandered back to the lorry they looked at the schedule they had been given and worked out where they needed to be when. Leah didn’t have any classes until the afternoon so she was going to help Serena sort Jack out and get his ponies to him when he needed them. Shows were the only time that Serena allowed Jack to act like the other posh children. He didn’t have to groom or tack up, his ponies were bought to him at the rings and he didn’t have to walk them around to cool off. Serena felt that he got better results if he only had to focus on his round and how he was going to ride it.
Back at the lorry Leah and Serena gave Quince a quick flick over and tacked him up whilst Jack got his show gear on helped by a flapping Mum. She always got more nervous than Jack at shows who was usually pretty chilled. He didn’t let the crowds or the other horses faze him, he just focused on riding well.
Serena legged Jack up onto Quince and tightened his girth. Jack gave Quince a squeeze and headed off to the main arena, his family following behind. Quince was jogging slightly and snatching at the bit but Jack just carried on adjusting his number tape, an elbow hooked through his reins. Serena watched him and was proud to see how calm he remained when a pony was being naughty and how natural he obviously was in the saddle.
They got to the collecting ring and Jack started trotting round whilst Leah and Serena went to examine the course. It was a long but fair course with no sharp turns or awkward approaches. The double was a nice two strides in between and Serena was confident Quince would get the strides well. There was a spooky upright turning away from the entrance to the arena that could cause some problems but she was sure Jack would go clear.
Serena and Leah went back into the collecting ring and walked Quince round whilst Jack walked the course himself having been told which fences to look at well. Quince was very calm now; Charlie said he had had a little buck in his first transition to canter but seemed to have settled and had jumped the practice fences nicely.
“Did Nick say he was going to come up to the show?” Serena asked Leah.
“Yeah. I told Dad I’d need him to help me with Lakkana so he gave him the afternoon off.”
“Doesn’t he know you’re going out with him now?”
“NO! He’d kill me! Going out with a groom? No, he’s got me set up in his mind with a lawyer or a doctor.”
“It doesn’t matter what he is, he’s a really nice person and he looks after you. Isn’t that all that matters?”
“Not to my Dad. His salary and social standing is a lot more important.”
“That’s just not right,” Serena smiled at Jack as he came out of the arena. “What did you think of the course?”
“Pretty straightforward. Can I have a leg please?”
Serena legged him into the saddle and gave him a pat on the head. “You’re fifth in the ring.”
Jack trotted Quince round for a few minutes then asked for canter and popped the cross pole with inches to spare.
“That’s such a wicked little pony,” commented Leah watching them sail over the upright.
They walked over to Charlie and Serena’s mum, Harriet who were watching the first few riders in the 2’3”.
“Any clear rounds yet?” asked Serena.
“No, the best so far is four faults. Right, here’s our boy,” said Charlie, pride showing on his face.
Quince trotted into the arena pretty calmly, jumping into canter slightly when he heard the bell and then settling into a nice rhythm to the first fence, a parallel with a kind approach. They cleared fence one and two perfectly and did a brilliant turn back to the double. Quince chucked his nose in the air slightly and sped up but Jack kept his hands soft and rode to the fences well. Quince put in a perfect two strides and jumped the last element beautifully with a lovely bascule. Quince looked like he was getting stronger but Jack stayed calm and finished the round with no faults, putting him through to the jump off.
The girls walked over to the collecting ring to congratulate Jack and tell him the jump off course.
“Well done Jack, that was a great round. The jump off is 1, 3a and b, 6 which is the planks, 9 which is the water tray and 11 which is the upright. Got that?”
“Yep. That course was easy.”
“The jump off is going to be harder, if you go too fast you won’t make some of the more difficult turns.”
It wasn’t a big class so there were only seven clear rounds giving Jack a good chance of a top three placing. He was first into the arena. Quince sidestepped when his name was announced and the crowd clapped but he didn’t run off and got a nice transition to canter this time. Quince cleared the first jump and got in a good tight turn back to the double. He stayed settled and jumped through the double nicely. Jack did a sharp turn left and jumped the planks across at an angle to get a good line to the water tray, which Quince cleared. They then had a long gallop down to the upright and Quince came back to Jack when he gave a pull to steady for the fence. They sailed over the last jump but Quince pecked on landing, chucking Jack forwards in the saddle. A gasp from the crowd went up but Jack pulled himself back into the saddle and galloped between the finishing cones with no stirrups but clear and fast.
