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Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1246114
Superboy Jamie Story
The Secret of the Myst

A new Superboy Jamie story

By Rob Aultman
Editors Rex Torres, Forest McNeir, Bill Handy, Tom Nichol
Superboy/Jamie created by Rex Torres
Myst/Robby created by Rob Aultman

The Secret of the Myst – Part 1


The first bell had just rung as a large group of students streamed through the tall, metal gate, emblazoned with the legend, “Welcome to the J.F.K. Middle School” greeting every student that strolled under it. Few students paid attention to the sign, however. They were far more concerned about making it through the door and being present in the first period’s classroom, in order not to be written up as tardy.

None of the students noticed a blue-and-red figure soar across the sky at high speed. It was no bird or plane, but a teenage boy who could fly across the sky at high speed. The boy landed atop the roof, slipping into the Boy’s restroom through a secret door.

“Whew… I made it… But I keep on cutting it close…” the boy laughed as, quickly, he set his backpack down and unzipped it. Reaching into it, he pulled out a sweater, a pair of sweats, and his basketball shoes. “I’d better hurry and slip into my street clothes, before the second bell rings!”

Superboy’s quick change took no more than a few seconds. He donned his blousy sweater and sweats over his super hero costume. His boots, folded and flattened, went into a hidden compartment in his backpack, replaced by a brand new pair of high tops. Now, no one would recognize the short, broad shouldered muscle kid as the Boy of Steel. Now he presented himself as Jamie Kent, the merry seventh-grader who had earned the reputation of “super-goof” and class clown.

Jamie strolled out of the restroom and jogged to room 106, where his English class was about to get started. He stepped through the door and hurried towards one of the last two empty desks near the back of the room.

When he finally sat down and tossed his backpack to the floor, he spotted an unfamiliar face, a new kid he had never seen before.

“Hey…” Jamie said to him, as he pulled his book and notebook out of his red backpack.

“Hi… How are you?” the boy answered shyly.

The new boy was slightly taller than Jamie, but he was maybe a year younger by the look of him. His flaming red hair fell down his face, almost covering his bright, emerald green eyes. He was lean, very wiry-athletic, with broad shoulders and long, slender legs.

Jamie introduced himself with a megawatt smile. “You new here?”

“Yeah… I’m Robert, but everyone calls me Robby…” the new kid replied, as he drew his notebook out of his book. “This is my first day. I just moved here from the Boston area!”


The second bell finally rang. It was time to face front and pay attention to the teacher, who stood at the front of the class.

“Good morning, everyone!” the teacher trilled, with a smile.

“Good morning, Miss Cooper,” the students answered in unison.

“Class, I would like to introduce all of you to a new student who has just moved here,” Ms. Cooper announced pointing at Robert, who sat immediately to Jamie’s right. “Please stand and introduce yourself!”

Robert stood up, feeling a bit self-conscious, now that all other students had turned around to see him.

“H-hi… My name is Robert, Robert McCloud,” the boy said in a soft voice. “I am twelve years old, and I just moved here from Boston. I play baseball and I love to play video games…”

“Welcome, Robert” Miss Cooper continued. “What would you like us to call you, when you’re in school?”

“Well, Miss Cooper, most people call me Robby… Robby’ will be fine. I just got here, so I hope I’ll be making a lot of new friends…”

“Of course you will. You may sit down, Robby!” the teacher said, as she stepped towards the blackboard and began to write.

“Nice to meet you, Robby!” Jamie whispered, as he leaned towards his new neighbor. “I live right down the street, so we could hang out together after school, okay?”

“Jamie!” Miss Cooper snapped, startling Jamie. “Is there anything you would like to share with the rest of the class?”

“N-n-no, Miss Cooper!” the mighty “Boy-of-Steel” stuttered meekly. “I j-j-just wanted to welcome Robby to our school!”

“That is very thoughtful of you, Jamie…” the teacher replied sternly. “But our class has started and I need for everyone to pay attention. You must wait to chat with Robby until class is over.”

“Yes, Miss Cooper…” Jamie replied, a little chastened that the teacher had called him down for talking during class.

Jamie remained silent during the rest of the period, but he resolve to get better acquainted with Robby once school was out. There was definitely something about this kid that drew him but he could not for the life of him put his finger on it.
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