The rest of the class were having poles down at the last upright and there was a fall and a stop at the water tray. Jack and another girl were the only clear rounds with Jack’s time being three seconds faster. He’d won his first class on Quince!
Jack then repeated his victory in the 2’6” and rode back to the lorry beaming.
“I think you and Quince are going to make a cracking pair,” said Charlie, patting Quince on the neck.
“See I told you they’d get on well,” Serena smiled. “You’ve got Prettiest Mare with Dancer and then straight after you’ve got the bending race with Doughnut.”
Leah put on Dancer’s bridle, removing the reins and clipping on a lead rein. Serena tacked up Doughnut putting on the running martingale and flash noseband he wore at shows and adjusting his reins down to the bottom ring on his Dutch gag.
Leah legged Jack up onto a bareback Dancer and lead him over to the in hand ring, Serena following with a prancing Doughnut. Dancer behaved impeccably in the Prettiest Mare class, keeping her ears pricked at all times and really stepping out in trot. She got second place after a very pretty dapple grey Part Bred Arab.
“Looks like the judge favours Arabs. Got to be good for Lakkana and me,” laughed Leah.
As soon as Jack left the in hand arena Serena chucked him up onto Doughnut who had now decided he was bored of dancing around and was standing, head drooped with a back leg resting looking the picture of innocence. It was a different story when he felt the weight of Jack on his back but Jack was used to his little rears, prancing and pulling.
Doughnut was the smallest pony in the bending race, giving him a disadvantage with the length of his leg for speed but a distinct advantage in his nippiness! Doughnut leapt off the line as soon as he heard the starting whistle and galloped flat out down to the bending poles where Jack steadied him slightly and bent him between each set of poles without an inch to spare. They motorbike turned round the cone at the top and speed back down between the poles at an extended canter, galloping over the finish line well ahead of the bay in second place. Doughnut flew round his lap of honour, caked in sweat with froth dripping from his mouth but he was obviously pleased with himself and did a very nice fly buck out of the arena.
“He’s in good spirits today,” said Jack, laughing and wiping the froth from his face that Doughnut had just flicked at him.
“Leah’s taken Dancer to the lorry and she’s going to bring Archie back with her because Horse and Hound starts in about five minutes.”
Serena and Jack went off to walk the Horse and Hound course whilst Harriet held Doughnut. The course was tiny as the object of Horse and Hound is to ride the course on your pony and then jump the course with your dog and whoever gets the fastest time wins.
Once they had walked the course Jack got back on Doughnut and popped over the little practice fences whilst Leah and Serena attempted to entice Archie over. He did step over them eventually but wasn’t all that keen.
Jack was second into the arena. The first person had a slow round on an ancient Shetland but was very quick with a speedy whippet. Jack entered the arena with Leah holding Archie. He sped round the course of jumps in incredible time and leapt off Doughnut, handing the reins to Leah and grabbing Archie’s lead. Archie set off quickly but wasn’t so sure when he came to the first jump, eventually jumping it with much encouragement from the crowd. They finished their round in a moderate time as Archie soon discovered that if he jumped a pole he got a big cheer and he loved the attention!
Jack, Doughnut and Archie finished in third place, the fastest pony time being Doughnut’s which allowed them to jump a few places past faster dog times.
“Right, I’d better go and get Lakkana for Handsomest Horse. Nick should be here any minute,” said Leah. Sure enough Nick’s Land Rover could just be seen entering the field and heading for the lorry park down the left side of the field.
Leah and Serena arrived at the lorry at the same time as Nick pulled up, a big grin on his face as he saw Leah.
“Hi baby girl,” he said, pulling her towards him to kiss her and then turning to Serena and giving her a peck on the cheek. “How are my two favourite ladies?”
“Great thanks. We’ve missed you,” Leah said, smiling up at Nick, her hands wedged into his back pockets.
“I’m fine thanks. Jack’s doing really well and Leah’s first class starts in about fifteen minutes,” Serena replied. Nick looked even cuter today. A wisp of hair had fallen down into his eye and his jeans were super tight showing off his muscular thighs. Leah was certainly one lucky girl.
“Right. Well I promised your Dad I’d help you so I’ll get Lakkana ready.”
“No I’ll help you. I don’t want to treat you like my groom,” Leah kissed him gently and then took his hand and led him over to Lakkana to say hello. “He’s being so good today. We haven’t had any tantrums and he went straight up the ramp. I think he might be finally losing all that excess energy.”
“I’m going to get Dancer’s costume on now. I’m not sure where Jack and Doughnut have got to, he’s probably found one of his mates,” said Serena.
“The fancy dress can’t start until my class has finished anyway because it’s in the same ring,” Leah told Serena.
“That’s true. I might as well get her ready and then hold her next to the ring and watch you and Lakkana,” replied Serena.
Jack’s costume was a medieval knight and Dancer was dressed up as a jousting horse complete with hood. Jack even had a miniature lance!
Once Lakkana and Dancer were ready and Serena had packed Jack’s costume into a bag they walked over to the fun classes ring over the far side of the showground. Lakkana jogged all the way, his eyes wide and his tail held even higher than usual but he wasn’t naughty or even that strong.
Serena watched Leah and Nick. She was so pleased for her, she hadn’t seen her this happy in a long time. Nick pulled back Leah’s hair from her neck and kissed her just behind her ear and then whispered something that made Leah flush prettily and turn to look at him with pure adoration in her eyes. He kissed her on the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin resting gently on her head whilst they watched the rosettes being given out in the class before Lakkana’s.
“Wish me luck,” said Leah as the class before trooped out of the arena, colourful ribbons fluttering on their bridles.
“Good luck beautiful,” Nick replied, kissing her on the lips and then giving Lakkana a pat. “And you Mister, better behave yourself!”
Serena laughed and stroked Lakkana’s nose. “Good luck Leah, you’ll be fine.”
Leah led Lakkana into the ring behind a stocky Irish Draught and a cute little New Forest pony.
“Well I think Lakkana’s won it hands down as long as he behaves himself,” Serena told Nick, her eyes scanning the competition.
“Yeah and I think if he was going to be naughty he would have done something by now. We should have him sat on by the end of the week.”
“Leah thinks it will take much longer.”
“Not if he carries on behaving like this.”
Lakkana behaved perfectly, only pulling slightly during his individual show when he was trotting back towards the little cluster of horses and ponies. Sure enough he got the red rosette and Leah came out beaming with renewed hope in finally breaking this plucky little colt.
Jack came running over, huffing and puffing with the exertion of making it over to the ring in time for the fancy dress. Nick helped Jack get on his costume whilst Serena tightened Dancer’s girth and made some minor adjustments to her costume. Jack trotted into the arena just in time and tagged onto the back behind a fairy with very spectacular wings. Dancer had obviously switched off whilst she was basking in the sun and did a rather lazy individual show but the costumes stayed in place which was the main thing. Dancer finished in third overall behind Winnie the Pooh with Eeyore and a very sweet ladybird.
Leah decided to withdraw Lakkana from Cheekiest Horse as he had done so well in Handsomest and she didn’t want to push her luck.
Nick helped the girls untack the ponies and then get their travelling gear on whilst Jack and Charlie went off with Archie to get ice creams for everyone. All the ponies were loaded and ready to go by the time the ice creams arrived so everyone sat on the ramp watching ponies trying to be loaded with various little tricks such as lunge lines round their bottoms (usually to no avail).
Jack and Harriet went home first whilst Charlie, Serena, Nick and Leah cleared up the droppings round their lorry and put away the haynets and water buckets.
“I’m going to go back with Nick. Will you drop off Lakkana at my house please?” asked Leah, both girls watching admiringly as Nick bent over to pick up the water buckets.
“Yeah sure. I’ll see you in a minute,” Serena said, giving Leah a quick hug and then lifting Archie into the lorry before climbing in herself. She wound down her window and poked her head out. “See you in a minute.”

The next day was Sunday and Leah and Serena competed in an affiliated Novice one day event with Spartacus and Tenby respectively. They took Leah’s lorry and Nick drove for them, supplying them with good music and various packets of crisps! The day went well with Tenby finishing fifth and Spartacus sixteenth after a silly run out at a narrow corner.
Serena spent the night at Leah’s talking about Nick and the horses, eating their way through two tubs of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. They then spent the rest of the night drinking Archers and watching girlie films until they fell asleep at seven the next morning.

When they finally managed to wake up and get dressed at midday Serena and Leah walked down to the yard to say hello to Nick. Nick and Leah shared a rather subdued kiss as the gardener was lurking and they didn’t want to send tongues wagging; Leah’s Dad was sure to find out if the household staff were gossiping.
“Me and Serena have got a show at Aston-Le-Walls on Tuesday so will you drive us there in the lorry? I’m doing Novice on Sadie and Serena’s doing Intermediate on Holly.”
“Of course I’ll drive you, it’s my job!” Nick smiled at Leah affectionately before patting her on the bum and picking up the pile of empty haynets next to her. “I’d better finish these then it’s my lunch break. We can chat properly then.”
Nick walked off towards the hay barn, turning round to blow Leah a kiss before disappearing inside.
“Oh my God he’s so heavenly,” said Leah, stroking Macey Grey’s nose and feeding her a Polo.
“Damn right he is you lucky cow. How come I never get the nice lads?”
“My brother fancies you, he always has.”
“Really?” Serena thought about Hugo, Leah’s brother. Sure he was good looking and he had his fair share of girls after him but they didn’t exactly have much in common.
“I told him you were too good for him though.”
“Leah! That’s nasty!”
“Do you fancy him?”
“I haven’t really thought about him like that. He’s okay.”
“But okay isn’t good enough is it?”
“No not really. I want fireworks like you and Nick have.”
“You lost you’re virginity to Ralph Meyers at my 17th,” grinned Leah.
Serena groaned. “We swore we’d never mention that again.” Ralph was a head shorter than Serena, teetotal with a bad case of dandruff and an annoying squint. She’d been so plastered she would have gotten off with Father Christmas if the chance had arisen and only found out about Ralph when she received half a tonne of red roses from him for the next week as well as a proposal of marriage.
Serena had had one serious boyfriend when she was sixteen. He was two years above her at school and everyone fancied him. Why he’d chosen shy, lanky Serena none of the other girls knew but he bought out the beauty in her with a huge boost of confidence. It had all ended though after a year when Serena left school and he was planning to go to university in Ireland and she hadn’t had a proper boyfriend since. Serena craved intimacy and company but she was always in Leah’s shadow whenever they went out.

Nick backed the lorry into a nice shady spot on the showground of Aston-Le-Walls. Leah’s dressage started in an hour and Serena’s started an hour after that.
“You ladies go and sort out your numbers and I’ll unload the horses,” Nick said, looking round the showground for the secretary’s tent. “Over there in the far corner.”
“Okay see you in a minute. Sadie will probably need walking round for a few minutes because she gets herself all sweated up in the lorry,” Leah explained, tip toeing to kiss Nick and then linking her arm through Serena’s and heading towards the secretary’s tent. Nick smiled to himself as he watched the disappearing figure of his girlfriend, “God she’s got a gorgeous bum” he thought before letting down the ramp on the lorry.
The girls got their numbers and walked back to the lorry, laughing at the attention they were getting from the young lads. Leah knew she looked good in her jodhpurs whereas Serena was modest about her looks and figure, not thinking she was a patch on Leah.
“Ah isn’t he adorable,” giggled Leah as they approached Nick. He had his back to them and was standing next to the ramp, rolling a lead rope.
Leah skipped up to him, putting her hands over his eyes. “Guess who?”
“Leah what are you doing?”
Leah jumped as she recognised her Dad’s voice. She quickly put her hands by her side and went up to her Dad, hugging him. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see how this mare I spent an arm and a leg on was improving. You haven’t answered my question though Leah. What were you doing to the groom?”
“I was just messing around Dad.”
“Yes, well I’d prefer it if you didn’t. You know how people talk and I couldn’t have them pairing you up with the groom now could I?”
“No Dad.”
“Good. I’m glad we’re clear on that.” Leah’s Dad turned to Nick. “Get that mare tacked up and ready for my daughter to ride.”
Leah stared at the ground, an embarrassed flush rising from her neck.
“Come on Leah let’s go and walk the cross country course,” Serena jumped in. Her friend was in obvious discomfort and they needed a discussion on why her Dad was really here.
“I’ll be back in a minute Dad, just going to walk the course with Serena.”
“Okay but don’t be too long, you need lots of time to warm up remember.”
“I know Dad, I’ve done this enough times already.”
Leah flounced off, Serena having to run to catch up with her.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Leah simmered.
“Calm down Leah. It might just be what he says, he’s come to see Sadie.”
“Of course it isn’t. He’s never interested in the horses. I bet it’s one of those bloody gardeners gossiping about Nick and me. He’s got wind of some snippet of information and decided to follow it up, hoping to catch me in the act I suppose.”
“Slow down Leah, I can’t keep up. Do you think he suspects anything?”
“Of course he does. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have come here.”
“Yes I know but I meant do you think he still suspects something? He saw you messing around with him.”
“I’m not sure, I think he just thinks I’m flirting that’s all.”
“Well you’ve got to be more careful. What about the other night at Karina’s party?”
“What about it?”
“Well you left your car at Karina’s and got a lift home from Nick in the morning.”
“Yes but he thinks I got a lift home from Jessica Green. I said I’d had too much to drink to drive so I stayed at Jessica’s and she dropped me off in the morning.”
“Okay. Well I think you’ve got away with it. Don’t be mad at your Dad, be friendly but not flirty to Nick and just concentrate on riding well especially if he has really just come to see Sadie.”
The girls were on the course now, pacing out the distances between a coffin. The course was roughly the same for each section with Serena taking some bigger fences and trickier options with an extra section added onto the end to make the course longer.
Leah had calmed down by the time they got back to the lorry. Nick legged her up into the saddle and held Sadie still whilst she tightened her girth.
“You two stay here and look after Serena’s mare. I don’t want either of you distracting her,” Leah’s Dad ordered.
“Dad! That’s not fair.”
“It is, now get this animal over to the warm up area sharpish please young lady.”
Leah sighed and shortened her reins. Nick and Serena watched as Leah and her Dad disappeared in the maze of horseboxes and people.
“Oh my God. Can you believe that man?” Serena shook her head and turned to Nick who was looking both hurt and relieved that he had finally left.
“No I can’t. Why does he have to upset Leah so much? Well, we might as well just wait here with Holly until you can start.”
Serena and Nick sat down on the ramp, Serena’s tack in a neat pile next to it.
“I might as well give my tack a quick clean. There’s nothing else to do.”
Serena got up and filled a bucket from their many containers of water.
“I don’t see how this can work with me and Leah if I’m honest. Her Dad is never going to let us be together and I don’t see how we won’t be found out eventually. It seems it will be sooner rather than later too if we’re not more careful.”
“Hey, don’t get all depressive on me. This is supposed to be a good day.” Serena flicked some water at him from her cloth.
Nick smiled cheekily, dipped his fingers in the bucket and flicked water back at her.
“Hey!” Serena laughed and then squealed as he dunked a sponge in the bucket and threw it at her. Serena picked up the sponge and chased him round the side of the lorry where he was hiding behind Holly.
“You wouldn’t want to scare Holly now would you?” teased Nick.
“No you’re right, game over,” said Serena. Nick emerged from behind Holly and slung an arm around her shoulders. Serena took the opportunity and shoved the sponge down on his head. Nick laughed and grabbed her round the waist before she could run off, pulling her to the floor amidst squeals of protest from Serena. The wet sponge slammed into Serena’s face but she wasn’t about to let him get away with it that easily. As he was running off she grabbed his ankle causing him to fall onto his hands. Serena chucked the sponge at the back of his head before they both collapsed onto the ground, laughing.
Serena was suddenly very aware of how close Nick was. Their heads were level and he was on his side facing her, their thighs touching. She turned to look at him, his big brown eyes searching her face. She felt his hand brush a wisp of hair out of her eyes. He kissed her gently on the lips and looked up at her, seeking her approval to take it further. Serena wrapped her hand round his neck and pulled him towards her, kissing him gently at first and then more passionately. Nick slipped his tongue into her mouth and Serena realised she had wanted him to do this but hadn’t let herself admit it because he was Leah’s. Shit, Leah. Serena pushed her friends face away from her mind and concentrated on the fact that Nick was kissing her, his lips hungrily exploring her neck now, one hand in her hair, the other on her hip and edging beneath her top.
“You bitch, Serena.”
Nick and Serena leapt guiltily apart, registering Leah’s voice and catching a glimpse of her running back towards the arena. Both of them just sat on the grass stunned for a moment and then turned to look at each other.
“I didn’t mean that to happen Serena.”
“I know. Me neither.”
“What are we going to do?”
“I could go and talk to her?”
“We both know that wouldn’t be a good idea. What was she doing back here anyway?”
“Maybe she forgot something.”
“Maybe. Oh no Serena. I’ve messed up haven’t I?” Nick stood up and ran a hand nervously through his hair, his forehead creased in exasperation. Serena found herself looking at his lips but stopped herself and stood up too, brushing the grass off her jodhpurs.
“Yep. We both have.”
“Tack up Holly. I need some time to think. Is that okay?” Nick looked at her and tried to see what she was thinking but she wouldn’t look him in the eye.
“Yes that’s fine.” Serena ran a hand down his arm but she refused to look at him when he caught hold of her wrist and tried to pull her towards him. She didn’t want him to see the tears spilling down her cheeks.
“Serena. Hey, look at me.” Serena carried on looking at the ground, her hair forming a curtain over her face. “I never meant to hurt anyone you know.”
“Me neither.” Serena gently unclasped his hand and glanced at him quickly before turning away and saying under her breath, “But we have.”
Nick watched her walk over to Holly and wrap her arms around her neck, burying her face in Holly’s plaited up mane. He didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t sure if Serena was upset because she’d messed up her friendship with Leah or because she really liked him but knew he was going to try and get back with Leah. Nick sighed and kicked the bucket of water over stalking off in the direction of the show jumping arena, the opposite direction to the dressage ring where Leah would be.
Serena looked at his retreating figure. Why did she have to fall for her best friends boyfriend? When he had kissed her it had felt like a swarm of bees were doing the Can-Can in her stomach. She felt the electricity between them when they were lying next to each other but she hadn’t thought Nick felt the same. Maybe it was her imagination. When he leant in to kiss her though she felt like she had died and gone to heaven. But Leah was surely the one he would go for, they had seemed so happy together but now between her and Nick they had ruined it. Serena had lost the best friend in her whole life. Maybe it wasn’t irreparable although Serena knew she wouldn’t forgive Leah if the tables were turned.
Serena wiped the tears from her cheeks and took a few shuddering breathes. She still had to ride and get a good result for Holly’s sake so she pushed all thoughts of Leah and Nick to the back of her mind and set about tacking up Holly, picking up the sponge that had started all this trouble in the first place and chucking it into the upturned bucket.

Serena heard over the loud speaker whilst she was warming up that Leah had had a clear in the show jumping despite the obvious distraction of finding her boyfriend with his tongue down her best friend’s throat.
Serena positioned herself so Leah would have to come past her to leave the collecting ring but she simply stuck her nose in the air and cantered past. Leah’s Dad, obviously not registering the coldness between the two girls, patted Holly on the neck and wished Serena luck.
She warmed up in a daze, not even caring when she realised she was first into the arena and she couldn’t remember the dressage test. Serena trotted into the ring and halted squarely at X. It was coming back to her a bit now. Holly was behaving perfectly, she would normally have been pulling, eager to get started but she obviously felt the distractedness of her rider. Serena completed half the test beautifully but halfway through she noticed Nick watching her in the crowd. They locked eyes for a split second but this momentary loss of concentration caused Holly to break into a canter during the extended trot. Serena managed to get Holly focused again and they completed the test without any more mishaps. Serena looked over to where Nick had been standing as she left the arena on a long rein. He wasn’t there and Serena felt a pang of disappointment.
Holly was again perfectly behaved and fast in the show jumping and cross country giving them second place and the special award of highest placed rider under 21. Serena smiled for the photographer and during her lap of honour, trying to disguise the fact that all she wanted to do was burst into tears.
Serena dismounted when she left the arena, loosened Holly’s girth and lead her back slowly to the lorry after all the necessary vetenary checks. No one was there. Sadie was munching quietly on her haynet and Leah’s Dad’s Aston Martin had gone. Serena untacked Holly and gave her a good wash down and a groom. She got her lunch box that her Mum had given her but she wasn’t hungry and ended up giving her apple and banana to the horses. She got her mobile out of her bag but there were no messages.
Serena made sure Sadie and Holly were tied up securely and then walked off to see if she could see anyone she recognised. She couldn’t see Leah or Nick anywhere so she headed over to the small cluster of trade stands. Everything was coming to and end now and a steady stream of cars and lorries were leaving through the exit. Stewards were packing up fences and demolishing plastic flower arrangements whilst brightly clothed boy Scouts attempted to direct the traffic.
Serena shoved her hands into the pockets of her Toggi jacket and made her way back to the lorry. Leah was putting travel boots on Sadie but she made a point of turning her back on Serena.
“Hi Leah,” Serena said, meekly. No answer. Leah didn’t even look round.
Serena climbed up the ramp and pulled out her travel boots, tail bandage, poll guard and fleece rug from her crate that Leah and her had decorated with pictures of their favourite riders and breeds when they were about ten. Leah and Serena carried on getting their horses ready to travel then loaded them up in silence. Leah pulled her iPod and Vogue magazine out of her Fendi handbag and climbed into the cab of the lorry, slamming the door firmly behind her. Serena collapsed in an emotionally exhausted heap on the grass and started picking daisies, absentmindedly making chains like she and Leah had done when they were small. Serena thought back to one summer when they had decorated their ponies’ tack with daisy chains and then ridden through the fields pretending they were riding unicorns.
Serena looked up as she heard someone approaching. Nick stood above her, his hands wedged in his jeans pockets and his head hanging dejectedly. Serena stood up, aware that she had been sitting where just a few hours before they had lain entwined.
“Is Leah back?” asked Nick in a small voice, still looking at the ground.
“She’s in the cab.”
Nick nodded and kicked at a clump of dandelions. “Is she okay?”
“I don’t know. She’s not talking to me.”
“I don’t blame her.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? It wasn’t just me you know.”
“I know. I’m sorry Serena. I just… I’m just confused okay? Tired too. Let’s just go home.”
Nick walked past her and she turned to watch him climb into the cab and close the door. Great. Now what was she supposed to be doing? Giving them a minute?
She walked round the front of the lorry and looked up through the windscreen. They were pressed against both doors as far away from each other as possible, Nick nervously drumming his fingers on the steering wheel and Leah flicking through her magazine. Serena opened the door on Leah’s side and watched as she slid over slightly without looking up. Serena climbed into the cab and reached over Leah to turn up the radio.
All the way home no one spoke. Leah carried on reading, Nick concentrated a lot harder than usual on driving and Serena chewed at her nails whilst staring nonchalantly out of the window.
After what seemed like a lifetime they finally pulled into Leah’s drive and Serena got out of the lorry to let Leah out. Nick got out too and let the ramp down, leading Sadie out and handing the lead rope over to Leah. She didn’t thank him, just snatched the rope and marched off towards the stables.
Nick looked at Serena and shrugged his shoulders before getting back into the lorry. Serena watched Leah walk round the corner into her yard and then climbed back into the lorry too.
“That’s it then isn’t it?” Nick sighed, putting the lorry into reverse and backing down the drive.
“Not necessarily, she might come round yet. It’s only been a few hours.”
Nick nodded. “I really like you Serena. But Leah… it couldn’t work.”
“I know. Best friends ex-boyfriends are strictly off limits. Even though I really like you too.” Serena looked away from Nick’s heartbreaking gaze and willed herself not to cry. Not in front of him.
“You’re beautiful Serena but…”
“You think Leah’s prettier?” Serena sounded childish and petty even to herself but she couldn’t stop herself saying it.
“Serena don’t do this to me. You’re a great girl and I want us to be friends. I… I think I love Leah though and I don’t want to let her go over something that was just a mistake.”
“Well I think she’ll forgive you. It wasn’t your name she said when she saw us.”
“That’s true. I hadn’t thought of that. I’m sorry I put you off in your dressage test too. Did you get a good result?”
“Yes. I came second overall.”
“That’s great. Serena? I want to ask you something. You can say no.”
Serena looked at him, not sure what he was going to say.
“Will you help me get Leah back? I feel such a bastard asking you to help me but I want you to.”
“Okay. I just want you and Leah to be happy.”
Nick turned into Serena’s drive and stopped outside her house. He grabbed her hand as she went to open the lorry door. “Thanks Serena.” Serena smiled weakly at him, looking into those chocolate brown eyes one last time before pulling her hand away and getting out of the cab.
Nick sat for a moment, exhausted with everything that had happened this afternoon. He watched as Serena led Holly through the gate into her yard and then got out of the lorry to unload her tack and equipment.

Serena sat in her bedroom the next morning looking at her phone. She’d dialled Leah’s number six times so far, each time hanging up before it had a chance to ring. She didn’t know what to say. What was she supposed to be saying? Was she supposed to be making up with Leah too? Or was she just the messenger between Leah and Nick?
“Serena? Are you coming down yet? Those horses need to be fed,” Harriet’s voice came floating up the stairs.
“I’ll be down in a minute. Just need to ring Leah.” Serena hadn’t told her Mum about what had happened. Harriet had noticed she’d been quiet but didn’t want to push it any further, thinking she’d come round when she was ready to talk about whatever was bothering her.
Serena took a deep breath and dialled Leah’s mobile number. After three rings Leah answered, her voice clipped and hoarse as if she’d been crying.
“Leah. It’s me”
“I know.”
“I’m sorry Leah.”
“Is that the best you can manage?”
“No. I… yes. I don’t know what else to say.”
“So are you and Nick together now?”
“I wish!”
Serena regretted the words as soon as they were out of her mouth.
“Oh. So he doesn’t go out with sluts that betray their best friends?”
“Leah! It wasn’t just me. He kissed me first!”
“You didn’t object though did you? You didn’t tell him where to go?”
“Exactly. You’ve betrayed me Serena.”
“I know I have but neither of us meant for it to happen.”
“Yeah but it did. I come back to the lorry to get my number and the last thing I expected to see was you and Nick rolling around on the grass together. I don’t want to see either of you ever again.”
“But he loves you Leah.”
“He loves you. He told me on the way back to my house. He said he loves you and he just wants you back. He’s torn up inside, Leah. He hates himself for hurting you.”
“Yeah? Well he has a funny way of showing me he loves me.”
“Come on Leah. Don’t let him go.”
“I can forgive him but I won’t forget. As for you Serena, I really don’t know. It’s going to take me a while to start trusting you again. Do you understand that?”
“Of course. I’ll give you some space. Call me if you ever need to talk or whatever.”
“Okay. Bye Serena.”
Serena put the phone down and laid her head in her hands. What was she supposed to do now? Serena picked up her mobile and sent a text to Nick-
“Just spoke 2 Leah. I think she will 4giv u. Not so sure bout me tho. Tlk 2 u sn. Lv Serena. X”
Nick answered almost immediately saying thank you. Pushing her mobile into her pocket, Serena stood up and went downstairs to feed the horses.
© Copyright 2007 Eleanor (ellierose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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